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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...



I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.



Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...


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wow..... I should feel bad for him....


*Looks at Darvo giving out the cards for the poker game with the other Tenno*


*Looks at the Kubrow sleeping near my feet making cute noises as he dreams*


*Looks at the Hyenas scraps used to make a neat Grill for the BBQ after the Poker game, with an Ember firing it up*



*Grabs cards*

.......damnit I got 1 pair of 3's

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Poor Frohd, looking back he has had a rather miserable turn of events.

A little off-topic, I believe that by now you'd have seen the annoucement of the event, tell us Yui, who do you think is the 'Mysterious Informant'? *coughcouhgderfcough*

Edited by RahuStalker
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Poor Frohd, looking back he has had a rather miserable turn of events.

A little off-topic, I believe that by now you'd have seen the annoucement of the event, tell us Yui, who do you think is the 'Mysterious Informant'? *coughcouhgderfcough*

Derp Anyo?...


Anyway this event is going to kill me ;___; if it's one of those record keeping event... I wanna get my works done wehhhh!!

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Alad went to leghts and asked for it.

Frohd just wanted a dog. Nope Tenno took your stuff!

Frohd just wanted success for his son. Lolbye dad I'm going rogue!

Frohd just wanted to build an army of killer dog-bots. Then Tenno come and.... actually that one's justified.

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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...



I'm unable to explain in words how much this^^ makes me laugh.

Dunno what's better: the Bek's transition from Buddha to Akaoni or the karmic misfortune that always punish the Corpus for their greed (The only way you will achieve Tenno's tech is bowing before us I think). At least the Grinner blow themselves up like proper goons. 


Edited by Zuijin
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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...



Love them all! :D

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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...




I needed a good laugh, Yui, thanks for this.

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Alad went to leghts and asked for it.

Frohd just wanted a dog. Nope Tenno took your stuff!

Frohd just wanted success for his son. Lolbye dad I'm going rogue!

Frohd just wanted to build an army of killer dog-bots. Then Tenno come and.... actually that one's justified.




don't forget we just killed off a whole bunch of his ice dude's too.



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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...




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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...




Poor Bek. After making a deal with us, Tenno, for Salad V's assassination, he suffers a lot. Maybe we're his bad luck charm? (Wait, we did that all of that... So we're playing pranks on him?)


Btw, I think we can use this as a new rage face 



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Have some fuels, now I gotta go back to work ;w;


Frohd Bek the calm-est guy in the universe...




I don't think you're getting any more profit any time soon.




Nor will Frohd Bek ever be happy...



Amazing, i like how calm he look in the start and then just burst out in rage because of the tenno, he looks so funny XD

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