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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Teased In Devstream 45, 46, Tennolive) Anticipation Megathread


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Like what a lot of people have said, I think Chroma has a design we're just going to have to get used to. When I first viewed it anyway, it's fair to say that I was on the side of "molten wax" or "searhorse ant-eater hybrid", but now I'm not really bothered. The design did shock me a little, and I was disappointed that it didn't resemble a Western dragon as much as a lot of us had hoped. Hoowwwevverrr, I do like Chroma and the abilities behind him. I think I would have preffered a Dragon Frame like the one Endrian had designed, but credit to the design crew. Imo, I think Chroma looks cute.


Not to mention that there's still alternate helmets and cosmetics.


EDIT: Spelling.

Edited by TimberEyes
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Or the community would actually get what it wanted, and the few people who are in love with Chroma here, that 23%, would be the ones complaining about Chroma being stereotypical.

You have the actual number, where did you get them? You head? No Letter, is right. Other people including myself wouldn't like his design if he was a stereotypical dragon. It wouldn't be creative at all, it would be pretty damn bland actually. See Limbo, Mesa, and Mirage for examples.

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I did a quick 5 min squetch on how he could look if he had a more western dragon look



Well I do like the original design, I just think that the uper part of his head is way too long, if they just make it a little shorter.. maybe this will take of the vibe of a sea-horse/ant-eater, and he realy looks infested which is kinda cool =P


While the idea of a western dragon alt helmet is nice, and I like your drawing, I must say the original is pretty cool.


As for it not looking like a dragon at all, well, whatever. Rhino doesn´t look all that much like a rhino if you ask me.

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Then people would whine and complain about how it's stereotypical and that DE has no originality. Just saying. People love to complain, plain and simple.


People may complain for the sake of complaining however when something is made because of "Community request" we kinda hope that the end results end up having similarities in the fan-art created for that theme or having a poll to see what kind of dragon the community would have rather seen would have worked much better than just saying "Dragon frame" and then releasing the teaser to something that more so resembles an Anteater

Edited by Eredoc
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Or the community would actually get what it wanted, and the few people who are in love with Chroma here, that 23%, would be the ones complaining about Chroma being stereotypical.




Yes, it looks really cool right there, but that angle hides the full appearance of the frame, and that's the problem. And yes, the slouching stance of the frame adds to the terrible look. If the start of that gif was it's default animation, at least then it'd have a more appealing posture.

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Looks like he kinda-sorta has two ridges on his back. Not really connected to his arms as they don't appear to move when he brings his arms in, but close to them. I'd suppose they're wings, or at the very least the closest to wings we'll get with Dragonframe. Wing-nubs.


I've seen worse... wings  :c



People in circus can breathe fire.

So, leather-like material is considered dragon enough now ?

Muzzle shout is confusing, some people are saying that its a horn, some people saying that its his face. Pick one. He either shoots fire through a mechanical nozzle located on his forehead or he has seahorse face and shoots fire out of his mouth.

Tail, it's a really, really, flat tail, almost beaver like. I don't have any beef with it but many things have tails.


Now, onto the things he doesn't have:



-spiky bits

-some tough looking skin

-pride and power(have you ever seen a dragon in anything that was a pathetic weak creature ?)

-clawed hands/feet with scales


Now, onto the things he doesn't have:

-scales (Sibarian:  Infested skin is being used as this universes replacement for scales, remember?)

-teeth (Sibarian:  Not every dragon needs teeth)

-spiky bits (Sibarian:  Not every dragon is spikey mc. edgy edge edge with red and black color designs)

-some tough looking skin (Sibarian:  Being honest...  Infested skin is pretty thick imo, though it's kinda a grey area)

-pride and power(have you ever seen a dragon in anything that was a pathetic weak creature ?)  (Sibarian: Does 'THAT' look weak?

-clawed hands/feet with scales


I do admit that clawed hands/feet would be nice, and scales would definately define it a bit, though the whole scales thing I already addressed with the first point.


I do admit that Chroma has a vague relation to a dragon, but he has as much relation if not MORE than mr Rhino with a Dragon helmet on his head does.

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People may complain for the sake of complaining however when something is made because of "Community request" we kinda hope that the end results end up having similarities for the fan-art created or having a poll to see what kind of dragon the community would have rather seen would have worked much better than just saying "Dragon frame" and then releasing the teaser to something that more so resembles an Anteater


You really shouldn't have to explain this to people.

