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Energy. Energy. Trinity Give Me Energy!


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Hello, a Trinity player here and I was wanting to check with my fellow Trinity's to see if this happens to you and this is also a minor PSA for other frames out there (mainly Mesa and Excal).


Yes I know you people want energy and I love to give it to you but please keep in mind a few things about Energy Vampire.


1.  I can't cast it if I have no living targets within a mile to cast it on.

2.  Energy Vampire does have a limited range for granting energy so when I do manage to find something your Ults haven't wiped out you will probably be out of range if you are still at ground zero from your attack.

3.  If you are so desperate for energy you feel I am failing to provide then bring your own energy restores.


To sum up the above points don't nuke every enemy anywhere close to you on the map then complain I'm not giving you energy when the only enemy I find alive to cast Energy Vampire on is too far away from you because you're still standing in the place where your ult was launched from.


I am not your servant, I am not here to do every little thing you command me to do.  My main job is team healing, some tanking, and energy restoration.  Please do not make it impossible for me to fulfill that last job and then blame me for not fulfilling it.  


Also if it changes anything I have never played a Draco farm so I have no clue if Trinity is handled differently/in a specific way there.


Sorry if this sounds too harsh, just tired of running into players who can be like this.

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Probably should be in like Players help players or General discussion. This really isn't feedback.

Anyways, people generally know the limitations of Trinity's EV. I'd say more often then not you will have someone NOT complain then complain. You cant have this 5 or 10% of players gild your perspective.


And as for Draco Trinitiy. There is a specific build. You need stretch and Overextended. Also note that Trinity's cast range is shorter than the EV restoration radius when build like this... I think. or vice versa.... It's one of the two

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I don't play with people that do this, but I can easily envision it being how people treat Trinity on their team.   Trinity has several interesting things she can do and "wait on other people and hand and foot trying to pixel snipe enemies before they get nuked" is way down the list for fun factor.




When I play Nova, I stick as close to Trinity as I can


I've had people do that, and honestly it's a little disconcerting. Makes me feel self conscious because I start to second-think every copter spin and aimless wander because I'm worrying whether the person behind me will start to wonder WTF I'm doing.  It's like... Going to pick up a life support can just on the other side of the door then I turn around and run into another player who is glued to my butt. Uh, doing fine thanks, just...picking up the life support...   >_>

Edited by Momaw
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A Draco farm Trinity is specifically built for a massive radius energy vampire that gives a ton of energy back, so a Trinity not built to this standard would have a much harder time providing energy for the squad.


That being said, a Draco Trinity's first and third abilities are next to non-existent in duration so they require more protection from the squad than usual. 


A more well-rounded build is really more ideal unless you're doing specific missions with specific tilesets.  


Just remember that no one has the right to tell you how to play your character, like any other RPG out there.  Kudos for standing up for yourself.

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And as for Draco Trinitiy. There is a specific build. You need stretch and Overextended. Also note that Trinity's cast range is shorter than the EV restoration radius when build like this... I think. or vice versa.... It's one of the two


Yeah, I run into issues with Excals blasting away at stuff and then complaining they are not getting energy.  I tell them if they kill everything before it gets into range of EV (~50m) then they get nada so it's on them.

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Probably should be in like Players help players or General discussion. This really isn't feedback.

Anyways, people generally know the limitations of Trinity's EV. I'd say more often then not you will have someone NOT complain then complain. You cant have this 5 or 10% of players gild your perspective.


And as for Draco Trinitiy. There is a specific build. You need stretch and Overextended. Also note that Trinity's cast range is shorter than the EV restoration radius when build like this... I think. or vice versa.... It's one of the two

I wasn't sure exactly where to put it.  On one hand it's dealing with the how the gameplay of specific frames and how their abilities work and on the other it's about player behavior.


A Draco farm Trinity is specifically built for a massive radius energy vampire that gives a ton of energy back, so a Trinity not built to this standard would have a much harder time providing energy for the squad.


