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Ask A Cephalon, Feb 19


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So, Hypothetically speaking, there is a new arena coming out for PvP..


And in this hypothetical situation, one suspicious individal noticed that the cephalon cubes were there.. and that every time a tenno died, they dissapeared.. So when this 'individal' came to notice this, he had to ask.. "Where does the cephalon flags take the killed Tenno after the wars?"


So.. Mind answering the question for the hypothetical suspicious /totally nonexistant/ tenno individual please?

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"Where can I go to get the much dire needed Maintenance for Ordis?"


"Will It ever take a physical form on the Liset as it should and not just a boxed window with mindless ramblings?"


"What can I do to fix/replace his forgotten memories?"  (please let this be a future Quest)


"Can I replace him for a sexier Female model? No really please."


"Why doesn't he change colors with his mood swings? I mean really for a male he's rather PMS'y"



Well these are a few questions, I would like to ask although I know they will never be answered.

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Are advanced AI such as you still being manufactured, or was that technology lost as well?


What happened to more deadly orokin-designed ships? Is anything known about them or were they lost before the cryostasis?


How large do you estimate the percent of unexplored orokin ruins to be? It seems that corpus would already loot them all during all this time.


Do corpus produce true AI for their proxies and then bring them down to spec with ascaris technology, or are they simple drones?


It is known that corpus have mind-altering technology, but what about grineer? Do they have some sort of a one-shot brain-writing machine to free themselves from growing every clone mentally?


Where do corpus take so many people to turn into crewmen?


How much energy does such a powerful intelligence like yourself consume?


Is the Limbo theorem slash suicide note popular between cephalons? Ordis seemed to like it.


How big are the biggest nanoforges still operating? I get an impression that tenno have the best of that world.

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