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Stealth Feedback & Suggestions Thread


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Exactly, but the last thing they said about stealth is that they are thinking in create stealth type missions. Make me think that they are looking to a easy way that will not affect the actual game mechanics.


But if they create missions specific to stealth they will simply do what they always do, create new stuff to make us forget some of the bad stuff. They sometimes seen to not want to rework something out to make it better, just to create a new one a little more different to make everyone forget about the old one that is not working so well...

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But if they create missions specific to stealth they will simply do what they always do, create new stuff to make us forget some of the bad stuff. They sometimes seen to not want to rework something out to make it better, just to create a new one a little more different to make everyone forget about the old one that is not working so well...

Yeah, what is weird since we are in beta

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 They should have an option to distract with noises. knocking on walls and maybe throwing objects like rocks. Just imagine knocking on the other side of a wall and when an enemy about to turn the corner you grab it and execute a stealth kill.

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i watched the most recent live stream and how they were making changes to improve stealth in the game, i liked a lot of the changes so far but i have one suggestion. the cipher item is completely useless so far because it is too easy to hack consoles. and i know you cant hack consoles unless you get locked out or break reinforced glass. well lets say your trying your hardest to be stealthy but there is that one pesky grineer or corpus hiding in the corner that you dont notice. and once you think your in the clear lotus pops up and says you have been spotted. well i belive that after you get spotted you should be able to head to the console and use a cipher, the cipher than enables you to hack that consol and if you get the puzzle correct the alarm shuts off and your no longer on the ships censors. bam, back into sneaky mode.

Edited by ShockTart
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Surprised there is not more discussion about the bits they mentioned about improving stealth gameplay.


ShockTart, if you re-watch the livestream they mentioned that specifically being a future possibility. At the very least the AI taking longer to alert the ship to give you time to kill them. On top of that, being able to lower alert levels until you are back to being "undetected".


Overall good things to come for stealth gameplay but, I do not recall a mention of any tiered reward system for successful stealth missions.

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I know this is kind of off topic but I am not Shure where the best place to post this idea where it will be seen so I’m putting it everywhere.

After watching the live stream a thought accrued. You were thinking of changing artifacts into mod like cards. Well since you currently limit us to one artifact use at a time why not ad one artifact mod slot to the warframe helmets, that way it will not use a warframe mod slot and still limit us to only have one artifact active at once. 

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Re: stealth.


I'm not going back and reading 40 pages on the topic, so apologies if this has been mentioned already.


Mechanics wise, the game rewards players for high body counts with mods, ammo, and other important drops like BP's.  It also rewards exploration with the same in the form of containers and loot-lockers.  As this is a loot-generator/farm/grind kind of game, stealth play is "punished" by slower farm and undermining the reward system by encouraging lower body counts (fewer drops) and less exploration (because you don't want to over expose yourself while stealthing, you just want an effecient route to the objective and out) and also fewer overall runs (20 minute maps vs. 4 minute maps)


I like playing stealth mode... its a personal prefrence.  But I don't mind some run+gun either.  However, what I have to do is run+gun for farm to enable steath... if my Paris can't one shot moa's, I can't stealth that mission in a reasonable time frame (or at all usually).  To farm up the damage on the paris, I need to do lots of farming at high speed.  I think you get my point... I'm forced into typical farm play which isn't what I came to warframe for.  Obviously I could just pay plat for farm, but that's not going to happen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is undermining the loot-lottery aspect of the game.


To enable steath mode properly, farm speed has to be normalized between the different styles of play.  Exp for kills has to be adjusted as well since you're really not going to be getting as many kills in a game session which means stealthy players will be frustrated by a much lower progression speed through the content.



Problem : Lower body count slows farm and progression

Solution : Each map possesses a "loot potential" based on size and target density already.  Each room successfully navigated in steath mode should reward the player with all unclaimed exp and drops from kills at the end of the level.


Advantages : Slower runs on missions can potentially result in a larger overall haul in loot/exp because you will not have any wasted/missed drops or creeps.  Switching between styles of play can reward players who have gotten in trouble such as going low health and needing to stealth rather than by choice.


Disadvantages : Mission rewards are still limited by number of completed runs per session.  This might be addressed by having steath-enhanced mission rewards to reflect the time invested in slower play.

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Surprised there is not more discussion about the bits they mentioned about improving stealth gameplay.


