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What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?


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I don't have anything against PvP; I don't play it but I don't mind it being there.


What I would have minded is if the focus of the game would have shifted from co-op game to PvP game entirely, which isn't the case. Even more so now that they have a dedicated PvP team who'll be responsible for that aspect while the rest works on PvE.


As it is now though, balance is next to inexistant (despite there being PvP-only balance passes) due to the mod system and the notable scale of weapon and power damage against the player's ability to sustain that damage. Damage output increases exponentially while capacity to take damage is linear.


This basically means that battles tend to end in one shot kills or using abilities that can literally kill a player several times over. It's why there is now a team who's purpose is to completely overhaul PvP as it is to turn it into a balanced playfield and while that means literally coding new mods and visiting each weapon and Warframe, one at a time, then deploying them over time, it also means the end result will be less a contest of munchkin builds and more a contest of skills (hopefully).


Hell, if they actually pull it off, I might give Conclave or Dark Sectors a try... but at it stands now, it doesn't take any form of degree in mathematics or sciences to easily come aware that there's a definitive discrepancy between what a player can deal as damage and what they can take.

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PvP made me stick with Warframe throughout the years. Once you get past the a**holes and cocky people and earn the respect of the community it gets really fun. Conclave is full of people who understand the honor system and if they step out of line they're BM'd until they stop xD

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It destroyed fun for me...at least for a couple of minutes. Now, for clarification, I'm not the type of person who has to be winning a game, or crushing my opposition to have fun with it but...I think we can all agree that being constantly crushed over and over is...shall we say, not terribly interesting or conducive to enjoyment. That's the main issue I had with the PVP, when I just hopped into it without a PVP-based build (I, mistakenly, thought I wouldn't need one due to the fact that it worked...decently when the PVP was first introduced) it was just a constant barrage of "No, sorry, you're dead now and you can't even come close to harming your opposition." It was...unpleasant to say the least.


...Oh right, and I guess it made it basically impossible for the layman to affect Dark Sectors. So that sucks.

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So aside from you not wanting to engage in PVP (which is fine) what has PVP ever done to you?


They probably accidentally joined a DS Conflict match on Venus when they were low level and using Volt or Excal and got butchered again and again by some high level PVPers looking to noob stomping for fun.  


Sometimes I look at another player's profile and see he has like 1:20 Conclave KD ratio. And I know he'll hate PVP in dis game for his life. 


One does not simply walk out of that kind of trauma. 

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What I saw that made me disgrace PvP in Warframe. Rail Conflict. Attacking clan/aliance join immediately with big force, kill lots of mobs/players, continue objectives untill last one. And then they just stand in front of small exit from spawn area of defenders with non-stop melee swings. Defenders, enter and exit mission with big stream as they can do nothing. At all. At this point as defender you start with few levels, touch exit from spawn area and immediately die from 30 level attackers to respawn again. So lots of attackers prevent any actions from defenders, mission will never end as attackers do not have any timer, and do not need real opponents to be on mission waiting when someone enters. In the end, as attackers do not need counter team to begin attack, other teams containing even newbies destroy cores with 0 resist from specters.

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Technicaly, whole PvP Idea in game where you get PvE or a bit of RP is bad for me [its not that RAGE type]


In some games i played, everytime me and my friends tried to have fun [RP, PvE or just explore] we were attacked by those PvP players which mostly show no brain or small dose of humanity, we started to call them Apes, PvPApes to be extact.




Most of times we died to PvP players, we were insulted for being noobs, our mothers were [snap!] and they were complete proffesionals and masters of the whole world [and not only 12 year old kids do that, even some 20-25's] it just made me dislike PvP side of any game.


It happened so many times that i really wont get my look on PvP side and think "maybe there's someone nice"...


Hate or Like, your choice.

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Aside from the change to Rail Conflicts, which were admittedly fun to dabble in when it was PvE with Spectres and such, honestly I don't really care.


Let folks enjoy what they enjoy. If I'm in the mood for PvP, I'll either accost someone/my brother to play a game of Magic/Yugioh, fool around on Skullgirls or have some fun with my Larp swords if lucky enough to be with friends.


So long as they are kept separate and the PvP content isn't made compulsory to continue to enjoy the PvE stuff, well...yeah. I hope the balance pass is good and sufficient for people and there's a lot less cause for concern so you guys can have your fun.


Beyond that...I have void parts to acquire.

Happy hunting.

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Never tried it cant say, I would like it too intrigue me too go into it more and it be another type of end game but that's about it. When I get into it more ill let you know, till then I just hope their are more end game elements besides this worked on.


However I am hopeful for it.

Edited by Monybags33
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I don't understand the "ruined Dark Sectors" argument.  Dark Sectors used to boring as all hell, now they are frustrating as all hell.  They have never been good, and that's mainly because not enough work has been put into them in either variation.  Hopefully, the new Dark Sector revamp will make them significantly better.

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Skills get balanced around PvP, ruining their viability in PvE, at least in most MMOs I've played.

True dat. i never played pvp in warframe neither i want to and i dont want to be locked out of stuff because pvp i play warframe for the pve coop not pvp, if they having trouble keeping people in the game and turned to pvp ,maybe they should work harder in pve

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If I wanted to do PVP I would play a game such as TF2, counterstrike, etc. aka A game that is much more polished than warframe. I don't want to deal with the horrible unbalance issues, people going mock ten from spin attacks, the not so great parkour which can work in your favor or screw you.


It doesn't help that PVP in this game is locked behind bullS#&$ dark sectors, I've heard of what they said in the dev stream about reworking PVP and I might have given it a try if it wasn't locked behind dark sectors.


In other games that have a pvp and pve from my experience PVP has directly affected the PVE side of the game. Nerfing things for the sake of balance in the pvp when they we're already not so great for PVE. (Dark souls 2 to name an example)


Generally how awful any community is when it comes to PVP, I've tried league of legends few times and each time it was the same thing, players insulting there team and rage in general.


It has ruined dark sectors.


This is coming from a person that has ~1900 hours into TF2, I don't mind pvp I actually like it quiet a bit, but the main reason I am playing warframe is cause it was advertise as "Warframe is a cooperative free-to-play third person online action game" and that is the main reason why I am playing it. And to be honest I don't mind pvp being in the game but when it starts affecting PVE I get upset. 


I couldn't agree more. In the current gaming paradigm PVE and PVP mechanics are basically the same which leads to balancing problems. 


But I gave up recently on PVP. The reason: Cheats. As games became more dynamic simple packet throttling gives unfair advantage.


They're VERY popular nowadays. A basic lagswitch is simple, effective and undetectable. If you have some more knowledge you build a virtual machine reroute your internet connection to pass thru it and use network simulation tools like netem or clumsy. Though they aren't blacklisted tools as they simple network problem simulation tools, even client side scanning can't detect them.


So until new competitive mechanics are devised carefully taking communication delays into consideration games will keep being plagued by packet throttling.


So imo PVP and dynamic gameplay doesn't combine well.

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I don't understand the "ruined Dark Sectors" argument.  Dark Sectors used to boring as all hell, now they are frustrating as all hell.  They have never been good, and that's mainly because not enough work has been put into them in either variation.  Hopefully, the new Dark Sector revamp will make them significantly better.

People are talking about the conflicts, not the base missions.

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So am I.  Dark Sector conflicts used to be PVE.

And thus the player base in general had a say in them, like it was designed to run.


Now it's based on PvP, so there's tons of exploits, lagging, unbalanced play, etc.  The only people who have an actual say in the results of popular nodes are the clans and alliances who are the best at cheating and exploiting.

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