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Would You Be Fine If Coptering Was Removed If We Keep Aerial Melee?


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This is the same argument cheaters make.


"But you don't have to do it...blah blah blah"



Oooh What did I cheat to win exactly ?


Nothing... Gotcha.


If it helps... I mix coptering and parkour where I feel it's applicable.

I don't rush because I think it's silly.


That said, you darn sure aren't the one to dictate what my options are based on what you feel they should be.


Go away.  You're not helping. 


Sheer ignorance...


I had left... I gave a simple answer of "No." to the OP's question and left.

You folks invited me back...


 The argument of "I like it" vs. "It doesn't make sense and it's hurting the game" are two completely different things.  Of course you like it.  Great.  I like flying around at a million miles per hour killing things in one shot.  Can I do it?  No.  So someone's limiting how I play?  Great.  More of a challenge for me.


Considering I had offered proofs to neither argument you might have me confused with someone else...

Go back and re-read.


Absent that, you can't provide relevant proofs that Coptering hurts the game... Only that it annoys you.

You know why?

Because every frame doesn't move at the same speed...

Nova is just one of many frames who can bomb areas on the other side of the map in a blink without coptering.


What about the ones that can't?


Aerial Melee, as nifty as it is, won't let me keep up with an Excal chaining SlashDash or Nova's Worm Hole on Frost.


...Coptering does though.


My assertion is if you remove coptering, you need to remove all movement related abilities/skills from the game to make for an even playfield.


That's the logic of parity...


Is there anything else we need to change while we're about it?

Do we need to wear matching colors to run in missions with you too?

Is my Primary weapon too loud for you today?

Are my energy colors too bright? 

Are pastels ok with you?


Can you see how silly that sounds?


Truth be told, I don't give a crap how you feel about my gameplay or my choices in the game.  I play the game for me, not you.

You need to do the same thing...


When I run into Spamming Novas, Rhinos, Oberons, and Ashes I don't play any more matches with that player because they impact my enjoyment of the game.

I don't come to the forums and whine about it because I'm smart enough to realize that they are playing the game their way and I have the option of playing it mine.



That's called tolerance.


It's a term you, and those like you, need to learn.

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No because more choice is better. I combo all available moves including coptering to get where ever I want on the map.


    Teammate downed on the other side of the map, a sea of enemies between us.. You bet I will try my best to get to him. I like directional melee too.

I got close to 6k revives by the way.


"It looks stupid".. Your opinion, it doesn't look stupid to me.


    I realized early on that a lot of things are susceptible to change, adapt is the name of the game from update to update, but here we have a mechanic recognized by devs them selves as one of core mechanics. Please stop trying to take it away. Learn the full scope of moves available to all of us and join in on the fun.

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sigh ...just leave things alone and dont give the devs more ideas to make this game suck

some things should just be left

it is very useful, especially on slower frames without maxed rush equipped

it allows us to get to downed team mates fast

its a skill in warframe, you have to learn it..

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No. Try and use aerial melee with a Redeemer. I dare you.

Coptering is faster, more fluid and allows more directional changes than aerial melee, which has this massively annoying delay/animation lock after slashes where you can't do anything combined with a rather lackluster propulsion.

And since DE have explicitly changed the game such that enemy accuracy is affected by player speed, I need to go fast. If I'm not Loki or Ash and need to cross a large open room to get to the other side, I don't have the option to just sprint there - the effective accuracy reduction in that situation is so small that it may as well not exist.

Coptering is a part of this game, like how skiing is a part of Tribes. It can be done by every warframe and by the vast majority of weapons. It's a wonderful equaliser. I honestly don't understand why we get so many threads clamouring for its removal.

Edited by DoomFruit
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I would prefer if it is removed/changed, this insane speed buff certain weapons give, also aeriel attack to get higher is kinda... weird no?


I made  post a thread which does not adress this problem but rather a suggestion what could replace those functions and other things.




I hope this isn't inappropriate promoting my own thread. in another thread

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please remove this exploit.


I have been trying to get this to work because I ALWAYS get left behind.  and no mater what i try/do.  I can never get it to work.  I have tried this till my hand would hurt from all the strange contorted angles. 