ShockTart, if you re-watch the livestream they mentioned that specifically being a future possibility. At the very least the AI taking longer to alert the ship to give you time to kill them. On top of that, being able to lower alert levels until you are back to being "undetected".


Overall good things to come for stealth gameplay but, I do not recall a mention of any tiered reward system for successful stealth missions.

Yeah, was kinda insignificant what they showed in the livestream.


The mystery is killing me X]

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The issues that make stealth unviable, in my opinion:


Firstly and most importantly... LEVEL DESIGN. The way levels are constructed in Warframe inherently goes against stealthy gameplay. Let me show you a diagram that simplifies the map construction of Warframe:


The problem is that you absolutely have to go through those tiny little choke points in order to advance through the level. These choke points are often doors that are in wide open areas, they may have enemies RIGHT behind them, 10/10 corpus doors have cameras pointed RIGHT at them, and so on. There is, currently, one type of "room connection" that is alright for stealthy gameplays -> air ducts. This is a huge factor in stealth gameplay. As you may have heard, the chain is only as strong as its weakest link... and the weakest link of the level design, in regards to stealth, are these choke points. It basically doesn't matter how much ninja you are in those limitted areas of freedom, when you absolutely have to pass through a humongous door at some point. (by the way, did you notice the size of the doors in the Corpus outpost on the frosty planets? good luck opening those and not alerting everything in a one mile radius)


Suggestion for a solution? There are a few possible ways:

- Make the stealthy levels only spawn rooms where transitions are done with air ducts (or other stealth-friendly ways).

- Add some sort of way for players to protect themselves while passing through the doorways (disguise? distraction?)

- Update your rooms so that there are multiple ways of passage from ROOM 1 to ROOM 2 and so forth, with one path suitable for the guns blazing style, and the other suitable for stealth gameplay.


Then there is the concern about rewards. Stealth, currently, makes people earn way less experience, and also decreases your chance of getting mods/crafting materials to a minimum. If stealth is supposed to be a viable playstyle, it should also be a viable way to level your gear, otherwise it will never be as attractive as shooting through everything.


There is also the issue with stealth kills and enemies. There is too many enemies that you can not even target with a stealth kill, which makes them ridiculously hard to avoid. It should either be possible to stealth kill these, or these enemies should have weaker senses (narrower field of view, bad sense of hearing) which would make it easier to slip by them. Stealth kills also become outright unviable in high level missions, because you simply can not do enough damage with a stealth kill.


Another solution to that would be enabling stealth kills to a wider variety of weapons, via mods for example. We have mods that supplement the aggressive playstyle, we could also have stealth mods, right? How about "tranquilizing ammunition"? Instead of killing an enemy, you tranquilize him, which makes him fall to the ground and takes him out of action. You can opt to execute him, or... drag his body away? With... a grappling hook...?


If Stealth is supposed to be a viable way to play the game, then using abilities should also be viable for stealth playthroughs. Very few people will prefer stealth over combat if combat is the only possibility for them to see their amazing ninja abilities. This problem is not that bad though, you could still come up with alternative applications of various warframe abilities.

- Fireball / Freeze / Shock / Shuriken, if fired at environment, could create noise which would attract the attention of enemies. Sort of like throwing a stone in Far Cry 3.

- Mind Control could force an enemy to change his behaviour so that he attracts the attention of all the enemies in a given area (and should not have a graphical effect that is 2,47 times brighter than the Sun).


On top of that all, there are some modifications you could do to our tool set, which would help us stealth through levels. I liked how in the last livestream, you speculated about the Grapple Hook being a mod that would basically give you the option to grapple, that means you are open to the idea of utilty mods that would add functions bindable to keys. I have an idea for two mods like that.

- Throw <stone> (you can replace the word Stone with whatever you find fitting) - basically something that will give you the ability to create noise somewhere so it would attract the attention of enemies.

- Disguise - would grant you the ability to temporarily disguise yourself as one of the enemies. It might require a corpse or a tranquilized enemy to trigger (so that you "acquire" your disguise from said enemy). This would enable you to move among enemies for short periods of time without fear of detection.


There are other mod ideas for Stealth though, examples follow:

- Tranquillizing Shot (adds tranquillizing effect to your shots, it could be like... increases chance to tranquillize your enemy, but reduces damage dealt, and the ratio would be so that at Rank 5 you would have a 100% tranquillize chance but your shots would do 0% damage)

- Blackjack - Stealth kills that do not instantly kill the target cause tranquillize.

