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Coming Soon: Devstream #46!


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Can we expect dagger buffs or a rework of finishing damage and counters along with Spy 2.0 or update 16? What about weapons that have innate channeling efficiency, counter chance, or finisher damage? Aklato buffs? Dual skana buff? What about more types of weapon additions in categories like nikanas or claw weapons? Are tenno face customizations gone after Movember? Will they be re-implemented? 

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Can we get an all time leader board? Did 98 t4 d waves on xbox this week. Would to know highest waves every for xbox t4 d?

Also will we ever ger syndicate primary weapons to add to mix not just mod card for them?

Also flashback quests for prime warfames only playable by that prime ?

Thank u warmly,

Black Mouse xbox1

Edited by (XB1)Black Mouse
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Are there any plans to get a boss on Earth or Eris that DOESN'T require a key?


As of now, the only rare resources you can't boss farm without a key are Neurodes. Personally, I love having a semi-reliable regular way to pick up rare resources. And for Neurodes, it's not an option currently.


(I loved old Vay Hek, and if he were to be re introduced, players could build up that rivalry with him as they travel through the starmap and finally defeat his final form as "Terra"fying Hek. It works for Alad)

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So I have some questions for you and I hope you can answer them!


1- Will there be any bolster systems or some way for players to gain stats the longer they are in an endless mission? Such as a % Gain so that we can try to hit wave 100+.


2-  Will there be more immersive maps such as the relay? It's very intresting seeing warframe evole into a more open world mmofps.


3- Liset battles, clan flagships, any sort of space naval combat planned?



Thank you, 

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1. When is Frost prime getting some more bling?

2. When are Frost, Frost prime, Volt, etc, getting cloth-like animations similar to Mesa´s?

3. Any update for us PS4 players about the incoming update? We want relays and good syndicate warframe mods so bad

4. Are there any plans for a new map/planet? (not archwing pls). I think every planet should have a unique enviroment, not Mercury=Saturn, Sedna=Uranus

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Any future changes to damage 2.0? Currently, what you can do with the game is limited because of weapon modding being purely about adding more damage, to the point where it's unbalancable (and it restricts are ability to customise a weapon towards our own play-styles) . At the moment, all eight slots go towards increasing damage per shot, as opposed to improving, fixing or adding a mechanic to a weapon. (there's a few exceptions, some weapons need reload speed or firerate. But other than that it's all about damage) 


Enemies. Will you at some point rework older enemies like snipers, seekers, grineer melee, eximus and so on to be more... Involving. Not to say more difficult, but rather giving players more opportunity to avoid damage and reward them for skill. 

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Question:when will i see my mastery pay, going for 18 is cool then thers 19?

                There should be buffs for your frames at mastry lvls (lvl 3 mastry 3%poewr strenght ,lvl6 3%shield recarge and boost )  stuff like

                 that should multiply with each new rank acieved 6, rank 3 boost doubels, at 9 rank 6 boost double while rank three tripples ,like that.

                 do you have a plan for mastery ?

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Dear digital extremes, has any thought been put into increasing the size of the teams that convert your PC updates to ps4/xbox1 updates? I appreciate the hard work that you ladies and gentlemen put into this game, with the constant flow of updates/hotfixes/reworks that you guys put out week to week. That being said, I understand the methodology of get it out and get it fixed for PC before porting it to consoles, it's a solid plan, I aslo understand that you like to bundle as much completed content as you can per console update because they are not as accessible for you to patch/hotfix, I also understand that you can expect any build submitted to cert to take atleast 3-7 business day.

Usually you guys keep us at around an update a month pace, and most players seem content with that, but then there are times like right now... As of this posting ps4/xbox1 are sitting at 50 days without an update, I know that update 15.10 has been submitted for cert on both consoles as of late last Friday, with no responses on status yet from Sony/Microsoft as of yet. Past expeirence tells me that we will receive a status update either Thursday or Friday, with the updates actually hitting the consoles the following Tuesday. That will leave the final day tally at 56 days with no new content, and the only other time I ever remember taking that long was update 14, mainly because of the massive amount of hotfixes that it required after roll out. I'm sorry my question turned into a documentary on what your already aware of, but we have the fortune/curse of sitting here and watching everything roll out for the PC, in this case for 7 weeks straight, and the build that we are receiving is already 3 week old content, with the premise of maybe the warframe reworks not included in our update can be hotfixes to us, but if they can't be we will again be waiting around another 3 weeks to a month for our next major update. So less rant and back to the original question, is there any chance that the console teams could see an extra body or two soon?

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IS there any chance of removing the natural talent mod in tier 4 interception and forma blueprint in tower survival Rotation C? Because they are really annoying


Also, is there any chance to create new rotation D? because Rotation C at the current stage is full of stuff and really hard for players to get the parts they want.


Any new incoming maps? because right now we are playing the same old maps over and over and over again, would love to see more variation

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have you abandoned the dark and gritty aspect of the game for more (and brighter/more colorful) appeal?


when will you add more Elite type enemies into the game? Infestation can use more (am aware of coming content)


Are you planning to tone down the technology of weapons down the line, or are we going to keep progressing to the point that everyone is carrying a GBE? Would be nice to see some traditional old school yet modernized weapons come out for awhile.




timetable on Dojo content deployment? ish is fine


When are new Sentinels coming out? Or a quest for the Link to equip 2 at one time? on a similar note, packmaster ability with Kubrows? (more than 1 at a time)


will you give us Founders our warp to Solar Landmark button back please? profile button just gives the messages


Really like Excavation, any new mission types coming out soon?


I would like to see the usual 4 suspects play a T4 survival or Interception on a stream one day. So we players can see how the ppl who make the decisions about our game actually play it. a cold run, no prior planning or anything. Just log on the stream and get right to it (my money is on SHELDON PRIME to have the most deaths and/or revives) for a good hour.


as always will be watching from the shadows







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Honestly I watch the dev streams just to hear about new changes and a sneak peak at new content.


Spoilers Please.


A real question for Steve: Current thoughts about the infinite level scaling. Do you feel like its fine as of right now or did you want to change it?


Infinite Level Scaling-The main reason Tenno slot all damage mods on weapons.

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