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What If A Subscription Was Required?


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Hey there Tenno!


Now I know this subject has most likely already been brought up but I'd like to see what players say about it as of now.


Warframe has been growing consistently over the years and has spread across 3 platforms (PC, PS4, and Xbox). With an estimated 8 million player base, Warframe is a title to be reckoned with in the Free-to-Play community. Having this in mind, some questions have ongoing/new questions being asked.


For instance: what happens when WF steps out of BETA? Why is there still so much lag? Why isn't there more content?


The list could go on. While there are many answers to these questions, one usually fits the bill...quite literally. That answer is simply funding. While WF is Free-to-Play, in order to enjoy certain aspects of the game, quickly move through ranks, or quickly acquire new and exciting gear, a player must either purchase Platinum (digital currency of WF) or complete enough trades with other players to acquire Platinum. This, in an obvious sense is how DE is able to fund WF and bring excitement to it's fan base. While this method is great for attracting and keeping gamers of all kinds, it is also a double-edged sword.


One flaw with this strategy is obvious...limited and unpredictable funding. The strategy is limited by those who choose whether or not to support DE financially while being unpredictable because of in-game market values, special offers, player demands, etc. While this strategy is ideal for gamers, a free game to play, it can either greatly benefit or hurt it's maker.


Here is what I am asking the entire community of Warframe. What if DE implemented a subscription in order to better fund Warframe? Keep in mind the pros/cons. Possible pros would be more frequently given content, better gaming performance quality, new and exciting concepts able to be brought to light, etc. while cons being Pay-to-Play, a possible drop in fan base, etc.


I'm not voting either side. I would like to hear what everyone has to say.

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To be perfectly blunt...


I'm sick to death of hearing about this. What is everyone's obsession with this and first person mode? DE has already issued official responses. Not going to happen. Why is the dead horse still being beat?

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God if that happened it would be like EVE online all over again, its such a hassle too put money into a game and then have too put more money if you want something fun too play with it. If they lost the "free" too play title then id just quit outright.



I cant stand games that force you too pay yearly or monthly when even Xbox and PS4 games let you spend 60$ and then nothing only if you want too spend more money not HAVE TOO BUY IT if you want too play your dam game in peace.



PS: I would roll in my grave for years too come also......

Edited by Monybags33
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I already supported this game with 300$+, a subscription-based system would only anger me personally. I can make plat through trading to avoid paying more money for the game, a subscription based system would ruin this. And please don't make the arguement that a subscription based system would cause them to reduce grind. Just look at FF 14 and WoW. Is their grind much better? Not necessarily

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I paid for this game to be furthered, and for it to stay free and independent. I've shown my support for the game time and again, because I had the choice, I wasn't forced to, and I believed they deserved it. If this became a payed game, all that would accomplish for me is feeling I wasted all of that money. Not only would I stop playing completely, I'd also be so mad I'd badmouth the game as much as I could. I've never heard of such a travesty as a game starting out F2P and going P2P. Probably for a good reason, too; a game that did this could not possibly be talked about in a positive light by those affected.

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