- Enemy Radar is a mod that is hardly ever used by people... but it only needs one little change, and it will become immensely useful... make it display the field of view of your enemies on your minimap. This minimap function has been in stealth games for decades.

- Silencer - Your gunshots alert enemies in a smaller area.


One additional crazy idea at the end... stealth runs against Infested could potentially be a lot different from the runs against other factions, if you would make the infested rely on their other senses more than on their sight. Imagine this:

The infested rely on their sense of smell. This makes moving through ventillation undesirable, because air ducts actually help to spread your scent across the ship. Giant fans, normally harmless, could become an environmental hazard for the stealth player, because they spread his scent across a wider area. This is just a little additional tidbit that I came up with, I know it is going too much into detail.

Edited by Throrface
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Something to consider for adding silenced firearms to the mix : Making a mod for firearms.


TL;DR edition : Make expensive; not completely silent, but past close range will be silent to enemies; keep it to non-heavy, non-bolt, non-akimbo, non-shotgun firearms;


In terms of spec-wise :


Expensive in mod capacity (10+ just for rank 0). Why? Well if you had a silenced, highly modded weapon that does high damage..that'd be too overpowered for its worth. Making it expensive makes it gauranteed that the weapon in question will be nerfed for its use as a silenced weapon.


Rank? An example could be rank 0 gives no silence buff; 1 gives 15% silenced, 2 gives 30%; and so on using 15% increments. to a max of 75%. Why to 75%? There's no true way to completely "silence" a firearm. You'll still be able to hear the firing mechanism and the air being forced out of the chamber, but does promise that you will not be heard past close-range at rank 5.


A problem with this on certain weapons though. I would see that all bolt-firearms (Boltor, Bolto, etc) that are already not silenced (Much like Dread, Kunai, Despair, and Paris) would not see this buff, due to it firing bolts, instead of bullets.


Gorgon? An iffy topic. The Gorgon is heavily NOT a stealth weapon unlike other like the Braton or Vulkar. Suppressive fire (meaning providing covering fire for your allies to force the enemy to remain under cover to keep out of the spray of bullets) was what it was meant to be for. Does not have all that great of accuracy in the first place, so trying to use a Gorgon as a silenced weapon would be pointless for close to long-range engagements. But I'm not DE, they can do what they want with the Gorgon.


I would think also going with Akimbo-ANYTHING-firearms should rule out the ability to be included with Silenced. Double the magazine size? Faster fire rate? Should be obvious that you plan on not running around being stealth with dual firearms. Silenced weapons you need to be accurate, not running around dual fisted and guns blazing.


Shotguns...? Eeeeh...I'm leaning toward "No." It's meant for close-range engagements, to go loud and all in while firing buckshot into your opposition. Silencing a shotgun would be a bit OP. If you're going to bother to get that close to your opponent, you're better off using your melee weapon for a stealth kill than taking a risk to see pellets fly everywhere BUT your opponent. Remember, your shotgun is only as strong as the number of pellets you pump into the enemy. Your Hek could be fully modded with the best you can provide, too bad it won't do jack unless you unload EVERY PELLET into your target for an effective one-hit kill, without being heard if it was silenced.


What does this leave that may be used?


Primary :

Vulkar, Braton (All variants), Latron, Burston, Grakata(?), Gorgon(?)


Secondary :

Sicarus, Kraken, Bronco(?), Lato, Viper, Furis, Lex.


Paris, Dread, Despair, and Kunai are already silenced.


In terms of how damage would be dealt with silenced weapons...


This isn't Skyrim where you can simply run away from the enemy brandishing a fresh arrow to the head would bring with the best intentions of "Must've been my imagination!" An enemy witnessing the act, or somehow survived should either retreat to sound the alarm, or make some attempt to shoot back/make noise to rally their mates. Having a silenced weapon is to ensure you can kill them quickly, efficiently, and quietly. The less that is heard, the less aggro is sent your way.


Just my two cents written in detail.


(..Looking at this, good lord that is a lot of words.)

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The most important of all suggestions here is that they finally friggin fix Loki's invisibility spell and make it extend to the sentinel.  If they don't want this to happen automatically then they should at least make it fair and make Ash's not do so either.


