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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Chroma looks like he was designed by an epileptic 5 year old who lost his glasses in an airport bathroom. Absolute crap. Sad and why does he have a flipper coming out of his !, at least give him a decent tail.

You are sooo butthurt it isn't even funny.

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Chroma looks like he was designed by an epileptic 5 year old who lost his glasses in an airport bathroom. Absolute crap. Sad and why does he have a flipper coming out of his !, at least give him a decent tail.

Do you have art to show from an epileptic 5 year old that lost his glasses in an airport bathroom? (Also, do you not know how epilepsy works?)

Chroma was designed by the same person that designed your favourite Warframe.

Edited by Xiusa
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with the release of the Zephyr warframe, did you really expect Chroma to look even remotely similar to the original concept? if you thought it would, you havent been paying attention.


Mynki obviously wants to push the art team in a direction that isnt the fan concepts and go somewhere different. instead of getting the wind elemental that the original Zephyr was, we recieved an "Mynkified" avian, synonymous to the element of air. instead of a sinister dragon that you'd expect from a fantasy, Mynki delved into mythological dragons and took a more Eastern vision. the original concept looked more like shelled dragon. the concept Mynki went with looks like a more organic alien creature with few dragon-like features. the ridges on the arms give a more serpentine appearance while the long slender snout gives it resemblance to ancient Eastern dragons. of course, this appearance is confused for that of a seahorse or anteater, but thats on Mynki for making it look such a way.


i understand that many of you find it hard to see anything dragon-like in this frame; it takes an awful lot of consideration to see it, but i feel it's unfair to completely deny the dragon-like nature of it's appearance, even if Mynki failed at it.


personally, i dont mind the design. it looks weird, but what would you expect from a game that revolves around wierd aesthetics?

You are stretching your imagination quite a bit there in regards to the looks of Chroma. It does not look like a dragon frame therefore it is not a dragon frame.

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He looks fine, not everything has to appeal to you.


There's 20+ frames for a reason.


Very true and mature statement, altough a lot of people seem to be unsatisfied with how the concept turned out.

We don't have a word to say as it is the Artist vision, and you cannot ask a piece of art to match everyone's need/want.

Overall yeah looks disapointing to me but i will still give it a try and the gameplay might compensate for the appearence.

Edited by Crotax
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B*** ain't got no legs either. Ain't even got legs (sorry I had to say that, for those that get it).

That being said, I'm laughing right now because I'm thankful for what DE did. Indeed I was expecting a sterotypical dragon-suit look and DE didn't dissapoint at not delivering that, it is good to know they can take a different route from expectations.

Yes of course there's going to be people raging around because this is not the exact image they had in their mind, but they clearly haven't learned by now that DE's designs are their own, not one of some fanart you saw once.

Well what do you expect, instead of trying to open up or at least being aware of how things work by now, this community is very well known for having the childish "This doesn't look exactly how I wanted/that one guy drew it, therefore it's stoooopid!" moments for any new frame that comes out.

Oh I am not denying that their art is their own. I am denying however THAT PIECE OF CRAP FOR A WARFRAME!

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My main thing though, is this thing could easily be called something else, reserving the spot for a better form to represent something as Iconic as a Dragon.

Boring old tired representations, well, there's a reason for that, dragons invoke an image of power & reptilian fury, scales, teeth, hard sharp things, powerful in stature, and brutal in combat, a force to be feared, this thing representing the orokin or tenno built representation of a dragon just doesn't sit with me, and a number of folks, who would rather see boring ole same old same old, done with War frames world, don't have to reinvent the wheel to make a car look nicer, a few fins & a racing stripe can work wonders.

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with the release of the Zephyr warframe, did you really expect Chroma to look even remotely similar to the original concept? if you thought it would, you havent been paying attention.


