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Why Are People Quick To Snap With "it's Exclusive!" Here?


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i am so glad that has never happened to me. i expected to get some hate when i placed my GM sigil on my warframes but nope no hate to im pretty happy with that.


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as someone said it's mostly people just trying to feel superior and stuff. if you want a more direct response to an answer about limited time items such as skins, mods, and weapons I Would message one of the devs in charge of the community such as DERebecca DEMegan and the community moderators. These people will give you a more accurate answer and will be a lot nicer about it.


I've experienced that as well, on the forums as well as in-game. That's why threads talking about it are closed pretty quickly (not sure why that other thread hasn't been locked yet). It gets too heated.

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What? I want to feel special.  I want there to be things that you had to be there to get. Things that people can look at you and say, "Wow, they've been around since {time limited event where fancy thing was available}!". Many online games have special weapons, special skins, special armor, special mounts, special cosmetics, special animations, that are exclusive to a particular time and place. It lets your longest playing members identify themselves and feel, at least in some small way, rewarded for being with the game for so long. It also encourages newer players to stay active in the game, because you never know when one of these things is going to show up. Wouldn't you feel stupid if there was an opportunity to get a time-limited item but you had decided to take a few weeks off from playing and missed?


What I don't understand is why the Warframe community seems to have never heard of this concept before.



(That said, I agree with the person above who said that mods should not be exclusive. These are very clearly a form of power in the game. Some span of shininess is okay, but event based mods should reappear within a reasonable time after their event for other players to get them.)

I think the main issue is related to mastery exp awarded weapons, such as Event items or founder pack. People who cant Grind™ for mastery feel like they are loosing out on the beloved Mastery Rank. I'm MR18, I enjoy Grind™, and I'm disappointment I missed out on some mastery from events. But in the end mastery is really useless and means nothing so it doesn't bother me. Mastery is the only thing in Warframe that gives a feeling of progress. If one cant progress due to exclusives, people get mad.


On the topic of cosmetics, these don't award mastery. Sure they are cool and I myself would like some cosmetics I missed out on, but they are not whined about because they don't "hinder" progress.

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It's all about plat and tradeable one time rewards: use multiple accounts (I don't) to grab these up enmass, then sell em for 300+ plat per to people who made the mistake of going on vacation, falling ill, going out of state/country for work, dealing with RL issues, and other unimportant things. Basically only way to catch up is to spend lots of plat to those that were around. It's one thing to miss a cosmetic item then another to miss a some thing that offers a considerable amount of 'power' increase. All this 'exclusive content' seems nothing more than a way to 'encourage' the purchasing of plat and that's about it. Maybe?

Edited by fizbit
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I think the main issue is related to mastery exp awarded weapons, such as Event items or founder pack. People who cant Grind™ for mastery feel like they are loosing out on the beloved Mastery Rank. I'm MR18, I enjoy Grind™, and I'm disappointment I missed out on some mastery from events. But in the end mastery is really useless and means nothing so it doesn't bother me. Mastery is the only thing in Warframe that gives a feeling of progress. If one cant progress due to exclusives, people get mad.


On the topic of cosmetics, these don't award mastery. Sure they are cool and I myself would like some cosmetics I missed out on, but they are not whined about because they don't "hinder" progress.

The thing is, even losing out on mastery isn't an issue in the long run because you can guarantee that even if a lot of event weapons etc aren't reintroduced (and its has been confirmed they will be) that DE will release enough content to allow everyone to get everyone up to the highest MR.


People that are paranoid about missing out on Mastery are silly and noth thinking. Hek, I'd be surprised if half of us are even around to reach MR 30. Thats gonna take a lot of grinding.

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what it amounts to is ppl dont want to have to play to earn anything. everyone wants to take time off cause they got a life (fo serious realz) and want to log back in and just find event rewards that they missed sitting in their mailbox.


IF YOU DONT PARTICIPATE YOU DONT GET. it really is that simple. go enjoy your fo serious realz life, just realize that choices have consequences

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Lets not turn this into another founder thread. Exclusive=/= founder.


Can also refer to prime access items, void trader mods and weapons, etc.

