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Hotfix 7.10.1


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Osprey remains powerful. My Paris can two shot normal MOAs, and usually takes a Fusion MOA in three shots. Ospreys seems to take about four shots. So I guess the real question is: Why isn't the corpus using that plating on their MOA?

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By Monday it had ended. Ended  on Sunday night midnight/Monday more 12:00am

But when I logged in it said that althought the 100 cap had been completed, I could still get the reward if I killed at least one MOA, mind you because of my time zone I belive my monday to still have been sunday by the game's calendar.

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- Fixed Artifact Rewards not being saved to Inventory


Wonderful! now I just have to wait until the next Energy Siphon Alert comes around that isn't during my work schedule again


Seriously, that totally rustled my jimmies, man.

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You fixed the Mine Ospreys, but Leech Ospreys are still rediculously tanky. Is this just an oversight that will be fixed next patch, or are they supposed to be more buff than Fusion Moas?

Edited by Madotsuki
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Печально :( Заметил то, что с каждым обновлением что-то становиться лучше, но в тоже время, многое начинает изменяться очень не в лучшею сторону :( Например: Шейд- без стелс-атаки от него толку мало. Никс- точно так же стал значительно слабее. Неудачная анимация смерти некоторых инфецированых - это когда при убийстве они встают на дыбы, и непонятно убил ты его или нет, и не видно сколько за ним ещё мобов. Частые зависания и вылеты из игры. И многое-многое другое :( 
Но, я понимаю на сколько это трудная работа, и за это вам спасибо, но хочется, все-таки, изменений больше в лучшею сторону.

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What the crap?


What was the point of exterminating the Fusion MOAs if they're going to spread anyway??? D=<

we just make them not spreading for all over the galaxy 60%, shut up and take the credit ( this is a meme BTW,im not harsh on u :) )

Edited by Doforcash
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Mine Ospreys are still total bullet sponges. Making them normal size again is just making it worse. Most annoying thing in Warframe at the moment. Even more annoying than the stalker who seems to still have his every other mission grudge against me.

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I don't know if this is a bug or a design change, or if it's just me, but did the mine osprey's health go up a lot or what?  seems it takes like 5x as many bullets as before the size mishap, almost like it's health scaled up with its size, but didn't scale back down after the fix.

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You said you fixed the artifact glitch where artifacts gains from ? reward mission are not added to your inventory?

Well I still haven't got my energy siphon I obtained from an alert on the 4th of May

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