Finally, of they don't want this to happen automatically what about an expensive sentinel mod called "unity" which extends any warframe skill that affects the warframe itself to extend to the sentinel.  This would include iron skin on rhino, link on trinity, sonar on Banshee, etc. etc.  This would stop all the whiners that say it isn't fair.  This could be a rare sentinel mod costing 6 mod slots.

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Suggestion: Make stealth playable to new players.


skip to the bolded stuff if u dont like reading


I am a new player, been playing about a week. As a new player i should say beforehand that i have not experienced high lvl or endgame play so if anything i suggest makes that high level play too easy or less fun, then I am sorry. Also note i started with Loki, and i have recently purchased the stalker bundle.


Currently it feels like stealth is only an available option to veteran players. that is to say its more like end game material where high level players have 2 options of play while low levels have only 1. first off that feels like a slap to the face to new players (i am personally not offended as i know its open beta). I see that there is such a thing as stealth kills, i get told at the beginning of EVERY mission that they dont know my presense (which is like telling me i have a chance at this) but then i am almost always discovered after room 2. (ironically the times i am not discovered is because i dashed through the level like crazy, hoping i dont get noticed which honestly defeats the whole idea of stealth play) <-- that too is only possible if i chose loki as my starting frame.


Without the right equips, without the right frame, without the right mods, and without veteran knowledge that can only be aquired from EXTENSIVE play the chances of finishing even the first level of mercury undetected is 0.


now once again i dont want to deminish the fun or thrill for ppl in endgame but 0 chance for a new player...u may aswell remove it completely from normal missions and make specific missions for stealth. at least that way the new players dont know what their missing out on.


Specific Suggestions:

 - Quick List -

1 - First off include stealth in the tutorial

2 - Add innate ways to decrease alert level/awareness to all frames (crouching for instance)

3 - Vertical vantage points

4 - extremely limited enemy location markers on map

5 - make kunai bp available from rank 1

6 - in mission awareness modifiers like lighting

7 - add bonus stealth rewards for time taken to complete the mission

8 - unique high level stealth missions/alerts

9 - Hard core mode


- In-Depth List -

1 - some of my suggestions may already be in the game, but how would I know? there was nothing about this in the tutorial...i still dont know if banshee is the only type of sonar or if theres mods that can do the same thing.


2 - make ways for non-stealth suits and new players to stand a chance while stealthing. for instance. make it so enemies have 0 peripheral vision while player is crouching. that way theres a safety net for frames that cannot stealth. crouching in particular would be nice since you take a movement penalty and frames like ashe and loki who take no movement penalty with full stealth still have an added advantage, time.


3 - since the game has dynamic levels and shifting enemies, memorizing strategies is difficult for verterans and impossible for new players. that coupled with not having enough time to analize enemy movement characteristics makes it impossible for anyone but a veteran to predict where an enemy will be and such. if there were vertical vantage points that were high enough to completely avoid an enemies vision and allow for more view of that specific room then a new player could "catch up" to a veteran through observation.

My specific suggestion for this is divided into 2 parts:

part 1 - make the charged melee skill while wall running/clinging to be sticking ur weapon into the wall so u have permanent elevation (as opposed to clinging in which u slide down slowly). this way as long as they hold down melee they can look around freely. as a compromise and to ensure that its not game breaking, make it so that attacking is not possible while weapon is in the wall. this way u cant abuse it and snipe from this position, and it maintains a use for normal clinging (clinging u can still shoot while sliding down slowly).

part 2 - make it possible to reach a high enough place. currently a single wall run wouldnt be high enough unless maybe u were volt, so make ways of lining up multiple wall runs by maybe chaining wall runs between 2 close walls or perhaps large pipes and boxes that the player can reach in between wall runs.


4 -  make it so that if the enemy is shown on the players screen, then a dot is displayed on the map (just like sonar). this dot should have enough limits to make it usable in certain situations but not reliable enough to make banshee sonar unwanted. for instance, the dot fades and stops updating once the enemy is out of camera view. that way u cannot monitor the enemy from behind closed doors. i dont know or fully understand banshee's sonar so its currently hard for me to offer more feedback on how the 2 would defer. the main point is that its weak enough that sonar is still desired but useful enough to give people who dont know what to look out for a chance. u could go a step further by making it energy or heat or something based and so certain enemies do not show up. or maybe certain enemies have scramblers that further make this less reliable then sonar. this sub-sonar could even be dissabled automatically if you are found so that it does not affect normal play, only helps with stealth play.


