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Friendly Fire Should Be Implemented Into This Game


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but guys, it would stop reputation farming :(


"Excalibur summons a javelin near each enemy and ally within a radius of 15 / 18 / 22 / 25 meters. Excalibur drives his weapon into the ground, launching the javelins into their targets. Each javelin inflicts 1000 damage."


"Maximized Power Range increases the radius to 58.75 meters."

Edited by GamePois0n
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Why does this keep coming up we talking about a game where you hit one button and you can melt, burn, freeze, turn into ball bearing whole rooms of enemies.


Even if you take warframes out of the equation it  gets  just as silly with weapons, take my ignis it has shred on it so I could burn friendlies one floor above or below me or on the other side of rooms. Hell one person brings a Amprex and tap of the trigger could down a whole team.


The only reason I could see someone really wanting this is to troll player base.
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This is funny. I'm gonna be laughing at anybody who actually agrees with this.  Like... if you're gonna use that squiggly meat wad in your noggin. Please use it for something productive...




How to get your face on a dollar bill.

Edited by littlewomba
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This is a terrible idea considering the huge amount of collateral damage most of our weapons and powers involve and the difference in how our weapons are balance vs our health is balanced.

I want to emphasize this: Enemy health scales. It scales big. Weapons are designed around that. Our weapons do a lot of damage. Our health doesn't scale. Enemy weapons are designed around that. They don't do much damage. This is particularly obvious when you see EvE combat like Crossfire, Chaos, Mind Control, radiation proc, SotD, etc. It's why many of these powers have getting reworks to buff enemy damage to make them useful.

On the same way, PvP damage is practically rocket tennis. Ever accidentally killed somebody due to a radiation proc? It takes a single shot.


it'd be annoying as hell.

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Friendly fire would be hilarious.


This game was not designed around the idea...so it would be hilarious.


It would require a massive re-work of everything.  While I do enjoy the tactical choices friendly fire introduces, I think it would be way too much work to implement it and still keep weapons, combat, and abilities the way they exist now.


This is why it should be in the game, restrictions breed creativity, and sometimes balance.

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I used to play a lot of Planetside 2, and the friendly fire in that game fits the theme, but still very annoying. 

Some of the people that want friendly fire seem to be motivated by the mistaken belief that friendly fire means that they will no longer be blocked by teammates who wander into their line of fire. Put on Shred and kill the teammate along with the enemies behind them, yay!

What will *ACTUALLY* happen is: friendly fire means DE must also implement a "anti-griefing" system, to punish trolls who intentionally shoot other players. So guess what, if a teammate wander into your line of fire, you must hold your fire and maneuver into a better firing position, otherwise your "griefing" stat will go up, and once it increases past a certain threshold, you'll be banned from the game (or something). 

In other words, having friendly fire actually work AGAINST people who think this way. 

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Good point, but it makes communication more valuable. Like, "hey, Imma bout to Vortex to suck them up, better get outta my way!!"


You know what I am saying?


in the frenetic way this game plays, and how many missions are done with pugs, and with so many egos out and about...... eh....

theres shouldve never been pvp there should never be friendly fire, though i imagine it may be implemented to 8 man raids because that's how you can create "challenge" in warframe... hahahahaha

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