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I Might Be Done With This Game. (Lag Spikes, Fps Drops In The Void)


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Not the Dev's fault, but the game is optimized horribly and after 30-40 minutes in the void the game drops FPS like panties dropping at One Direction Concerts (thank you, SquirmyBurrito)

At 93 minutes, I get a massive lag spike after 20 minutes of the unbearable ~30fps. I don't think I should be getting that with a GTX 970 OC. 

I don't want items restored, or rep restored. But, the lag in the void has been really bad. Not sure if this is just me.


Edited by hiddenfive
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  In the dev workshop thread DE staff outlines forthcoming changes to the netcode that will hopefully address problems like this and more. 


Noted, was pretty upset when I made this thread.


These netcode changes came in U15.12, not much has really changed since then at 40 mins in, I doubt it will get revisited soon, thoguh for now it's only slgihtly less problematic than before

Edited by Somedude1000
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 the void the game drops FPS like teens are getting abortions,all the time.


Not trying to detract from your main point but this is by far the worst analogy I have ever heard. It doesn't flow and it relies upon knowledge that (even if correct) isn't common enough. My main issue is with the lack of flow. I'd have went with "The FPS drops like _____s at a One Direction concert" (I'll let you people fill in the blank).

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Not trying to detract from your main point but this is by far the worst analogy I have ever heard. It doesn't flow and it relies upon knowledge that (even if correct) isn't common enough. My main issue is with the lack of flow. I'd have went with "The FPS drops like _____s at a One Direction concert" (I'll let you people fill in the blank).

Noted again, will change.

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Not trying to detract from your main point but this is by far the worst analogy I have ever heard. It doesn't flow and it relies upon knowledge that (even if correct) isn't common enough. My main issue is with the lack of flow. I'd have went with "The FPS drops like _____s at a One Direction concert" (I'll let you people fill in the blank).

HixtBSF.png fixed the entire thread for you xD

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I got a gtx970 and i dont have any lag spike at any time frame beyond 20 min in t4s .

I have , however , seem alot of thread about lag spike and frame drop on the gtx970 before i purchase mine last year . Aparently its a manufacturer defect which is as common as coil wines on some cards . Its just luck if u receive a good one or not. But im not guarantee that its the issue , it could be warframe , i dont know. Just that i dont seem to get the problem so yeh....

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  In the dev workshop thread DE staff outlines forthcoming changes to the netcode that will hopefully address problems like this and more. 


Yah! Netcode will definitely change the crap coding that causes my display drivers to fumble on themselves!


I spent money on this game back when it wasn't an issue (since pre u9) and now I can barely finish a mission or two before it freaks out on me. I never really had that much of an issue with the connection to other players much. If you did, you could at least still play solo; you cant even do that these days

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Uhm, yeah. OP something's wrong with your card or the game may not be optimized for it I suppose


I have a GTX 660 non-ti with 2gb VRAM. I've gone up to 80 minutes in T4S with minimal lag. Even longer when the mutalist event was going on IIRC

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