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The Negative Connotations Around Starter Frames Such As Volt, Excalibur, And Mag


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 I'm mastery 15 now and counting (hopefully), and when I'm bored I try to help new players get into warframe, because honestly, I struggled a lot when  first started playing. I see these players having the exact same issues I had, maybe worse given all the updated mechanics and enemies etc. I think someone needs to make an in depth guide for new players on how to get to a playable level, when the game actually starts to become extremely fun to play. I think that instead of making mockeries of NEW players, that we should instead attempt to assist them, because it's one thing to enjoy a game like most of us have warframe, but never underestimate the value of a decent community of players, who are all interested in the same things. The best thing about this, is that one of those mastery 0s I offered to help in region chat, became a good friend of mine and is steadily levelling up as I did, and beginning to love the game as I do. 

Oh, it's out there and all over the wiki. They just don't want to look for them and they don't know what to look for.

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 I'm mastery 15 now and counting (hopefully), and when I'm bored I try to help new players get into warframe, because honestly, I struggled a lot when  first started playing. I see these players having the exact same issues I had, maybe worse given all the updated mechanics and enemies etc. I think someone needs to make an in depth guide for new players on how to get to a playable level, when the game actually starts to become extremely fun to play. I think that instead of making mockeries of NEW players, that we should instead attempt to assist them, because it's one thing to enjoy a game like most of us have warframe, but never underestimate the value of a decent community of players, who are all interested in the same things. The best thing about this, is that one of those mastery 0s I offered to help in region chat, became a good friend of mine and is steadily levelling up as I did, and beginning to love the game as I do. 

Hence my idea in other threads for a mentoring program that allows players who have the desire to help lower level players build up a usable amount of power to get going. I wager there would be many willing to volunteer for said program and if they made it to where there are no rewards whatsoever for the participating senior players it would negate the exploitation of said system for profit and therefore we would see mostly people who truly wanted to help out their fellow tenno. IDK perhaps a Mentor Forum badge would be an acceptable reward.

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Well, I've found out that if you have such a an Decked out warframe, Comics over them and an Alt, helmet, you nomraly don't get people biting you about it. but if you see an Excal with no color change what so ever, or so bad color choice, then you'll be at that receiving end.


I've seen people useing the Hayden Tenno, Skin and usually that gets people off your back, and well Mag is covered now, due to her prime, and I think the main reason is that, they are "starter" warframes and players just expect that they are "new" players.


My Volt, has an black and white theme, with another helmet and the Suda Logo, didn't have anyone on my tail about that. 

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On a few occasions I've been in a line up with the host telling the lowly member to bugger off . . . so I also leave.


I frequently host and love to see one squad member with MR1 and just the very basics as he's probably as new as you can get to the game . . considerate players always check out the weak ones so know where the help might be needed.

I say "might be" because some top players like going basic for the challenge . . .

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I have 25% use time on my excal.I really like his super jump, radial blind since, in the void, the possibility of escaping by going into highter ground could save you from downing and his blind mix with overextend and skretch make you blind any room in the void. For his slash dash you can use it in a super jump slash dash combo for a escape manoeuvres.


For volt is a good survival frame since of his speed and shield those 2 skill are a life saver. There is a small tactic with his shield to do when using them. Deploy one and go a couple of meters behind it by doing that it will save you from the explosion splash domage. His speed well you go fast.


As for mag well she had a very small bonus with her sheild augment but now even if she get 20k shield to protect her she will die from slash domage. I don't like playing her

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The reasoning for such biased attitudes towards frames is the fact that many frames have no abilities that are useful in long defense or survivals. As much as DE would refuse to admit players have a sort of self imposed WF tiering in place. Said tiering system indicates a frames value based on how deep into infinite content said frame is useful and a worthy addition to the squad. In late game survival/defensive missions Volt sits at about mid tier based on his Shield alone as every other skill is not very worthwhile. You can argue that his speed skill is awesome for melee but then the point must be broached that melee is nearly worthless after a certain point and is complete suicide in later times. As far as a Mag is concerned she literally has no redeeming qualities in deep infinite content. Shield polarize is a good scaling damage skill however it will only affect shielded targets and damage those around them. With the inclusion of another corpus shielded enemy into the void this should have increased it's potential but lo and behold said unit is immune to powers. As far as crush is concerned it is not viable as nukes always fall off before anything else due to scaling.


In this instance we must look at what makes a top tier frame. Infinite usability of powers that MEAN something. Loki Radial Disarm=worth. Nyx Chaos=worth, Nova's M prime=worth, Banshee's Sonar=Worth. These abilities all have something in common and it is clear why they are top tier. They all work precisely the same regardless of enemy levels and provide a massive value per cast ratio to the party. Disarmed targets cannot shoot you=win. Confused targets will help kill their friends=win, up to 1,000% bonus damage=win, 2x damage and a decent slow=win.


If DE wants to get out of the "Tiers" that they themselves have brought into being due to design implementations then they need to revamp various Warframe's kits to ensure they all have some kind of scaling value to make them a worthy addition to any squad. When I say revamp I do not mean add more bandaids. I mean make changes that are better than the Nekros and Ember changes. Make them worth a slot on a team for more reason than fun otherwise this will constantly continue.

