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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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It says it right in the name, bruh.  It's a dragon, and a pretty majestic one at that.

So I could name a monkey "dragon" and by your logic it would be a dragon. 



Just like how rhino doesn't look like a rhino? I iz disapont ahah jk I don't care XD.Besides they said it would be inspired by dragons but they didn't say which ones as far as looks goes as far as I'm aware.All I know they said was some of his abilities were inspired by asian dragons for being an aspect of luck.(proof-tennolive 2015)

At least rhino doesn't look like a pile of infested meat! 

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k so fish are Dragons now , heres the water dragon next frame , this is a Dragonfish


DE SAID DRAGON THEMED AND NOT FISH THEMED NOT ANTEATER THEMED , people are trying to justify Crhoma looks because of the name of a damn fish , well heres a dragon fish he looks more badass then a Sea@(*()$horse


He is correct.

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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Just like how rhino doesn't look like a rhino?


Yeah, and Excalibur doesn't look like a sword, Ash doesn't look like a pile of ash, Valkyr doesn't look like a Valkyrie, Vauban doesn't look like a frenchman, Mesa doesn't look like a table, etc etc.


Just tragic.  All this false advertisement.


So I could name a monkey "dragon" and by your logic it would be a dragon. 




A monkey is a monkey, a dragon is a dragon.  C'mon man.

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So I could name a monkey "dragon" and by your logic it would be a dragon. 



At least rhino doesn't look like a pile of infested meat! 

TBH I don't like rhino and prefer chroma over him looks wise in my opinion XD.

@LONEHUNTER lol that's hilarious

Edited by -Jack.Of.Blades-
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How about you go take a look through the fan forums and tell me what the community wanted. Search up "Dragon". Tell us what you find. I'm certain it is nothing like Chroma.

And I'm certain none of them look like each other anyway, so? And in anyway I have nothing to prove, people always wanted a dragon theme warframe and now we have it. It's you along with other that refuse to call it such because of its looks.

" Its not a dragon frame because it doesn't looks like a dragon" you know that logic can apply to a whoooole lot of frames right

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Just like how rhino doesn't look like a rhino? I iz disapont ahah jk I don't care XD.Besides they said it would be inspired by dragons but they didn't say which ones as far as looks goes as far as I'm aware.All I know they said was some of his abilities were inspired but easter dragons for being an aspect of luck.(proof-tennolive 2015)


So Obvious discrepancies aside, Rhino LOOKS armoured, He Looks heavy and he looks like he can take a beating, Traits shared by a multitude of animals BUT more importantly, These traits are found in rhinos so although Rhino may not look like a real life rhino, there are similarities you can draw between them.


Chroma does not share any traits with any Dragon I know of, bar that he breathes "Fire" [Or "ice" or "Toxic" Etc...] however they have said that it was a Dragon inspired frame and was brought up 2 devstreams ago and not necessarily Just the abilities

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Yeah, and Excalibur doesn't look like a sword, Ash doesn't look like a pile of ash, Valkyr doesn't look like a Valkyrie, Vauban doesn't look like a frenchman, Mesa doesn't look like a table, etc etc.


Just tragic.  All this false advertisement.



A monkey is a monkey, a dragon is a dragon.  C'mon man.

Yeah and a fish is a freaking fish! Don't discard your reasoning when it suits you!

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Yeah, and Excalibur doesn't look like a sword, Ash doesn't look like a pile of ash, Valkyr doesn't look like a Valkyrie, Vauban doesn't look like a frenchman, Mesa doesn't look like a table, etc etc.


Just tragic.  All this false advertisement.



A monkey is a monkey, a dragon is a dragon.  C'mon man.

of course they dont look like what they are called because dats their @(*()$ names, but a THEME its different, like mesa is a gunslinger and we got her looking like one, limbo magician themed and he looks like one, so why Dragon theme must look like a anteater or a damn fish

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And I'm certain none of them look like each other anyway, so? And in anyway I have nothing to prove, people always wanted a dragon theme warframe and now we have it. It's you along with other that refuse to call it such because of its looks.

" Its not a dragon frame because it doesn't looks like a dragon" you know that logic can apply to a whoooole lot of frames right

At least those frames aren't ugly piles of infested meat.

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I have nothing against Chroma's design; it has a nice "feral" touch, although most people consider it wrong to relate this design to a dragon.


But at this point, we should not consider this a Dragon Frame. Obviously this design in no way, excluding the tail, resembles a dragon. The first time Chroma was teased, his powers were said to be based on light. What we have is a Light Frame, not a dragon. 


Technically, we could still get our Dragon, There are a lot of players who despise the model, and complaints are be posted by the minute, to the point where DE would have to look into it. If we as the players are successful in getting the Devs to look into this, DE would either update the model, or classify him as a Light Frame, as he should be, and make the next frame a dragon.


In past Devstreams, when a frame was teased with a concept, the results were usually accurate, and the models often had a symbolic reference to there concepts. 


ex: Mesa-Gunslinger, Zepyhr- Wind, Hydroid-Water/Pirate, Ember-Fire,etc


Even so, The concepts influence both the model AND it's powers. I can't see how Light is tied with a dragon, other than breathing fire.


Chroma's powers are also more solid evidence of why His theme is light, not a Dragon. His powers, as stated by the Devs, are introducing a new mechanic where colors defined what type of damage his moves inflicted.  NOT something that can synergize well with a Dragon.


We were promised a Dragon frame. And most of us who watched Tennolive were excited to see it, but after the reveal, even most of the audience seemed to be dumbfounded with silence at what they saw. Yes most of us thought there would be some likeliness to a European or Asian dragon, but realistically, Chroma's model looks more like an amphibious  mammal, and most people prefer and love to call him an anteater, I prefer to call him a Ninja Wookie.


What are your thoughts on Chroma? Do you think he should be considered a Light Frame? Or can you give me reasons to why this looks anything like a dragon?


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Thats a very interesting take on it, and i can very well see your logic.


But i feel future cosmetics will continue to push Chroma to Dragon than anything else.


That, and Scott did say that the design tried to take from several different dragon mythologies.


I still think they arent too far off the mark

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And I'm certain none of them look like each other anyway, so? And in anyway I have nothing to prove, people always wanted a dragon theme warframe and now we have it. It's you along with other that refuse to call it such because of its looks.

" Its not a dragon frame because it doesn't looks like a dragon" you know that logic can apply to a whoooole lot of frames right

Oh your CERTAIN are you!? Well I am certain you are simply discarding facts when it suits you! Chroma needs to be changed. Plain and simple.

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A light frame? You mean like the one we already have? Mirage?


And the first time he was teased they talked about colors, not light, its an important differentiation. He is based on the chromatic dragons from d&d. Like that's the whole point...

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