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What Has Pvp Ever Done To You?


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And thus the player base in general had a say in them, like it was designed to run.


Now it's based on PvP, so there's tons of exploits, lagging, unbalanced play, etc.  The only people who have an actual say in the results of popular nodes are the clans and alliances who are the best at cheating and exploiting.

Theres no exploits, I dont recall ever lagging in a DS game and the only thing youre right about is imbalance. That imbalance is within the mode not the warframes.

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And thus the player base in general had a say in them, like it was designed to run.


Now it's based on PvP, so there's tons of exploits, lagging, unbalanced play, etc.  The only people who have an actual say in the results of popular nodes are the clans and alliances who are the best at cheating and exploiting.


I never said otherwise about PvP.  What's your point?

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Theres no exploits, I dont recall ever lagging in a DS game and the only thing youre right about is imbalance. That imbalance is within the mode not the warframes.

Let me Bounce that door at spawn point and then use Ichors on you. How can this be an exploit?




You not leaving spawn point and constantly dying after knockdown, probably the best PvP experience in your life.

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I'm a pvp player in all my games trough and trough. Always was always will. Yet...

Never did play conclave even once in warframe. Did the DS with rewards few times but only for the rewards.

There that says all there is to say about pvp in WF. As far as my experience/playing goes PVP in this game doesn't exists.

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I see a lot of very vocal people posting anti-PVP sentiments and it always seems personal. It's rarely "PVP isn't for me, I don't care", it's more in the lines of "PVP is bad for this game, it will ruin it".

That second one is a pretty bold statement to make, and it often goes unchallenged and upvoted.


So aside from you not wanting to engage in PVP (which is fine) what has PVP ever done to you?

I used to be for PvP.

Now I hate it with a burning passion. It's not fun anymore. Always the same insta-killers and invinci-frames. 

People using Dual Ichor slide attacking. 

People using Valkyr's Hysteria. 

People just being generally boring. 

The lack of good PvP maps and tilesets aren't even a thing. I wish they'd just give us a full tileset. Like the Orokin. That'd make fights a hell of a lot more interesting. 

Terrible hosts = u getn rekt because you can't hit their skippy sliding butts

No rewards for winning. 

It's technically endless unless you leave. 

They never last for any real length of time unless it's a cat and mouse game, which are only fun for childish "hide and go seek" delight. 

The melee stagger is just freaking stupid. 

Most powers aren't balanced. 

Most mods aren't balanced, and the ones that are shouldn't have been balanced. Rage + QT? Why? It's basically Vitality, why didn't they balance vitality? Why doesn't everyone just have the same health mod? 

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Theres no exploits, I dont recall ever lagging in a DS game and the only thing youre right about is imbalance. That imbalance is within the mode not the warframes.

There have been multiple videos and claims from players on the forums, including videos, of purposeful lag and cheating in dark sectors.  There have also been cases where clans and alliances were able to lock people out of actually running a mission to attack them through various methods (the "schema changed" exploit was one, which was patched within the past two weeks on the PC), one of which is simply setting up a few "attacks" on a connection that won't take players.


This is crap that didn't happen when it was PvE.



I never said otherwise about PvP.  What's your point?

That it's worse now than it was before, which should answer your question.


And it's because it's PvP instead of PvE.


And it's left a bad taste in people's mouths.

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Ruined dark sector conflicts with extremely poor balance, crappy p2p hosting, the fact that story wise its completely senseless (hey there's few of us so lets murder each other anyhow :DDDDD) and still runs the risk of messing up weapons and warframe because muh pvp balance (inb4 separate balance that was promised half a year ago).



Also pvp communities are generally the forum equivalent of nuclear waste.

Edited by Cabadath5
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I love PvP, in many different games but WF is not one of them; the powers and weapons here are so over the top there is no way they can make it balanced unless it's pre-defined loadouts uneffected by pve and or by the cash shop. Just a thought...

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When PvP comes to games, they get balanced around it; development time is used up on it; nice rewards that could've been from somewhere else go to it. Warframe was a purely PvE game, that's what drew a lot of us here; we just don't want to see a u-turn because PvPers come here and demand PvP.

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When PvP comes to games, they get balanced around it; development time is used up on it; nice rewards that could've been from somewhere else go to it. Warframe was a purely PvE game, that's what drew a lot of us here; we just don't want to see a u-turn because PvPers come here and demand PvP.

Whelp, too bad since they already hired a team to work on PvP alone. :3

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OK, can we get one thing straight, here? Dark sectors are bad. Everyone knows it, everyone hates it.


Now, to add onto that, conclave is incredible. There is literally no comparison in any way between the two. If you are hearing praise for PVP, it's directed at conclaves. If you're hearing "PVP IS BAD, REMOVE IT NOW", then it's directed at dark sectors.


Unfortunately, since there are more people doing dark sectors than conclaves, the general consensus towards PVP as a whole is bad, turning people away from even the good kind. Because of this, this thread should be remade clarifying conclaves.

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I do agree that dark sector pvp needs to be balanced but u ntill then I'll just take my snow globe frost and continue wrecking and making credits. When it is finally balanced I will adapt and have fun even matches. My honest to god greatest qualms with the dark sectors though is how alliances have a never ending hold on the areas making low tax rates a thing of the past. I dont like farming 15 gallium just to walk away with 7

Edited by swihart91
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...and just imagine if all those people could work on pve content instead.

That isn't their job. It would do more harm than good to put the PVP team into PVE for both PVP and PVE players. It would be like hiring a map designer to do enemy concepts, it doesn't work.
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PVP for PVP's sake I don't like at all. Only point is to increase different forms of E-peen stroking. Even worse when there are exclusive rewards for said E-peen stroking.


Now strategic PvP gameplay like what Dark Sector is trying to do I enjoy immensely. And if there weren't so many ways for people to just cheat and exploit in it it would be y favorite thing to do in Warframe besides looking fantasticalicious. 

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OK, can we get one thing straight, here? Dark sectors are bad. Everyone knows it, everyone hates it.


Now, to add onto that, conclave is incredible. There is literally no comparison in any way between the two. If you are hearing praise for PVP, it's directed at conclaves. If you're hearing "PVP IS BAD, REMOVE IT NOW", then it's directed at dark sectors.


Unfortunately, since there are more people doing dark sectors than conclaves, the general consensus towards PVP as a whole is bad, turning people away from even the good kind. Because of this, this thread should be remade clarifying conclaves.


I personally enjoy PvP in dark sectors because I learn not to get so pissed off when I`m losing. When I first did PvP in dark sector, I felt it was the funnest thing in this game that I`ve ever done.  But I guess majority of the community feels otherwise.

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Why do tenno need to fight each other anyway? i understand conclave duels of honor kinda .to test the skill of each other, but dark sectors i dont get it why is there?


Tenno civil war. 


It's like the 'murica civil war, but in space! 

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