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Actually Impossible To Pay For Mod Upgrading/ducat Items. Deep Explanation Within. Please Support.


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With the direction of all the recent additions and changes it has become increasingly difficult for me to understand DE's intentions. And now the introduction of Arcane Enhancements, which have nothing to do with "lowering the grind".


AEs can be stacked on an item (up to 10 times).

Each stack costs 500.000 credits. At 3 stacks they are already almost at the cost of maxing a primed mod. They are also basically useless unranked so you are forced to stack them.

So far, already 12 different ones have been discovered, meaning you'll have the horrific "Vault Run" loot scenario, meaning a minimal chance of actually getting what you want, but instead of an ODE you will have to complete a raid, which a) many players find an absolute borefest and b) takes an unorganized pug group around 2h full of frustration to complete, though it will be much faster with an organized clan group.


So, to get your first maxed out Arcane Enhancement you'll need to farm 5 million credits and an average of 120 raids (sure you'll have lots of other duplicates by then, but if you just want a single AE type that won't be of much help). The whole system is like primed mods on crack. I could put up with those, but this just seems so incredibly over the top - especially considering they actually halfed credit gain from DS missions. It's the complete opposite of what we were told.


I'm really disappointed.

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When they give reasons that you think are insufficient why do you think insulting them is an acceptable response? 

As of right now they haven't actually posted a reason/explanation for the dark sector changes. 


If they did say something to the effect of your example, do you disagree with them wanting to make other missions more valuable?Or is it just the way in which they have gone about it?


There will always be new things, expensive things and time limited things. Apart from the time limited content you can do any and all of it at your own pace. We've discussed people's desire to fully 'keep up' with content releases, but I have yet to see a good reason why all people should be able to max all content by the time more is released. 


It is good for the game to always have something to play for, it keeps people playing in the long run. If content release drastically outstrips the average player's ability to achieve it then I could see that as being a problem, for sure. However most people just have issue with high end costs for entirely optional end game items like primed mods (or any void trader item for that matter.) 

But thats the thing - there was NO excuse at all. They just make changes and say nothing about it. Because it would be really, really hard to explain why they include sh!tty upgrades that cost 500k a piece while cutting off our cred supplies.

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the shear level of grind is killing my enjoyment for the game.
i joined as a casual player of this as well it was a fun new game to me.
after a few months i grew to love it after getting past the trenches of the insurmountable wall in fount of me now however i have been burning out as i just cant do it.
when i play a game and want to do all there is i like to see after a day wasted on the game some thing more then a ~0.1% progression towards a single thing in the game when there are dozen of such things.

the economy as it is is beyond surmounting for new players and is frankly beyond me now my millions before the primed mods are gone my keys have dried up and my prime warehouse is all but empty.

the worse part is i abandoned leveling then a long time ago when the fusion cores dried up now cant keep up with just getting them im sorry DE but unless you change this i cannot do it any more.

this is a fun game and i want to love it but if i come to a point where i feel powerless within the games progression i will end up leaving for good and alas it is all but there now.

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So, to get your first maxed out Arcane Enhancement you'll need to farm 5 million credits and an average of 120 raids (sure you'll have lots of other duplicates by then, but if you just want a single AE type that won't be of much help). The whole system is like primed mods on crack.


I am already too terrified to log in and attempt to grind over such overshadowing figures.


That just seals it for me.   #No


Edit: Even the 120 raids is 120 keys.  Each key needs 1 Gallium, 9000 Nano spores and what else?

I cant even bring myself to see the horror of those numbers.

Edit2: Holy jes## thats 1,080,000 Nano spores.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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I am already too terrified to log in and attempt to grind over such overshadowing figures.


That just seals it for me.   #No


Edit: Even the 120 raids is 120 keys.  Each key needs 1 Gallium, 9000 Nano spores and what else?

I cant even bring myself to see the horror of those numbers.

Edit2: Holy jes## thats 1,080,000 Nano spores.

the needles grind walls have ruined the game for me.

