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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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In a previous Devstream, you guys mentioned that you plan to retroactively apply quests on existing Warframes, meaning that much like Mirage or Limbo, you can instead complete a quest to obtain a Warframe instead of repeat boss runs. Is this something we can still expect? If so, will we able to get an ETA?

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Will there be any work done on the defence side of the solar rails?  Seems easier to attack a rail than to keep hold of one !

Will the dark sectors ever get re worked so it does'nt come down to the biggest alliances holding sway over the star map ?

Instead why dont you add alliance size relative dark sectors to the star map and class alliances in the same way as clans are ? That way the big alliances dont control the game and the credit and resource boosts are not a privildge granted to only the biggest alliance.


Edited by (XB1)o0 Myth 0o Zp
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How about you drop the clan idea and allow clan within UNIONS as in giant organizations like the 6 syndicates but govern by tenno characters because a clan will always stagnate by players who lose intrest in the game i suggest that no one will be recruiting or kicking people out you can join or quit its your choice yours alone all itll take is to pass a test and youre in the amount of players per union is limitless only devs will decorate and founders to and reaserch shall be identical for each union accept cosmetics the reason is pure benefit and competition no discrimination no kicking and ranks and roles are earned none are dergoting all are beneficial for the player uniquely so you are what you do not what people think you are so no descrimination or neglect trade should be included.

Edited by smileyhunter777
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There are supposed to be some modification to the Frost model. So he has more Cloth physics and whatnot. Are there any plans to Buff Frost Prime so his stats are more in line with other primes? And can we Frost players get a buff to his powers to make him true CC Warframe?


Will there be more upgrades to help players connect with each other? Currently I play with some guys from work, but they have stopped playing because its so difficult to join a match without at least one of us being dropped.


Mastery Rank needs to mean something for us who take the time to advance. What is in store for the future of Mastery Rank?



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1) What's the "in universe" explanation for having to pay credits to use our own foundry? It's on our ship, as opposed to in a dojo or a relay or something (which might be cool). Is Ordis charging credits to build things for us? Does he have a hot date with the Cephalon Suda AI that he needs some spare dosh for? Does the foundry work like a vending machine or arcade game where you have to pop credits in to get it to work?

2) While this might not fit the space setting of Warframe, ever given any thought to the idea of having weapons display if they can be used to craft other weapons? This would be so that players don't sell off a weapon they might need further down the line to craft something else.

Apologies in advance if these have been asked before, and thanks for reading.

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Question: Something that bothers me from a flavor standpoint. The Howl of the Kubrow Intercepted Transmission that you get when you start the quest, mentions a delivery of eggs to Elara, the planet that you find the Incubator on. However, there seemd to be no eggs found on Elara and the questline takes you to E-Prime to grind for the egg. So why does the transmission mention eggs? Is there something we are missing or did the quest at one point have you get the egg on Elara as well?

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Question 1:

With bosses like Vey Hek and Mutalist Alad V locking Hydroid and Mesa respectively behind grind/waiting "gates", are we ever going to see bosses on Earth and Eris that don't require said "gates" to get too? I'm asking this because many of my friends have stopped playing the game due to more grind/waiting "gates" being introduced to get to the new content (be it gear, frames or locations/missions)...


Question 2:

Are we going to see some balancing of the just out right annoying enemies like Mutalist Tar Moas or Nullifiers? Right now, both of them serve as an annoyance if you play low level content as a high-geared frame, but if you bring them up in levels, they go from annoying to deadly fast.

Tar Moas because they hit you with high damage and a slow effect at the same time, all while you take continuous damage while trying to get out of the tar patch.

Nullifiers usually just round the corner and blow your head off with the sniper shot, or you might accidentally round the corner yourself just to be inside the bubble by accident and then killed since Iron Skin or Shatter Shield just "poofed".


Question 3:

Are we ever going to be able to downgrade our clan size? I'm currently one of three semi-active players in a Shadow Clan of 10 members...


Edited question 1 for more clarifications..

Edited by ShadowJumper
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Regarding the arcane helmets:
I understand it was dropped again because the intention wasnt really to give the helmets an ability, and i totally agree.

However, i do have a number of arcane helmets that i "have to" use if i want my frame that optimization.

In other words, i cannot use other helmets.


Maybe its a good idea to give the arcane abilities in another way than a helmet?

Maybe something along the line of sigils but not neccessarily visible anywhere.


And of course make them tradeable so those who has them wont get fussed.





Hey, why not just give the sigils arcane like abilities, since we are at it?! This way theres alot more customization for people!

