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Serious Question To Everyone Who Isn't A Founder...


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What is it with the obsession of getting a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content? I have no intention of causing a flamewar. This is an honest-to-god question. I bought Grand Master, obviously, when it was out, and I just let the frame gather dust because I never enjoyed Excalibur to begin with, since I was only really interested in Lato and Skana Prime.

But why, besides mastery and collection, WHY is everyone so obsessed with the content? There are so many better options, why beg for the content that you missed out on to be released? You're not really missing much.

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They aren't missing much besides polarity addition. There's no hidden content behind him. There's  no real reason besides "just owning him" to own him.

@ZyroHunter: I'll type it as I see fit, thank you.

Edited by Mystecia
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i think most people feel that way, and it's fair. we can supposedly attain everything in game from playing, yet there's a bunch of stuff that fits the lore that we can't have cos we were late to the party.


that's rough.

Edited by d1sc1p1e
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Serious question to everyone who is a founder.

What is it with the obsession of making threads about a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content, yet, they keep making threads about said subject.


And yes, i would like to have him, but as you can see, i don't make threads asking for his return. Can we just forget about him and not talk about this anymore?


PD: Also, some of us, are collectionist, and as a collectionist, it's basically something we can't have. But i've not seen any thread about Excalibur until now. So yeah, it's better to not talk about him, basically.

Edited by DarkLordX2
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Umm...it's God not god.

That depends on if you are using it as a proper noun AKA the name of your deity of choice. God/s can also refer to different beings that have been worshiped throughout history.


Also 1362510559321.jpg

Edited by xRufus7x
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Sorry what?


Find any thread or post where I have ever said anything about wanting Excal Prime to come back.

You won't.


Now find any thread where I have expressed how tired I am of seeing this boring subject raised time and time again.

In addition to this thread, you would find a number.


Don't tar everyone in a group with your perception please.

I don't tar all Founders.

Edited by Egg_Chen
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Serious question to everyone who is a founder.

What is it with the obsession of making threads about a notoriously blah frame? And why does everybody seem to ignore the fact that Digital Extremes has stated on multiple occasions that they have no intention on rereleasing founders content, yet, they keep making threads about said subject.


Probably because some of them start seeing threads like these:



and they are actually interested in why care so much, but it just brings the issue of it back up and starts the whole thing up again.

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This topic is absolutely pointless. It's desired because it's part of the game and "we" had no chance at it. Don't get me wrong i would pay 250 for it if they gave us the chance but I'm not constantly prying about it. Anyone who makes a thread about the subject is just feeding the fire. Those who don't have it want it and those who have it don't want those who don't to have it. And regardless of which side your coming from posting on behalf of this is just looking to continue what doesn't need to continue

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They aren't missing much besides polarity addition. There's no hidden content behind him. There's no real reason besides "just owning him" to own him.

@ZyroHunter: I'll type it as I see fit, thank you.

It's not about "missing" out. And I think you've missed the point, even with your OP. It's about "everything without that you can't have" is itself enough an obsession. And the reason? Just pick one out of infinite reasons available. It's funny how they try to justify and how we try to convince them otherwise. Personally, I don't blame those don't have such and such. It's just happened that they know WF a little bit late. DE makes such and such exclusive. They were naysayers. Warframe now is better than it was and now they want to invest more such and such, etc...
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I had asked this question trying too fix the problem myself because I had wanted Excalibur Prime in some way able too be accessible to the public once more. However I came too a quick realization that no one wants too change anything about this and something's should remain exclusive.


If I was a founder I would NOT want people too have what I consider "Unique" just because they complained long enough and got their way, even if I'm not a founder I agree it should not be talked about and left alone.

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Probably because some of them start seeing threads like these:



and they are actually interested in why care so much, but it just brings the issue of it back up and starts the whole thing up again.

And i am quite interested in why they care so much about other people wanting him, it's just human nature. Plain and simple.

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