DE do anythink to make them surmountable before we are lost please

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the shear level of grind is killing my enjoyment for the game.

i joined as a casual player of this as well it was a fun new game to me.

after a few months i grew to love it after getting past the trenches of the insurmountable wall in fount of me now however i have been burning out as i just cant do it.

when i play a game and want to do all there is i like to see after a day wasted on the game some thing more then a ~0.1% progression towards a single thing in the game when there are dozen of such things.


the economy as it is is beyond surmounting for new players and is frankly beyond me now my millions before the primed mods are gone my keys have dried up and my prime warehouse is all but empty.

the worse part is i abandoned leveling then a long time ago when the fusion cores dried up now cant keep up with just getting them im sorry DE but unless you change this i cannot do it any more.

this is a fun game and i want to love it but if i come to a point where i feel powerless within the games progression i will end up leaving for good and alas it is all but there now.


Dont forget, you can only earn one raid reward per 24h

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As for the last three posts - insulting DE and accusing them of being greedy/cowards: please be constructive.


It is easy to complain, why not propose a solution to something rather than venting about it on the internet?


Be warned this is a bit of reading :P


I didn't accuse DE of being cowardly or greedy. I was just pointing out that this nerf to credits was uncalled for and leads to even more grind than necessary but now I will be calling them out on them saying they want to reduce grind but actually increasing it a hell of a lot more not to mention they actually haven't release any posts on why the dark sectors credit rewards were nerfed at time of me writing this. If they are going to do this to try and fix their economy they need to at least tell us about it, while the compound weapons and primed mods are a somewhat effective way to bleed the economy of credits they need to at least set up a place where you can reliably get credits without grinding for keys.


Now I know they said they've added treasury alerts with higher credit rewards. I've yet to see any but for them to be worth it in my personal opinion they should be around 150k-300k like the event for infested Alad V(Suspicious shipments?) that way we can actually get credits to pay for their compound weapons (which seem to be the trend for future weapons) and the primed mods they pump out every 2 weeks(I know they do repeat but that's only for now and more may be added in the future)


Below are proposed solutions.



Star chart and Dark sectors


Okay then, how about they bring the star chart credit rewards up to compensate, since that will actually make it so that the value of regular missions has increased, while, keeping the current nerfed credit rewards on the dark sectors but with increased exp% AND resource drop chance%(from the current 35% to 70% in places like pluto and ceres). That way you can either go there for exp and resources OR you can play the star chart for credits.


Compound weapons


To fix the need for compound weapons, they also need to fix a resource imbalance, so how about they start upping the common resource needs of some weapons instead of making them compound. By this I mean how about instead of making these items built out of others, you make them take 15k alloy plate or 20k Nano spores. Considering a lot of market weapons seem to be only in the basic hundreds(alloy plate) this would give the new weapons a gating of actually playing the game instead of bleeding us dry of our credits while letting the vets use some of those millions of plates they've built up. If indeed these new compound weapons are geared to vets(likely since they have the most credits) this puts a gating on newer players that can be managed by exploring the star chart or going to the (above) dark sectors which give less credits instead of, again, bleeding them of credits which they have so little of.


Void trader


To my knowledge Baro was wanted by the community so we could trade in our prime parts for others that we actually wanted. DEs fantasy for him was to have one off items.


To me I think If they are gonna do the mods primed they should have it so that they are permanent(new ones can be added whenever they want) with a cost of 500 ducats each with a rotation of a crazy good weapons(5000 ducats) and cosmetics(150 ducats). The rotation for cosmetics and weapons can be put on a 3 month rotation so they will be obtainable 4 times a year. They can keep the credit costs on the mods and cosmetics but should probably be removed from the weapons. This makes the weapons unobtainable/long term goals but in a good way because it's worth it.

I also think Baro should be able to trade every prime part for other prime parts like we originally wanted. They can make it so the newest prime access stuff is off the list until the next prime access (which is normally around 95 days anyway) so only the people that haven't been able to find it by then would really be needing it.

This way you can choose between either crazy good weapon you have to grind for, an upgrade mod which is worth upgrading or another prime weapon. They all come at a cost of ducats so it's prime for prime, prime for prime mod or prime for prisma weapon/cosmetics.


They are all long term goals that will be rewarding.




