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Friendly Fire: Why Not An Option (Feedback)?


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Just problems that immediately occur to me when thinking of friendly fire. 



1) Melee weapons could not be used near another player.

2) Radial powers could not be used near players.

3) Players could one shot each other, as they are less durable than NPC.

4) Sentinels would kill your allies.

5) Sentinels could be killed by allies.

6) Trap effects, such as snow globe, would hit players.

7) It would effectively make all but precision weapons a liability. 

8) Syndicate's effects on weapons&mods would kill allies.



1) It would be possible to shot Limbo and Loki....


I can think of more issues, but it would be an exceedingly imbalanced addition to Warframe.


'Dragon age Inquisition' had a friendly fire option and the only way it was usable was by not giving your idiotic allies any AoE capability.

This.  Realistically, it would be a train wreck.  Considering how much damage Tenno can dish out with powers and weapons, you would down your own team seconds into a mission.


Imagine: Defense objective is in danger, and one of your teammates is downed near it.  You run in and use an Ultimate to clear the hoard and save your teammate, but wait, no, you just killed them.  And now you're alone.


I cannot think of any way this could be helpful or enjoyable in mission.  Most missions would last less time than they take to load.  However, I still like the idea of being able to use your weapons or powers inside your dojo, without being in a dual.  Screwing with your clan mates when nothing is on the line?  I'm all about that.

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Why does this keep coming up we talking about a game where you hit one button and you can melt, burn, freeze, turn into ball bearing whole rooms of enemies.


Even if you take warframes out of the equation it  gets  just as silly with weapons, take my ignis it has shred on it so I could burn friendlies one floor above or below me or on the other side of rooms. Hell one person brings a Amprex and tap of the trigger could down a whole team.


The only reason I could see someone really wanting this is to troll player base.

Edited by Wynn
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I remember, when playing halo, the most memorable moments were when my friends and I would start fighting out of nowhere in the middle of a mission... kill eachother, respawn, say "ok, that's enough of that", and then whap them in the back of the head one more time... for good measure. It never ruined the game... it was fun. They made it so it did not screw you over unless you were doing it while in combat and you couldn't instantly respawn.


I think, if done correctly, friendly fire could be a whole lot of fun. It just has to be something that's an option and not enforced. Maybe have Friendly Fire enabled missions that have greater rewards or something. Maybe simply make it a voting system. you can always revive other players... repeatedly, so you can always help your buddy up off the ground after you beat the hell of of them.


I vote YES!

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Imagine: Defense objective is in danger, and one of your teammates is downed near it. You run in and use an Ultimate to clear the hoard and save your teammate, but wait, no, you just killed them. And now you're alone.

Then you don't press the button which says "friendly fire on" when hosting the defence mission.

Edited by DoomFruit
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I understand that things change, sometimes for the better but in this case its for the worse. I have no idea why certain people are hellbent on trying to turn warframe into something its not.


There's a reason this topic is sore with players and that's because most people can appreciate what a terrible idea it is. How about suggesting more practical ideas that matches the mechanics of warframe instead of injecting stuff that works for >other< games.


Fun is subjective, so I can't really speak for everyone what's fun for them or not - however one thing is guaranteed: that there is way too much potential for trolling and grieving and Warframe can do without that added nonsense.


As far as an "optional" option, I personally don't see why the devs would even waste time implementing such a worthless feature that serves no purpose other to satisfy the few who seem to forget what kind of game warframe isn't.

Edited by Juebev
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No. Never. Not even as an ooption.


First, there is really no reason for friendly fire to exist.


Second and more importantly, if DE is making these things into options, what does it say about them as devs? That they are weak and will submit to a vocal minority, and blatantly ignore the silent majority? It isn't so much about "Oh if you don't like friendly-fire then don't turn it on" but rather it sends signals to everyone that says "Oh if these guys can take an inch, if I scream loud enough maybe I can take a foot, then a mile".


And quite frankly, why does everyone want any change to be an "option"? Just because you don't like a change, you want to have the ability to "undo" the game. Changes are natural in the game, and we can't be so backwards as to allow players to undo changes they like. What's next, an option to revert back to damage 1.0, an option to bring back charge attacks? Why not add an option for god mode and 1hkos at that point?


Also, I don't think I need to remind you, but game development isn't a democracy. Ultimately, Warframe is DE's game, and what they do with it is in THEIR vision, not OUR vision.

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what r we talking about gta style game  modes, different from the current one or implement  them in the current game mods yeah it be fun to kill of people  like new players hitting life support way too early even after you nicely explained when to do so or trolls  ,but it would make warframe impossible.


 one second though is maybe a crossfire like raid 8 player game mod would be fun  like a capture a hostage  mission in a corpus map where  you and 4 orther are to capture the hostage come in with support  from the grineer  while 4 others are  to stop this  with corpus help or maybe  put syndicate into the mix  the problem i have is making pvp style game play mandatory  and working it out so you don't have a team of rhino primes with 5 forma bolter primes vs 4 volts with mk1 paris  or 3 people vs 1 person , but  just an idea.    

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