5 - I have no problem with not allowing people to equip the kunai until rank 2 but atleast let us buy the blueprint so we have a target goal. a starting point.


6 - this concept would be kind of an alternative to suggestion 2. lower the level of awareness of the entire map, but add in spotlight type lighting while in stealth mode (if you are discovered all normal lights turn back on). although it is still possible to be discovered without lighting, the enemies vision is impared so perhaps they only see 50% normal distance. if u step into these spot lights the vision is normal or maybe even slightly higher distance. lighting could be shot with silent weaponry. it would be a lot like the scanners already in game, but this would be used in conjunction and be less definitive (no direct effects, unlike scanners which can affect you even if there are no living enemies in the room.). once again, if you have stealth weapons then u can utilize them by taking out the lights, whilest the new players can take their time hiding in the darker areas while gambling on whether they should chance running through it or chance shooting it and risking someone hearing it.


7 - from what i read of the OP and experienced ingame. it seems stealth is currently treated like its impossible if you are not properly optimized. many of my suggestions would make it possible, but still time consuming unless you are properly set up to stealth. If we added rewards for "how fast can u stealth the mission" then it would still create a need to optomize for stealth while providing nonoptomized players the option to participate.


8 -  high level areas with less vantage points and more restrictions to my previous suggestions, no low level radar. this would be another incentive for higher lvl players to focus on stealth instead of relying solely on innate abilities/tactics. in these levels the real rewards, achievements and bragging rights could be applied so that the low level areas can be used by actual low levels who want to experience stealth play without being held to the same standard as veterans.


9 - as an alternative to 8, you could have a second difficulty that is unlocked after reaching max level. this difficulty is gamewide instead of individual levels and merely restricts or removes some of these suggestions (like suggestions 3 and 4 for example) in exchange for higher drops, rewards and bragging rights. personally though i think this could be troublesome without a large enough player base. as it is right now i find it hard enough to find a pug for certain missions. this would split the pug pool even more so basically i dont suggest this without careful consideration of such side effects.






End. If anyone actually read all this (or even if you didnt) please tell me what you think. and if any of this is already in the game and i dont know about it please tell me how to do it lol. oh and also...no i havent read the other 39 pages of posts...sorry if all of these have already been suggested.

Edited by Makeshift
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Surprised there is not more discussion about the bits they mentioned about improving stealth gameplay.


ShockTart, if you re-watch the livestream they mentioned that specifically being a future possibility. At the very least the AI taking longer to alert the ship to give you time to kill them. On top of that, being able to lower alert levels until you are back to being "undetected".


Overall good things to come for stealth gameplay but, I do not recall a mention of any tiered reward system for successful stealth missions.


There isnt more discussion because that stuff has been discussed here pages ago.

Having an animation showing a Grineer pushing the button instead of the instant turning on of the alarm (now there is a delay, i think) was something that im pretty sure was suggest here months ago.

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There isnt more discussion because that stuff has been discussed here pages ago.

Having an animation showing a Grineer pushing the button instead of the instant turning on of the alarm (now there is a delay, i think) was something that im pretty sure was suggest here months ago.

exacly, this thread is up since closed beta, so most of points are somewhat established,  btw as far as i know ash shuriken was fixed so here goes another scratch

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Re: stealth.


I'm not going back and reading 40 pages on the topic, so apologies if this has been mentioned already.


Mechanics wise, the game rewards players for high body counts with mods, ammo, and other important drops like BP's.  It also rewards exploration with the same in the form of containers and loot-lockers.  As this is a loot-generator/farm/grind kind of game, stealth play is "punished" by slower farm and undermining the reward system by encouraging lower body counts (fewer drops) and less exploration (because you don't want to over expose yourself while stealthing, you just want an effecient route to the objective and out) and also fewer overall runs (20 minute maps vs. 4 minute maps)


I like playing stealth mode... its a personal prefrence.  But I don't mind some run+gun either.  However, what I have to do is run+gun for farm to enable steath... if my Paris can't one shot moa's, I can't stealth that mission in a reasonable time frame (or at all usually).  To farm up the damage on the paris, I need to do lots of farming at high speed.  I think you get my point... I'm forced into typical farm play which isn't what I came to warframe for.  Obviously I could just pay plat for farm, but that's not going to happen for a number of reasons, not the least of which is undermining the loot-lottery aspect of the game.