With my proposed changes the veterans/people who would actually do the raids can actually pay for the blueprint (100k), key (5k+resources), 5 million it takes to create a fully stacked arcane enhancement (10 stacks for 4x base amount), the 20k it takes to build each helmet to be used in the making of said arcane enhancements and the 500k it takes to apply the arcane enhancement to a helmet/syandana. Credit sinks are still there but at least we still have ways of getting credits. In this case it would be playing the star chart or voids(which you have to play on the star chart to get) and we can actually use up some of the resources burning a hole in our foundries while we have a stable version of the void trader.

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I posted a lengthy rant about how this game is becoming not a grindwall - but a cliff.


We are at the bottom clawing inches at a time, and get what the devs toss down to us. The "Grindwall" is the obstacle course on the path to where we all are now. Long time players with thousands of hours already have what they need, so I have no doubt I will be told the customary "You know it's free to play, and you can stop anytime.", "The game is still in beta, be patient/stop crying they'll fix it", and "I don't know what you're talking about, this is easy for me/friends. Just do/use/play with X-mod/frame/style and it's easy. Learn how to play/stop whining that you're not handed everything"


1) Free to play, yes. When the free side of the cliff requires 100+ hours of MY time (free or not) to obtain a key/credits, for a chance to win a borderline useless item it has pushed the boundries of the definition and the patience of those who play it.


2) The game charges money, for (some) game content. Period. Legal mumbo-jumbo aside, when someone pays money into a system that tells them it will be fixed (at some point) and it never is (there are many threads with bugs going back 2 years). Or worse, silently backtracked against what I can only describe as common sense, then lying about it being intended in the first place... I should not have to explain why this is a poor way to do business, let alone design a game.


3) My favorite. I read many responses about how these items are "endgame objectives" or the like. I have ZERO problem with endgame items taking time, and skill to obtain. I would just like to know when some non-endgame items will be introduced. It seems to me as if every new item or objective that is introduced requires a monumental level of grinding to obtain, with little to no reward.


Where are the new features that, I dunno, mabye new players can look forward to without making room in their schedule for 3 hours a day for the next year? Where are the fixes to the problems that have been around WAY too long (getting stuck, overnerfing)?


Lastly, I would like to point out to everyone that read the pre-release post about how they tested update 16 for "60+" hours. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? a month, let alone 2 weeks and over a dozen testers that you had play for ~4 hours each? MONTHS we have heard all that update 16 "might" have, what was being "looked into" and I should have known. I'm in sales. Never is there a time when devs give that they WILL have something done, fixed, included, except for mabye 2-3 days before an update is deployed we get notified as to when. Unless you count the wonderful week we were told in advance that frost prime, reaper prime, and latron prime were getting pulled from the already HORRIBLE drop tables.


I wanted to make this short, but there's just so many horrible, mind blowingly bad/greedy/unanswered decisions made here. Reminds me of Star Trek Online. GREAT in the beginning, but slowly stopped caring about players (in the end completely), pushed new content on top of bugs, scaled enemies by making indestructable 1-hit killers... Any of this sound familiar?  Just check out the steam reviews, sort by recent, and they all sound really familiar. http://store.steampowered.com/app/9900/

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Bottom line to all of the recent grind and changes is due to a hole DE dug themselves into from the very begining.


Look at prime access, 90% of it is quite nice, exclusive, and rewarding. There is ONE part of it that is causing the game to break apart and create a huge divide: 90 days of credit boosters. All the nerfs, all the jacked up prices, everything, is not geared towards those that have little to no credits, farm as a regular being, or are fresh new beginers. All of it is aimed at those that are swimming in too many resources or credits. All those credits are because of the 90 day credit boosters.


Despite the nerf of arcane enhancements from 500k to 200k, and raids giving 200k credit rewards, those that have credit boosters for 90 days will continue to get 400k credit rewards, completely destroying this 'potential' credit sink.




I know you want to look out for the fellow members, but have a limit as to how much is given to those that pay compared to those that do not pay.


Game might not be considered 'pay to win' and 'ninja's play for free' but... sheesh... there is still a HUGE difference between those that have payed and those that have not.


And everytime, those that payed, will always win. They will be uneffected by all of these new grinds, sinks, and nerfs DE continues to deploy.