That being said, a Draco Trinity's first and third abilities are next to non-existent in duration so they require more protection from the squad than usual. 


A more well-rounded build is really more ideal unless you're doing specific missions with specific tilesets.  


Just remember that no one has the right to tell you how to play your character, like any other RPG out there.  Kudos for standing up for yourself.

Trinity's first ability I never use anyway since why cast that (aside from maybe using it as a stun) when I can just hit 4 and get insta full health and full shields?  With my Trinity build blessing is down to 40something energy cost so with an energy pool of 450 it's very spammable.


Was funny last time this happened.  Had a Mesa complaining and I basically summed up my above post and he had one response.   "Touche...."

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Trinity's first ability I never use anyway since why cast that (aside from maybe using it as a stun) when I can just hit 4 and get insta full health and full shields?


1.) As you say: crowd control. Completely removes a single enemy target from the battle.


2.) Serves as "anchor" for Link that won't be easy to kill, accidentally or otherwise.


3.) First stage of the secret WOL/EV murderdeath combo.
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1.) As you say: crowd control. Completely removes a single enemy target from the battle.
2.) Serves as "anchor" for Link that won't be easy to kill, accidentally or otherwise.
3.) First stage of the secret WOL/EV murderdeath combo.


Using it as an anchor for Link....that's actually a really good idea.  Thanks for that.  As for the WOL/EV I never really did it aside from some small experimentation since, if I understand it right, EV needs to be cast near the end of WOL's timer so that the damage is based on WOL's health pool but then the target goes back to the lower health so they take much more damage from EV.  Is it worth really going for in battles where watching the action and Link timer and other players health is hassle enough and then you'd be adding 2 more ability timers into the mix to watch?

Edited by Ralsk
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I actually want Trinity to heal more. Most of the time they are too busy to ev but forgot they are also healer. Once I was using quick thinking and holding only 2 health. I decided to see how long would the Trinity take to find out.... After several mins I gave up and spoke to her.

Plz keep an eye on ur mates health too. I also do that when I use her.

Edited by climatiseur
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I actually want Trinity to heal more. Most of the time they are too busy to ev but forgot they are also healer. Once I was using quick thinking and holding only 2 health. I decided to see how long would the Trinity take to find out.... After several mins I gave up and spoke to her.

Plz keep an eye on ur mates health too. I also do that when I use her.

Yeah I prefer to keep my role as more of a healer than an energy vamp enabling tons of ability spamming.  However in high tiers it can be tough to keep an eye on everyone's health in the middle of combat.  Especially since everyone can be fine one second then after a bombard rocket or nullifier bullet suddenly they are nearly dead if they aren't just one shotted.

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Vamp and health restore animations take such a long time that it puts me at most risk. Too many times have I got down 0.005 seconds after I completed the restore animation. All my allies received the health but I just went down. I think latency plays a role here?


I spam vamp all the time because I just dont know what my allies energy lvl is. Thats why trin is the most stressful frame. I have to keep a constant eye on everyones health as well. At higher lvls, I have to work double time, keep myself alive and full of power and watch my team as well.

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Thanks for making this post; hopefully people get to understand how trinity and her EV work. 


I wish people know its pretty tiring to play trinity because you gotta keep track of so many things at once: your own hp, your teammates' hp, your own energy (if you dont keep track of this you cant even cast EV at all and the whole team might be doomed :c, and enemies' location!

If you use a duration build and focus on Link, it is gonna be even harder because you gotta keep track of recasting link as soon as it wears off.


See! People who play trinities deserve a reward!

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Always poor Trinity getting abused.


I can just see the abuse Raids will bring. 


People will definitely blame the Trinity during Raids when they go down while charging into a mob of level 80+ enemies like fools to spam their 4.


My sympathy goes out to all you Trinity players. It ain't easy being a healer.

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