Its why i put in bold that its not about the founders items but people are being silly.

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Slightly incorrect in the assumptions around here. 

CBT items and Founder's items are set as exclusive. 


Any other limited item can be released, if only through special requirements.


Moved to Off Topic.

I can never win with you people. And i feel half the time your choices on thread movement are wrong. This is a warframe general topic not and off topic. Off topic would be stuff about anything not warframe. But again another poor choice and my thread is put in the wrong section to die. Again.

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Founder items, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


Proto armor, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


currently exclusive mods will be coming back.


It is very unlikely currently exclusive weapons will be coming back (vandal/wraith weapons).


No point arguing over it.

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I can never win with you people. And i feel half the time your choices on thread movement are wrong. This is a warframe general topic not and off topic. Off topic would be stuff about anything not warframe. But again another poor choice and my thread is put in the wrong section to die. Again.

I know precisely how you feel. Hopefully you will not get a warning as I did for making a comment in this vein. Unfortunately DE feels it is not appropriate for players or forum users to discuss the moderation choices that mods make. We are not allowed to state our opinions on the matter or we are risking a warning point. There have been a couple of times I have pointed out the mistake moderators make and I get a warning or a personal message telling me not to say anything about it. I refuse to do so and therefore I gets a warning point. Quite frankly I do not care and will simply make another account and change my forum user name if they ban me. I am not about to prevent myself from stating my opinion on any matter simply because someone's feelings get hurt. Either we are all adults and realize that outright criticism constructive or not is bound to occur or we are children that require others walk on eggshells around us in order to maintain our fantasy lives. Guess what people, life does not revolve around making you feel good. If someone criticizes you accept it or defend your stance. If you are not adult enough to take a simple comment regarding the efficacy of your decisions then you obviously need not be in any capacity such as a moderator. It's that simple.

Edited by geninrising
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Founder items, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


Proto armor, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


currently exclusive mods will be coming back.


It is very unlikely currently exclusive weapons will be coming back (vandal/wraith weapons).


No point arguing over it.


I would really like to see the source of your Proto Armor claim.

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I know precisely how you feel. Hopefully you will not get a warning as I did for making a comment in this vein. Unfortunately DE feels it is not appropriate for players or forum users to discuss the moderation choices that mods make. We are not allowed to state our opinions on the matter or we are risking a warning point. There have been a couple of times I have pointed out the mistake moderators make and I get a warning or a personal message telling me not to say anything about it. I refuse to do so and therefore I gets a warning point. Quite frankly I do not care and will simply make another account and change my forum user name if they ban me. I am not about to prevent myself from stating my opinion on any matter simply because someone's feelings get hurt. Either we are all adults and realize that outright criticism constructive or not is bound to occur or we are children that require others walk on eggshells around us in order to maintain our fantasy lives. Guess what people, life does not revolve around making you feel good. If someone criticizes you accept it or defend your stance. If you are not adult enough to take a simple comment regarding the efficacy of your decisions then you obviously need not be in any capacity such as a moderator. It's that simple.

No, that is not what it is about. It is about following the Code of Conduct. 

This was explained to you and you deleted the PM. 


There is a difference between insulting and stating constructive criticism. I ask that you not continue this discussion unless you want to PM me about it due to the derailing nature of your comment and the violation of rule 6.

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What comes on me about if somebody asks about something like Candy Cane Scythe skin.


I will say. Only able to be bought at christmas though might become exclusive some day.

While from Protoarmor.


Possible Limited time skin or maybe released again some day.

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Founder items, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


Proto armor, as stated by DE, will never be coming back.


currently exclusive mods will be coming back.


It is very unlikely currently exclusive weapons will be coming back (vandal/wraith weapons).


No point arguing over it.

you do know they confirmed that proto armor is coming back for the next anniversary right

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you do know they confirmed that proto armor is coming back for the next anniversary right




from the wiki: "This skin was added in Update 12.6, and was only available for a week, from March 27, 2014 to April 2, 2014. The skin is currently no longer available in the Market. In Devstream 40 the developers talked about the Proto-Armor Skin returning next anniversary."

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