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The opening premiss of this thread was that there would be two Primed mods every fortnight and it would be impossible for a player to keep up with the required amount of farming to buy and rank each of these new mods.  Setting aside the fact that you don't have to get everything and accepting that some people want to, we haven't had a new Primed mod since Reach and Pistol Mutation on 6th-8th February.  I feel that the original argument needs to be revisted now that we have gone 6 weeks with out a new Primed mod and now have evidence that if you miss out on purchasing a Primed mod it will be possible to pick it up later.


I think this thread is still relevant. In today's devstream Sheldon mentioned that the current trader rotations are because DE looked at the data and saw that people were ONLY grinding to get the resources to buy from the trader. And the players were getting burnt out. I applaud them for noticing that but that doesn't lessen the resources required for ranking the mods along with everything else in the game. Personally that has always been the point of this thread I have resonated with. I can agree that ranking a prime mod to 10 in a couple of weeks is an unreasonable ask. But as has been stated, even getting it to level 8 takes a lot. I would like to play with my new toys. I have never been swimming in credits. Grinding for them is not enjoyable.


The raid makes it seem like they have selective amnesia. I have completed the raid successfully only once. I'd say half the squad was experienced. We had voice chat. It took close to 3 hours and at the end I looked at the mission rewards and was seriously underwhelmed. It sounds like some people have found exploits and others have played it enough to get good and fast at it. But once again, it seems like the rest of the players are being punished for the success (legal or otherwise) of a few. Today it was mentioned there is about a 40% success rate. I wonder what the time to complete distribution is.

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The economy as foreseen, has popped. Welcome to the recession.


Even on a double credit weekend i cant even bring myself to log in. The credit gain just aint worth the time.


Time VS Credit Reward has been completely thrown out the window.

Edited by SnakeWildlife
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The economy as foreseen, has popped. Welcome to the recession.


Even on a double credit weekend i cant even bring myself to log in. The credit gain just aint worth the time.


Time VS Credit Reward has been completely thrown out the window.

Well, They seemed concerned about it in the last warframe live, I don't know if you watched it but they said they are going to do something about it soon.


I was starting to get worried about it more as well when my credits went from 9 mil to 1 mil since you started your thread.

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Well, They seemed concerned about it in the last warframe live, I don't know if you watched it but they said they are going to do something about it soon.


I was starting to get worried about it more as well when my credits went from 9 mil to 1 mil since you started your thread.


To be exact:



 they said they are going to do something about it soon


I'm starting to fear how badly they will screw it up. And Double Credit weekend seems like another band aid...

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Look at it this way, double credit weekend helps those without credit boosters.


Downside is those with credit boosters will be getting 4x the amount of credits.


Band aid solutions don't work. Perhaps next time, DE can give everyone 2-3 days of credit booster, so that way everyone stays on the double credit boost, and no one jumps up to 4x the credit amount.


And for those already on credit boosters, it just adds 2 extra days, simple enough.


DE should probably remove 90 day credit boosters from the next prime access, and perhaps rework alerts in order to rebalance the in game economy, which is very broken and hurting anyone that isnt swimming in plat or 90+ days of credit boosts.


Also, a rework on alerts would be nice, perhaps an Alert 2.0

Edited by kitsu
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If DE adds 100 new things to the game, as long as they are not OP compared to others - for example, the Arcane Enhancements - why is it a problem?


A player can choose to actively grind for them, or take their time and let the resources build up, or just totally ignore them. They give only minor advantages, and are not a "must have". Complaining about "grind" for something that is practically optional makes no sense.


You can play a game like Guild Wars 2 and totally ignore all the "grindy" stuff like legendaries, and skins, etc etc. The normal gear that drops randomly will put you in the 95% of the same range for 1% of the grind; the same can be said for a lot of things in Warframe.


Collecting "everything" and unlocking all the planets and collecting all the primes, and the Primed Mods, that is ALL optional, and not needed.


The point of any game is to find your own gaming sweet spot and spend your time there. You can play the entirety of Warfarme with one Frame, and a handful of guns.


If you have a problem with the fact that DE keeps injecting new stuff, DE is not the problem, you have the problem.


There is nothing in the game you can't get to with the Starter Frames, and credit bought guns, considering that DE has regular Alerts with Reactors and Catalysts to allow you to Forma them.

