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[Question To The Community] If Synoid Gammacor Is To Be Decreased In Effectiveness, How Do You Want It To Be?


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Hello all,


This thread will be asking the question: 


If (note: If) the Synoid Gammacor would be considered a candidate for decreasing in effectiveness to bring out a bit of balance in the game, in what stats do you want it to be decreased? The list of possible answers are below (can choose multiple): 


1. Damage (decrease from 210 to 150, for instance)

2. Fire rate (decrease from 2 rounds/second to 1 round/second, for instance)

3. Increase in reload time (increase from 2.0s to 2.5s, for instance)

4. Shorter beam length (decrease from 25m to 20m, for instance)

5. Other aspects of decreasing its effectiveness (state what it is, and the reasoning behind it) (can also be no change at all)


The reason for this question to appear is because there are players who state that the Synoid Gammacor is making gameplay way too easy with it, as it has the highest damage per second (or at least very, very high damage per second) for a secondary, with modding and such, as well as having basically little to no drawbacks for its stats and power (and since that weapon can also be traded, that means once players hit Mastery Rank 6 [which is relatively easy to do so], they could spend some Platinum to trade for the weapon and get through most of everything). 


Please note that this is a hypothetical situation, meant for collecting data (pretty appropriate for this weapon, no? With Cephalon Suda and all) as to what the community wants if DE(L) does say, "We will be tweaking the Synoid Gammacor to make it be more in line with the other Secondary weapons." so try not to overreact in here. 


Please also type in your answer here, and your reasoning to it. 



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Damage decrease to 150.  The regular gammacor does 50 damage with a ROF of 5 for 250 base DPS.  Decreasing damage to 150 would put synoid at 300 DPS, still good but not crazy.


Damage of 150 would also put it more into marelok territory.  The vaykor does 160 damage with the same base ROF as synoid, but without the perfect accuracy thing.

Edited by Holeypaladin
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I dunno

i think its efficiency is like

REALLY high for a continuous fire weapon


I have never run out of ammo

I dont wanna run out of ammo

but I have never gotta low on ammo

I think I always use about 50% of the clip, reload, pick up like 1 or 2 ammo thingies and Im good

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Increase ammo consumption rate, damage per second untouched. It'll be an alternative to pellet SMGs.



1. Damage (decrease from 210 to 150, for instance)

2. Fire rate (decrease from 2 rounds/second to 1 round/second, for instance)

3. Increase in reload time (increase from 2.0s to 2.5s, for instance)

4. Shorter beam length (decrease from 25m to 20m, for instance)

5. Other aspects of decreasing its effectiveness (state what it is, and the reasoning behind it) (can also be no change at all)



1) Decreasing damage is probably not the way to go. Vaykor Marelok balances with status, and Telos Akbolto do decent enough damage.


2) Fire rate on continuous weapons is just interpreted as more damage per second. This can remain unchanged, but the ammo consumption rate can be increased for balance.


3) Increasing reload time is both minor and excessive. It will feel more clunky, yet this wouldn't effect the significance if its damage output much.


4) Shorter beam length. It's fine as it is.


5) Increased ammo consumption. That's a good enough idea.


I still think in my opinion it's fine as it is. Compared to other weapons...


Vaykor Marelok is great, especially with event status mods. However, without said event mods the weapon can not reach such great potential.


Telos Akbolto are fine. The manual firing, consumption of ammo, and projectile travel time are fine enough balances. It's definitely harder to headshot with over distance.


Secura Dual Cestra tends to eat ammo and also has travel time with its projectiles. It is however automatic.


Sancti Castanas are explosive burst weapons that use sniper ammo.


Rakta Ballistica is terrible.


Synoid feels nice because of its ammo consumption and lack of recoil. It's not the best secondary, just easiest to use. If aim or ammo consumption were touched, it would lose popularity.

Edited by MechaKnight
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Don't touch it. Period

It took A LOT of expensive and valuable resources to being able to build it.