You lost me there. MAG isnt good in t4 survival? Funny, she helped my squad hit 3 hours...

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Oh really? >:)


If anyone bashes starter frames he is bashing my Volt, while it wasn't my first frame (i started with excalibur) when i started with Volt i immediatly felt in love with its speed, it may be a starter frame but Volt is an amazing warframe for speed freaks (like me).

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If anyone bashes starter frames he is bashing my Volt, while it wasn't my first frame (i started with excalibur) when i started with Volt i immediatly felt in love with its speed, it may be a starter frame but Volt is an amazing warframe for speed freaks (like me).

I wasn't saying Volt is a bad frame. I was saying "Oh really?" to the PVP part. :3
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I wasn't saying Volt is a bad frame. I was saying "Oh really?" to the PVP part. :3


 You'd be surprised at the amount of people i found in other games that think that somehow bashing people with equipment they deem inferior makes them better while themselves are actually complete noobs.

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Excalibur is only useful for spamming ult at xp/rep farming now, which is sad.

Volt is pretty good for long (1hr+) T4 missions, gives nice team buffs and the Shield

Mag is OP vs void /corpus with the infinitely scaling Shield polarise nuke.


Of course noobs dont know how to use any frames, but thats the problem of noobs, not the frames.

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From what I've gathered, its the community, and well, it sucks, said Tenno, should not be judged by his equipment, but how he supports his team, and how skilful he is with said frame. But even said, if doing missions in the solar system, and they get bashed for using a starter frame, I find this ridiculous, Yes some frames would be better, but at the end of the day, all frames can make it through the star chart...IF you play them as if the powers where an attachment to your skill. 


Secondly, I feel with the growth of the Warframe community, it has been getting more and more condensed with different types of people, for an instant, while they're more Tenno out there to support others, their are also, "Unintelligent" few who base players by the gear they use, and I feel this people are more recognised, because of the bad impression they leave, while the few helpful Tenno, are more forgotten, my personal opinion though. But though enough said I do feel the Warframe I do feel, the community of Warframe, is getting more and more bitter, especially in the game itself, but there are still a few, like me, who are positive little Tenno, who are willing to give up time to help new players, with daily tasks, like quests, or mod-ing, or even "Where do i find said material", and although the message after is normally just "Thanks", I want to say Thank you, as well, to every Tenno out there, who helps, undeveloped Tenno achieve their goals. You're what keeps new players, CURRENT players ;) 


And in my eyes all frames are in equal tier under their own rights, just got to find the one that suits you, any frame is viable for any mission, as for weapons same with the right amount of forma, and the right mods...


P.s Except the Rakta Ballistica :3 (Just joking [DE]Steve XD)

Edited by Nemesis-Infinity
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I've run across many a Excalibur, Volt, and Mag without much hating going on. Honestly sounds like you have had some bad luck when it comes down too it. However I myself have grown too almost expect the "starter" anything too be worse then when you achieve something, it wasn't until later did I realize thank god every Warframe has its own unique style of playing so their really should be no "Hate of starter frames".


Especially since Excalibur you have too build from Pluto.

Volt you have too build via Dojo witch can take forever too even get too the Tenno Labs

Mag is probably the easiest but can take out corpus shields easy so the only thing easy about mag is building her.



Also Excalibur iv heard is always used by pro players so theirs that too......the list go's on.

Edited by Monybags33
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I have had people lol at my excal-glaive-aklex plenty of times, then they see the scoreboard and try to add me xD

I use my excal.Prime a lot . .and it ain't all Radial Javelin, a pop of the Blind and a leap here and there makes it a killer frame . . . what I'm reading in some of these posts is the old story . . . for: Excal is crap, read, I don't know how to maximise Excal's potential, lol . . .

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 I'm mastery 15 now and counting (hopefully), and when I'm bored I try to help new players get into warframe, because honestly, I struggled a lot when  first started playing. I see these players having the exact same issues I had, maybe worse given all the updated mechanics and enemies etc. I think someone needs to make an in depth guide for new players on how to get to a playable level, when the game actually starts to become extremely fun to play. I think that instead of making mockeries of NEW players, that we should instead attempt to assist them, because it's one thing to enjoy a game like most of us have warframe, but never underestimate the value of a decent community of players, who are all interested in the same things. The best thing about this, is that one of those mastery 0s I offered to help in region chat, became a good friend of mine and is steadily levelling up as I did, and beginning to love the game as I do. 

I agree . . .


For me the early and essential grind was learning and learning in Wikia . . . the masses of info is very intimidating when you first start but studying it on a regular basis - not trying to cram too much all at once - and continually referring back to it, brings rewards and satisfaction in the long run.

16 months in game and I'm still spending a lot of time in there . . . the game + Wikia = Warframe.


Mocking new players is ridiculous, not only are we all new players at some time but because I host a lot, frequently with new players, I know that many of the "new" players are very skilful gamers.


BTW, I, too, only recently got MR15.

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