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The items are on a cycle (this was stated from the outset) and the last 2 rotations have had multiple repeated items. While I share your aversion to virtually unobtainable content, the void trader doesn't come under that heading in my opinion.


I hate to sound like a broken record, but too many people assume that just because something is set in one way one day, it will always be that way. DE can just changes anything at any time.


In future, there is no reason why those mods or gear will not be available in other ways. Things usually start as hard to obtain and gradually get easier, and not the other way around.

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Look at it this way, double credit weekend helps those without credit boosters.


Downside is those with credit boosters will be getting 4x the amount of credits.


Band aid solutions don't work. Perhaps next time, DE can give everyone 2-3 days of credit booster, so that way everyone stays on the double credit boost, and no one jumps up to 4x the credit amount.


And for those already on credit boosters, it just adds 2 extra days, simple enough.


DE should probably remove 90 day credit boosters from the next prime access, and perhaps rework alerts in order to rebalance the in game economy, which is very broken and hurting anyone that isnt swimming in plat or 90+ days of credit boosts.


Also, a rework on alerts would be nice, perhaps an Alert 2.0



if they did  remove the credit boosters from the volt prime pack  then  the most sparse of all the prime packs would be so  sparse  that  very few people would even bother with  his prime access 


and his game has been rather reliant on prime access to keep it afloat , DE has really not made enough skin packs  to rely on those for steady income


While DE has at the same time intentionally make  most  of the weapons skins not even  work on most of  the primes weapons   intentionally  mind you .


DE has dried up the credits specifically  for there prime access players . And as to the band-aids . Band-aids are how DE fixes things until 2.0 . There's still alot - Alot of things that DE hasn't fixed and alot of things that it's looking like they will never fix.


after all " Warframe is still in Beta " 

Edited by Ravel7
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if they did  remove the credit boosters from the volt prime pack  then  the most sparse of all the prime packs would be so  sparse  that  very few people would even bother with  his prime access 


and his game has been rather reliant on prime access to keep it afloat , DE has really not made enough skin packs  to rely on those for steady income


While DE has at the same time intentionally make  most  of the weapons skins not even  work on most of  the primes weapons   intentionally  mind you .


DE has dried up the credits specifically  for there prime access players . And as to the band-aids . Band-aids are how DE fixes things until 2.0 . There's still alot - Alot of things that DE hasn't fixed and alot of things that it's looking like they will never fix.


after all " Warframe is still in Beta " 


They could replace the boosters with half of the plat they represent (which is a lot). A 7 day affinity or credit booster is 80 plat, a 3 day booster is 40 plat. You would need to buy 12 7 day boosters and 2 3 day boosters of each kind to add up to that. That ends up being a value of 2080 plat (which equals about 86 dollars Canadian if you were to just buy the plat straight out).


50ish bucks for accessories and 1040 plat? F*** yeah I'd buy that. Hell I'd still do it if it was 520 plat.


Or you know DE could just offer Prime accesories without the boosters for 25-30 bucks maybe?

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They could replace the boosters with half of the plat they represent (which is a lot). A 7 day affinity or credit booster is 80 plat, a 3 day booster is 40 plat. You would need to buy 12 7 day boosters and 2 3 day boosters of each kind to add up to that. That ends up being a value of 2080 plat (which equals about 86 dollars Canadian if you were to just buy the plat straight out).


50ish bucks for accessories and 1040 plat? F*** yeah I'd buy that. Hell I'd still do it if it was 520 plat.


Or you know DE could just offer Prime accesories without the boosters for 25-30 bucks maybe?

25-30bucks for 2 pieces of cosmetics??


you realize that they could put price on 1$ and still make a profit??


De knows very well that these cosmetics arent worth more than 10$ and rest of price is purely boosters. Also that 2080 plat equivalent of boosters costs 100$ so theyre offering us what?? 50-60% discount. 50% discount is what youre nearly guaranteed to get on 1 star daily login, im literally getting 75% off every week.

I understand that for consoles PA might be a good deal since they get no discounts but everyone on pc should feel scammed.