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Or the community would actually get what it wanted, and the few people who are in love with Chroma here, that 23%, would be the ones complaining about Chroma being stereotypical.

if DE gave every group of unhappy players what they wanted warframe would be bad.you still basing this off of your silly poll of like 1000 people?

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if DE gave every group of unhappy players what they wanted warframe would be bad.you still basing this off of your silly poll of like 1000 people?

they gave pvp to the small group dint they? so why the big group cant say nothing about this anteating thing?

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I've seen worse... wings  :c




Now, onto the things he doesn't have:

-scales (Sibarian:  Infested skin is being used as this universes replacement for scales, remember?)

-teeth (Sibarian:  Not every dragon needs teeth)

-spiky bits (Sibarian:  Not every dragon is spikey mc. edgy edge edge with red and black color designs)

-some tough looking skin (Sibarian:  Being honest...  Infested skin is pretty thick imo, though it's kinda a grey area)

-pride and power(have you ever seen a dragon in anything that was a pathetic weak creature ?)  (Sibarian: Does 'THAT' look weak?

-clawed hands/feet with scales


I do admit that clawed hands/feet would be nice, and scales would definately define it a bit, though the whole scales thing I already addressed with the first point.


I do admit that Chroma has a vague relation to a dragon, but he has as much relation if not MORE than mr Rhino with a Dragon helmet on his head does.


Yeah, that's pretty ugly, but even that looks more like a dragon than Chroma.

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Have a muzzle/Snout?  Yes.  That thing, that he is breathing fire out of?  Is his mouth, his EYES are above that.  Below that is his neck.  Look at his posture my friend, is he looking at the ground or the 'camera' so to speak.  Please, let's stop with the 'face in his neck' nonsense [not talking just about you.



The box is his mouth plate. You can clearly see an exaggerated chine at the bottom. It's actually pretty similar in the layout to Zephyr's helmets.



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Megathreads are terrible for discussions.

They are, and every thread being made is going to make it worse.


People should just stick to 1 thread to begin with, which given the current hotness of Chroma (pun intended) wouldn't be hard to do.

But nope, everyone gotta make their own thread, because WHAT IF THEY DON'T NOTICE ME




Anyway, not everything dragon has to be your stereotypical dragon, just look at how League's Shyvana is. She's a half dragon, has a "normal" human form, but even when she transforms, she doesn't look your average dragon, at all. It reminds me a lot of Chroma actually.



Edited by Cynaris
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Dragon themed. Ember is Fire themed therefore she is made of pure fire and is just a firepit right?


No her powers are all fire based.


Chroma's powers are all dragon themed. (Man I want them to all be Sea Horse themed instead to piss off Antoine).


If a decent amount of people can see how he is Dragon based, and his powers are dragon themed, he's Dragonframe, you're not going to get Endrian, you were never going to. Anyone who thought that just wasn't paying attention to the previous frame designs.

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Yeah, that's pretty ugly, but even that looks more like a dragon than Chroma.


True.  It looks more like a midevil two legged humanoid dragon.  However, that is Dark Souls which has a hugely different universe than Warframe.  While this is what fits more into my personal view of what a dragon should look like?  It's not warframe, unfortunately.  :/

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If most of Chroma's hate is over the helmet, then people need to calm down and wait for his alt helmet? Each frame usually comes with 2 helmets right? Maybe his alternative helmet will be exactly what the euro-dragon people want.


No more of this.


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Chroma concept: Make it so you can't choose energy colors because your energy color is decided by which elements you need for the enemies you're fighting. Very problematic for anyone who cares about appearance.


Chroma itself: So ugly that it doesn't matter what color it is. Arguably fixing the problem with the concept.


Thanks, DE. This is actually, genuinely, much better.

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the community

That's the issue. There is no "community" as a whole in this regard, some players may have wanted something stereotypical, others may have wanted something more original. 


Unless you can poll the entire active playerbase and show concrete evidence that yes, every single player wanted a stereotypical dragon, then no, you cannot say that a stereotypical dragon frame would have been "what the community wanted". 


With a community as large as Warframe's, it has become an impossibility to satisfy every single player. This is why a stereotypical dragon would have angered a lot of players, just as a nonstereotypical dragon is angering players.


Some players don't see how it's a dragon, others do. We'll agree to disagree.

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Oh hell no. It is our duty as community members to complain and moan about bad design decisions. Following blindly is what ruins this game.

Lol this isn't even a bad decision, it not even in game. You just doing like the design and feel the need to whine.

His looks has no affect on gameplay.

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