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please remove this exploit.


I have been trying to get this to work because I ALWAYS get left behind.  and no mater what i try/do.  I can never get it to work.  I have tried this till my hand would hurt from all the strange contorted angles. 

again as stated by some on this thread ..it is a skill..it has to be learned and mastered

Edited by zAph72
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please remove this exploit.


I have been trying to get this to work because I ALWAYS get left behind.  and no mater what i try/do.  I can never get it to work.  I have tried this till my hand would hurt from all the strange contorted angles. 

Could you tell your average framerate? It can affect coptering pretty significantly. At my ~­30fps I can copter somewhat comfortably, but not as well as most other players. Host can also affect coptering. Even seemingly good one can ground you in place pretty hard.


This is one good reason to rework movement physics. Right now it relies too much on framerate.

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I have been trying to get this to work because I ALWAYS get left behind.  and no mater what i try/do.  I can never get it to work.  I have tried this till my hand would hurt from all the strange contorted angles. 


Ya I don't know how peeps got this working with default controls.  I had to rebind a few keys, most notably, move crouch off ctrl onto c and quick melee to my mouse thumb button.  I suppose putting it on alt would have worked as well.

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I really dislike that coptering is the fastest way to get around. With such rediculess movement speed, players are given no reason not to wander off. No reason to stay with the group when you can copter+DirectionalMelee back in less time than it takes to complain about it. 

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No.  Coptering is for horizontal movement and dashing is for vertical.  And they can be combined for extreme speed.  Dashing doesn't do the same job as well as Coptering.


Besides, Coptering is DE-endorsed.  They like it, players like it, no reason to remove it.

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i dont mind if it was removed but meh... ill answer the question with a NO just for the lols... so many coptering haters...then we gonna see an atack on volt cause he moves to fast as well .. anyways theres another way to go fast without coptering (and its almost as fast too)

Edited by xDesconocidox
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I would say no not just because i like it, but is a really useful ability and if you watch alot of the vets on youtube and what not they use it pretty often, so older and skilled players clearly like it. that and the devs seem to love it. watch them play and they are pretty liberal in their use of coptering (the last dev stream can be referenced for this) and they have said they supported coptering in an earlier dev stream, one dev even went as far as claiming he felt naked being unable to do so. so i wouldnt support its removal, and it seems like neither would the devs.

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Who grows up to be Hitler because you left coptering in the game.


Remove coptering, quick!



*cought but i will be serious for once, why remove copter? Its what makes up the game, u slide a glide like a real ninja. Be like me ( optimist ) . I mean yes, it does sometimes cause a bug, example glitching through the void door and falling into the nowhere. But have u got that feeling for once in your life time u are able to reach the extraction before your team mates? Have you ever got that feeling like you can actually spin ya sword and fly across the map? Have you? Have you ever like the scene where everybody flies across the map? If none of the above have you makes you have you? Then tenno, i will have to report to da lotus that yar working with the corpus. * Its all opinion, hope ya all accept it and think about the have you


Read it with a sexy and slow voice, also play a very sad song at the background.

Edited by LemonEnterprise
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You don't have to learn or master anything XD


It is really not "skillful" or hard to pull of. You only have to get a weapon with high attack speed, and melee in mid-air. That's easy as S#&$ and has not to be "mastered"!

Did I say it was hard?

I still say its a skill, takes timing, and according to some here they struggle to 'master' it

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For me the copter animation is fine and the short burst in speed is rather cool to close the gap between the foe and you. I am fine if coptering would have 1. A cool down phase of 2 seconds or 2. Are simply not performable if you have zero stamina but I find the best way if all the copter animations would leave you with less speed at the end then at the beginning. So rushing one time to the enemy is ok but traveling by coptering could be removed.

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yes, remove the momentum. Slide attacks are fine, fast traveling because of momentum glitching and clipping is not. To compensate remove stamina costs from melee and sprinting, but leave it there for wall running and parrying. Would make the game feel more immersive, in my opinion. Even at a cost of speed...


SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


this is the obvious perfect/appropriate/correct response


if DE did this, damn, i just dunno what i would do, that might get me spending $$$ again...

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