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is it U16 were getting? and with all the networking problems with missions having 4 players... if we end up with a capacity of 8 players how is the network infrastructure going to work.  theres been so many crashes with public matches even with local friends in private missions with my friends in the same city. sony's network being down a lot lately. wont adding on more players add on to that lag issues? wont it make it worse? i look forward to it but just a bit concerned about the network part.

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Q1. The Europa (ice planet) tilsets have turned out very nicely. Great work! Any plans on expanding the solar system by turning other Jupiter or Saturn moons into mission sectors too? For example Io and Titan. What about Earth's moon?


Q2. Why are the Skana and Lato currently the only tutorial weapons which aren't MK-1 variants with more potentent regular versions like the rest of the starting choices?

It seems strange for them to be stuck in that place, despite being quite prominent in your promotional material including the Excalibur statue we see in most lifestreams.


Q3. How many people on the team are working on the Warframe and weapon balancing? Is it only Scott or is there a team for that? With the ever increasing number of weapons you add to the game, it seems like a sisyphosian* task for just one man to balance all that, while also being responcible for other parts in development.


*In case the name confuses someone. Sisyphos is a figure in greek mythology, forced to push a stone up a hill only to see it roll down again, having to repeat that action every day.


Q4. Why do you put new backround lore regarding the Orokin into the Warframe descriptions instead of giving it it's own section in the codex?


Q5.Has the idea of introducing a manual knockback recovery option, aka. "manual handspring", gone anywhere or have you dropped the concept for now?

I recently got the Handspring mod and it shows that the animation for such an option is allready in game.


Q6. Based on her design it looks like Mesa finger and thumb are supposed to become fused to her Peacemaker to use them. Currently the pistols just float in mid air using the normal pistol animation.

Do you plan on actualy giving the Peacemakers the right animation anytime soon?

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Could we get some mastery points for forming weapons/warframes (like 50%/35%/20%/5%? or maybe even lower but something) and bonuses to affinity for formed weapons/warframes? (1st forma exp 2x, 2nd 3x etc, it would make effort to transform thrash weapons into something good much more bearable)


EDIT: As seeing previous post reminded me something. Will daggers and dual swords expanded in any way? (new stances weapons)

Edited by Kasarian
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Will there be any rework of Kubrows' AI ? It's annoying seeing it coming always in front of you, blocking your fire.


Any plans to buff Rakta Ballistica, and bring it at the same level as the other Syndicates weapons ? It is REALLY necessary, and many have asked for it for quite a moment...

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Please say the raid takes actual skill and not just more damage then a normal boss. I was to have to you team work, co-operation, skill and thinking.. not just slap on the best mods on the best guns and wait for the boss to expose itself so i can shoot at it every other minute or so. 


Make it to where someone has to distract him while others take him out from behind. Give him weak points that we have to shoot off first to damage him. Make it interesting, unlike most of the current bosses...

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Give my kubrows some brains!!!

alot of times when im in a mission and bring my happy digging kubrow along, it gets infront of my rifle as i zoom in and sucking all my bullets so i move a bit only for the kubrow to stand infront my zoomed in rifle again.....

also the kubrow gets stuck under stairs ALOT!!!!! which is really a painfull thing to watch.

sure he/she will spawn next to me if i get away far enough and i do seem to have to get a huge distance away from it to respawn, but thats only to see him/her ge stuck under the next little stairs...... it really makes me to leave my kubrow back in the ship where it sits and stays in 1 safe spot (and not under the ramp).

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What about an ability for users on warframe.com to give suggestions for the game, and then let people up and downvote it?
That way Digital Extremes can see what people really want, and possibly get an influence from the users more reliably than the random forum suggestions.


Something like this:


Edited by azaze1
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Its great that we can see what people has equipped, but what about adding icons for magnetic, corrosive etc so we can check up on our fellow companions?

Can be useful for when someone may forget to change setup, or to help a newbie.

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I would like to bring some old questions back to the table:




Underclocking mods (seriously, how is this NOT a thing yet?)


Primed vs Charged chamber rebalance (buff charged to match primed, but give unique visual effects to primed to keep it special for those who have it)

Orokin Cells:  Why are they not available in the void instead of CM?  Also why do invasions and alerts only offer 1?  Ideally it would be 5 or 10 depending on mission level.


Legendary mod trade tax (originally designed to be prohibitive against leg. cores, but is now interfering with trading old primed mods)


Speaking of primed mods, can we get confirmation on whether old void trader offerings will eventually resurface for purchase?

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Wouldnt it be a good idea to add an ability to see a friends mod setup for weapons etc within the game? (or you can invite someone to see it)


Also, that could be done on warframe.com too, with the ability to make it fully public. The data is there, so it should be easy enough.

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