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Potatoes On Odonata/base Weapons Set-Up @ Lvl 30 Enough For Eyes Of Blight?



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"Not getting hit" is tricky with those damn shield hellion dargyns. Elytron is tough as nails and as a bonus its abilities can put extra DPS on the core while you're taking out the reactor nodes. Iztal can be cloaked while shooting so you're pretty much immune while you have power. Odonata is a pretty poor third.

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I did the whole event with a lvl 20 odonota and lvl 30 base weapons without any potatoes.

missed the credits only once (and I did 49% of the damage then).


Evade the hordes of enemies and the lasers.

The lasers are evaded easely if you keep a solid rock between you and the cannon most of the time.

The enemies have a limited reach so you can stay out of their reach and "snipe" them from a longer range. Sometimes teammates can distract the horde so you can have an open shot at those barrier creating flying mushrooms. If not, you'll have to move in an 8 around it and shoot at it when you're close BUT KEEP MOVING TO STAY OUT OF RANGE!!


The shields of the fomorian are destroyed easy and quickly. Once you get inside get to the back of the fomorian or if you're the last one quickly activate the disruptor so the reactor will be almost enemy free the first seconds. SHOOT ALL THE NODES FIRST!!! they multiply the damage you do to the core and you'll never make the credit bonus without them! If you're in the front you can slowly move to the less enemy crowded back AFTER YOU DESTROYED THE NODES IN THE FRONT! Just ignore enemies while in the reactor core and shoot the core with full force (use rockets for extra damage because: why not?) If somebody or yourself dies or is close to dying in this stage IGNORE HIM. THE CORE NEEDS DAMAGE ABOVE ANYTHING ELSE!!!!

Edited by counterflux
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Are you looking to top the score boards or just do enough to get the job done?  For topping score boards you apparently need a Elytron and Velocitus with +Damage crammed in as tight as you can.  For doing just enough to complete the missions and do your part you'll be fine with the Odonata and Imperator as long as you are good at flying.  The Odonata out paces the Elytron so you don't need to worry about the Grineer forces so much as you can fly straight to the Fomorian.  Once you get used to the how to spot the traps you can avoid them or in easier missions slide towards them while firing and they'll be destroyed before they are trouble.  Once you are in, shoot all the spinning power nodes with a ramped up Imperator and you should get the score for the credits.  You may want to make sure you have a few of the rare Archwing mods such as Hyperion Thrusters (levelled to 6-8) to ensure you keep ahead of the Grineer pack and Dual Rounds and Automatic Trigger to boost the Imperator's DPS.  If you don't have those they should be available as mission rewards from Erpo, Earth.

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Did it with Odonata and Imperator, both potatoed.


Wasn't much of a challenge tbh, on higher levels avoid fighting or you'll get overrun very easily. Focus on the objective, avoid shots rather than trying to tank them, try to be as quick as possible.


Use Odonata's 4th ability in "ohS#&$" moments.

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