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They could replace the boosters with half of the plat they represent (which is a lot). A 7 day affinity or credit booster is 80 plat, a 3 day booster is 40 plat. You would need to buy 12 7 day boosters and 2 3 day boosters of each kind to add up to that. That ends up being a value of 2080 plat (which equals about 86 dollars Canadian if you were to just buy the plat straight out).


50ish bucks for accessories and 1040 plat? F*** yeah I'd buy that. Hell I'd still do it if it was 520 plat.


Or you know DE could just offer Prime accessories without the boosters for 25-30 bucks maybe?


Dude the consoles apparently get the prime accessories with the boosters and plat..... I feel like that's unfair and that they should add the plat to the PC version too.


Edit: I'd probably buy it if it came with the plat (1365)...I mean wtf why do consoles get free plat with them?

Edited by Lichcontract
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25-30bucks for 2 pieces of cosmetics??


you realize that they could put price on 1$ and still make a profit??


De knows very well that these cosmetics arent worth more than 10$ and rest of price is purely boosters. Also that 2080 plat equivalent of boosters costs 100$ so theyre offering us what?? 50-60% discount. 50% discount is what youre nearly guaranteed to get on 1 star daily login, im literally getting 75% off every week.

I understand that for consoles PA might be a good deal since they get no discounts but everyone on pc should feel scammed.


Perhaps you get those discounts all the time, I certainly do not. I would argue that unlike the other cosmetics these ones are much rarer and harder to come by (we still haven't seen the first prime syndana cycle back through again, if it ever will) Considering a premium skin on LOL can sell for 25+ bucks Canadian I don't think the unique cosmetics would be that improperly priced at that level. Believe me I do feel scammed, not by the accessories though, but by the boosters. I don't even want the boosters and I hate paying for them, because they have to be responsible for at least half of the pricing :(


Dude the consoles apparently get the prime accessories with the boosters and plat..... I feel like that's unfair and that they should add the plat to the PC version too

I am well aware of this, in fact for a while after PA first launched on console there was a very large amount of feedback in regards to that very disparity. I don't like it, but considering nothing has changed since then clearly this is what DE wants :\ At the very least my suggestions are a middle ground.
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They could replace the boosters with half of the plat they represent (which is a lot). A 7 day affinity or credit booster is 80 plat, a 3 day booster is 40 plat. You would need to buy 12 7 day boosters and 2 3 day boosters of each kind to add up to that. That ends up being a value of 2080 plat (which equals about 86 dollars Canadian if you were to just buy the plat straight out).


50ish bucks for accessories and 1040 plat? F*** yeah I'd buy that. Hell I'd still do it if it was 520 plat.


Or you know DE could just offer Prime accessories without the boosters for 25-30 bucks maybe?


I'd really be okay with just the 1365 they have on the consoles and like a 14 day boosters instead, if not keep the full console package, because, I personally have no use for the affinity boosters but I really need the credit boosters since I'm always out of credits T_T like I don't even know why DE think it's fair to have the difference even with all the feedback...but really it's on the PC community for still buying these even when they know it's not fair, nor is it a good move(it's get the full package or get just the accessories with no plat).

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25-30bucks for 2 pieces of cosmetics??


you realize that they could put price on 1$ and still make a profit??

Yes, they will make a profit, based on the product alone since it doesnt cost anything to produce. But, are you taking in count the employee salaries? office space? fixed costs? utilities? insurance? marketing costs?


Take that into account and you will see it is not so out of the can when a great part of the player base either contributes very little real money or nothing at all, and, it is only a small number that probably contributes the most. Therefore, they have to set prices based on probability of someone buying them. DE does not get a steady income like you would in subscription or retail model. They have to play lottery as to whether an item will sell and yield money to pay for their own costs and set them accordingly.


A lot of people mentioning here credit and linking them to a ruined economy when the entire Warframe's actual economy is run by platinum, and those who do not pay real money to get it, but still manage to obtain platinum via trade are the ones that hurt DE the most since they are a lost sale. Instead of getting two dudes to pay for plat, only one does and the other gets it for free. But, they make up for it with these "absurd" plat costs offered elsewhere.


However, I do think current nonboosted credit rewards are somewhat low. If anything, the normal credit rewards should be at least double of what they currently are.

Edited by nms64
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