To enable steath mode properly, farm speed has to be normalized between the different styles of play.  Exp for kills has to be adjusted as well since you're really not going to be getting as many kills in a game session which means stealthy players will be frustrated by a much lower progression speed through the content.



Problem : Lower body count slows farm and progression

Solution : Each map possesses a "loot potential" based on size and target density already.  Each room successfully navigated in steath mode should reward the player with all unclaimed exp and drops from kills at the end of the level.


Advantages : Slower runs on missions can potentially result in a larger overall haul in loot/exp because you will not have any wasted/missed drops or creeps.  Switching between styles of play can reward players who have gotten in trouble such as going low health and needing to stealth rather than by choice.


Disadvantages : Mission rewards are still limited by number of completed runs per session.  This might be addressed by having steath-enhanced mission rewards to reflect the time invested in slower play.

that was the original idea, but such a system is hard to implement without drastic changes to spawn mechanics and being easily exploitable. thats why end mission reward was suggested.

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I'm French so I do not really read the pages of the topic. In addition, I use Google for this trade message. So I apologize in advance if it takes is that has been presented or if the form is not correct. ^^,


My suggestions:


  - Have an option button to ask for help. A kind of signal to indicate not a module, but to warn other players that you need assistance where.

Time to write: "Help, I can not defend the pod (or vay) alone."

I'm already dead. Write or fight, it is a choice.


  - A counter to know the number of kills made ​​on the mission, but in real time. In defense mission, it could be an extra motivation, try to make the largest number of victims.



[Original version.]

Mes suggestions:


 - Avoir une option de touche, pour demander de l'aide. Une sorte de signal non pas pour indiquer un module mais pour prévenir les autres joueurs que l'on a besoin d'aide a tel endroit.

Le temps d'écrire: "Au secours, je ne peux plus défendre le pod (ou la voie) seul."  

Je serai déjà morte. Ecrire ou combattre, il faut choisir.


 - Un compteur pour connaitre le nombre de kill effectué sur la mission, mais en temps réel. Dans les mission de défense, cela pourrait être une motivation supplémentaire, essayer de faire le plus grand nombre de victimes.

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I this an official topic? i mean its stickied but is user controlled and subject to the OPs bias? if OP doesnt like your suggestions they dont get to the list on front page or something? cause I can understand that not everyone might like everyone elses ideas but i would think that unless its an obvious troll, each suggestion should get heard on that list. otherwise why post here and not just make our own topics.

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I this an official topic? i mean its stickied but is user controlled and subject to the OPs bias? if OP doesnt like your suggestions they dont get to the list on front page or something? cause I can understand that not everyone might like everyone elses ideas but i would think that unless its an obvious troll, each suggestion should get heard on that list. otherwise why post here and not just make our own topics.

No, it's not an official topic... i believe. We (me, you and the OP guy) discusses the ideas and suggestion for stealth here and improve it giving a feedback.


And the DE is awesome, they probably in times read this topic latest pages :D

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Stealth should be used as a defence mechanism, not only just a challenge to get rewards.

There needs to be a reason why you don't want to be detected.

Batman: Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are good examples of a stealth mechanic in an action oriented game.

In Batman, you wanted to stay hidden and do stealth kills to avoid detection, because enemies who spotted you killed you fast.

But to compensate this, you were able to get into a hiding spot really fast using a grabbling hook and pull yourself onto a gargoyle. Also there were many other hiding places such as trap doors.

Hiding places were mostly everywhere and easy to get to.

I'd like to see this also in Warframe.

Exactly.  This is what I was about to say.  Stealth, in real-life, is used to overcome an otherwise exceedingly difficult obstacle.  I use it this way now. 


If I wanna solo a really high level mission, I take advantage of not being seen in order to do more damage.  Currently, if you can get out of sight of everyone, they will fall into an unalerted state, allowing you to plan out your next move and take a breath. 


If anything, I want tougher enemies, and easier, faster ways to get out of sight.  Like, small spaces that can be slid into to disappear fast, more ceiling geometry with nooks and crannies to creep around (perfect if combined with the upcoming grappling hook), and allowing lighting to dictate visibility.  For Loki and Ash players, just add drones, cameras and enemies that can detect cloaked Warframes and, voila!

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