It doesn't make the game easy at all unless you're talking the solar system or low level towers.

Please, don't... Just don't.


Yet, all the other five Syndicates require equal (Sometimes more/less with the RNG of some parts) "expensive and valuable resources" and they get a weapon of lesser strength?

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1) Decreasing damage is probably not the way to go. Vaykor Marelok balances with status, and Telos Akbolto do decent enough damage.

Thing is, the Synoid Gammacor has quadruple the status chance (which is rather nice for a beam weapon with low fire rate), double the critical chance (although that is not really that much), 2.0x critical damage (yet again, not that much in conjunction with its critical chance), and other things. 


I would say that it has quite a few nice increase in stats already. You could decrease the damage slightly to make it an all-round Syndicate Secondaries compared to all the other Syndicate Secondaries

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It's a weapon, it kills things like every other weapon in this game - leave it as it is.

Right, because the Supra also kills things like every other weapon, and it could stand for a buff. 


The Panthera kills things like every other weapon, but it then got buffed mostly on the secondary fire to make it actually be something. 

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I don't think harshly range limited weapons need to worry too much about DPS balance, so long as they are fine thin beams. Melee has AoE and big hitboxes. Ranged weapons have range. A fine thin beam of super high DPS is an interesting middle ground and has it's place. I would continue to balance them towards limitations on utility, sustainability and keeping them from breaking out of their niche, such as giving them massive AoE procs...


In the case of Synoid Gammacor, I would probably change it so that as you rack up XP it spins faster or glows brighter or something. When it reaches max XP, you don't get an immediate giant PBAoE proc. Instead, the next time you start firing (control given to the player) the beam bursts at the start and applies the proc damage along a larger, but still reasonable beam area. Maybe just a little bit of a cone to it. Maybe shoot a big ball of energy that asplodes in a smaller AoE. Something like that. Not this giant PBAoE room clearer and horde stunner.


If that's not enough, I might limit it's range more. I don't even know the range distance off the top of my head but I've used the gun. Maybe cut it by 25% or 33% and make people see the whites of their eyes and risk melee combat to get that DPS payout.


I would never nerf reload speed on a weapon for CQC. Still infuriates me that some of the lowbie shotguns have terrible reload speeds for small magazines.

Edited by VKhaun
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If that's not enough, I might limit it's range more. I don't even know the range distance off the top of my head but I've used the gun. Maybe cut it by 25% or 33% and make people see the whites of their eyes and risk melee combat to get that DPS payout.

25m, which is the distance of a small-medium sized hallway in a Corpus Outpost tileset. 

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If not damage, than definitely ammo consumption. Both in unison is a bit overkill, but seeing as people flip tables over damage nerfs (even when the weapon in question is clearly way too powerful) bringing down the ammo consumption to that the original would at least require the player to be somewhat conscious of when to let go of the trigger.

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Whats with all the non-suda syndicate players hating on the Gammacor? It's balanced, it deserves to be what it is. Why are people so focused on nerfing a weapon? There are plenty of weapons just as good if not better, quit being bias because you choose a different faction and have to dish out plat to get it. 

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Whats with all the non-suda syndicate players hating on the Gammacor? It's balanced, it deserves to be what it is. Why are people so focused on nerfing a weapon? There are plenty of weapons just as good if not better, quit being bias because you choose a different faction and have to dish out plat to get it. 


I Have been with Suda since Syndicates came out (before Syndicate weaps were even a thing) and I'm the one that posted the biggest nerf.


Synoid outclasses absolutely every weapon in the game at the moment. That is wrong.


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Whats with all the non-suda syndicate players hating on the Gammacor?

I Have been with Suda since Syndicates came out (before Syndicate weaps were even a thing)



Exactly.  I'm with Suda as well, and I've been saying that Synoid was overpowered since the gammacors got that massive buff.  They were crap when they were first introduced, but the dial got spun a bit too far.

Edited by Momaw
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