Mynki obviously wants to push the art team in a direction that isnt the fan concepts and go somewhere different. instead of getting the wind elemental that the original Zephyr was, we recieved an "Mynkified" avian, synonymous to the element of air. instead of a sinister dragon that you'd expect from a fantasy, Mynki delved into mythological dragons and took a more Eastern vision. the original concept looked more like shelled dragon. the concept Mynki went with looks like a more organic alien creature with few dragon-like features. the ridges on the arms give a more serpentine appearance while the long slender snout gives it resemblance to ancient Eastern dragons. of course, this appearance is confused for that of a seahorse or anteater, but thats on Mynki for making it look such a way.


i understand that many of you find it hard to see anything dragon-like in this frame; it takes an awful lot of consideration to see it, but i feel it's unfair to completely deny the dragon-like nature of it's appearance, even if Mynki failed at it.


personally, i dont mind the design. it looks weird, but what would you expect from a game that revolves around wierd aesthetics?

 You can sugar coat it however you want.  There are 2 different styles of Weird in Warframe.  And most of us don't like the this "style of weird."  Basically from me reading various websites regarding Warframe.  Not too many like anything Mynki does.  But thats another topic and I'll let those people speak for their self.  Me, personally...  I like designs such as Nyx/Nyx Prime/Excal/Mesa/Rhino....all of that is the SLEEK WEIRD.  So from what I'm used to,  I imagined a sleek dragon frame...not some infested ..whatever the hell...abstract blaugh


And it seems a lot of people who like "Sleek Weird" have realized DE has strayed away from Warframes original look..which was SLEEK.  But..back on topic...


I'm only looking at the end result.  And my judgement is screwed  because the player-base and DE crowned this thing as a Dragon Frame.   Zeph is a Wind Dragon then.........Ember is a Fire Dragon then if you want to coincide weird aesthetics with said concepts. 

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Oh I am not denying that their art is their own. I am denying however THAT PIECE OF CRAP FOR A WARFRAME!

Tell me, do you undesrtand the meaning of 'taste', or perhaps 'subjetciveness'?

You are stretching your imagination quite a bit there in regards to the looks of Chroma. It does not look like a dragon frame therefore it is not a dragon frame.

Also this is just ridiculous, there are many fan designs of 'dragon frames' out there, please do show me where, anywhere, that says how a dragon frame 'should look like'. Edited by RahuStalker
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They don't redesign frames. There hasn't been a single warframe that when players complained about its looks got a redesign (Zephyr's "Melted Ice-cream" look; Nekros' bone thin limbs; Nova's giraffe neck)


From what I heard in the Tennolive recap the Chroma's abilities sound pretty underwhelming and from a aesthetic design standpoint its hideous and unappealing to look at, but I'll live/get over it.

Edited by Grand-Dozer
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He looks fine, not everything has to appeal to you.


There's 20+ frames for a reason.


"He looks fine" too you.


But that's ok. I'll keep pretending like Excalibur is a Drake frame and Excalibur Prime is a dragon frame (if you look closely, you can kinda see it in the helmets, the back, and the fins/blades on his arms).

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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While I am somewhat... disappointed... at the first look myself, I say we take a bit longer and look at all of the angles and options with him.


Personally, I think he looks like someone wearing a mascot costume. If he didn't stand like he had reverse scoliosis, I expect he might look much more formidable.


As for his crocodile helmet... I wasn't happy with the beetle helmet for Mirage, but loved Harlequin. Maybe DE can try for my money here too.

Edited by Archwizard
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17 year old.

You called the designer of dark souls 17 years old and his artwork as such.


Ok I'm not gonna rip you apart for that completely idiotic statement and say this:

So because all dragons in myth have scales, this means that dragons in media must also have scales then?

I use it as a point because Ishki says that every reference states that they have scales.

Yet here we are, with a dragon from a video game with no scales.


His point is invalidated because he assumes THAT THEY HAVE TO STICK TO TYPICAL DESIGN.

That is complete and utter BS, if this was the case, every dragon that was made would be the same boring design that every form of media follows.

I didn't mean to call the designer a 17 year old.  I meant if you find something else make sure it isn't fan-concept or from a game.  I don't believe they should stick to typical design..but I do believe they should stick to what made Warframe ....Warframe......and if anything that warframe looks like something we'd kill instead of something we'd use to help us in combat

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