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Comics By Yuikami [Added: Doodle - What I See, New Stalker...]


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I wonder who is this Mystery Associate? *-*


Considering his sassy attitude, his big ego and his flamboyant words... I call a corpus chairman.

It would have sense to use the Tennos to destroy Behk profits and secure a more powerful position for himself/herself.

He isn't Alad V, because atm the man is too busy sniffing nanospores (awesome trips with those, or so I've heard)...

He isn't Darvo for obvious reasons (he's already with us)...

Derf Anyo is coming?

Or a brand new character? Caesar Salad, the glutton Corpus chairman with a penchant for nouvelle cuisine and big profits (Go Big or go home taken too literally)

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Cough cough Frohd cough Bek cough Cough

I kinda suspect it to be the introduction of Derp Anyo xD

So far I think Frohd Bek fricken hate Tenno's guts by now. We helped him once, but we screwed up every other single one of his operation afterward... including his family matter...

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I kinda suspect it to be the introduction of Derp Anyo xD

So far I think Frohd Bek fricken hate Tenno's guts by now. We helped him once, but we screwed up every other single one of his operation afterward... including his family matter...

Hail to the mighty Tenno Enthusiast, with his Skana Brand Skanas!


But yeah.. With all of the stuff we do to Frohdo Bekkins one should expect retribution. We exhausted all of that good will by chasing out Alad for him by now..

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Hail to the mighty Tenno Enthusiast, with his Skana Brand Skanas!


But yeah.. With all of the stuff we do to Frohdo Bekkins one should expect retribution. We exhausted all of that good will by chasing out Alad for him by now..


Frohdo Bekkings! You MUST take this datamass to the processors of the Jupiter Reactor! The future of our company depends on it!

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Super late Dead Kubrow comics, so much works ;w;





Anyway if you don't get this;


<Your Kubrow's name> has died due to a breakdown in its DNA sequence.

Terrible news, your kubrows has died, Internal deterioration caused by lack of DNA Stabilization eventually turned fatal.

Ordis has taken the liberty ejecting its remains into space. The incubator is now free, should you wish to raise another pet, Ordis hope you will.

Ordis, Ship Cephalon
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Ordis is such a maniac for sterilization... I suppose he brushes his cpu with bleach every day, just to kill every single bacterias around.

As a proper IA should be: an omnicidal maniac and enemy to all those fleshy things.

Have no fear: he does it... for science.

I hope the situation around earth will get better now with the Lotus kubrow shelter.

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