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Got No Resonable Way To Farm Fusion Cores After The T4 Surv R5 Nerf


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@ GreenSoup2Hot - i would recommend 10 minutes grind of T4S.

yeah, i hear going to 35 min's max, provide's the best chance for rare 5 pack's and is also more key efficient. 

tho i do have 300 t4 def keys, thanks to syndicate packs before they were removed. doing 20 waves works for me as well in def for cores. 


For the recommendation:


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Playing the game. I don't farm R5 cores, but somehow i maxed Primed Continuity, fused the 2nd one up to 8/10, fused Primed Point Blank, Primed Heated Charge up to 8/10 with my cores collected from regular missions (and i still have a lot of R5 along with Legendary ones). Also, there are a lot of other games. Also, doing smth IRL.


You don't have to farm R5Cs over and over again. Mate, you create your own problems and blame devs for that (they're already gave you a chance to get x3/x5 R5 instead of farming a single ones). If you want to max Primed mods -- you should use not only R5Cs, but also useless mods.



if you need R5Cs try T4 Interception. Played just right after R5 tweaks -- got 10 or 15 Cores in 15-20min. Maybe i was lucky, but i didn't play T4I after that, so who knows.

so you are 2300 hours player, and say we don't have to farm cores lol, I guess you don't really rank mods right? we didn't create our problem, cores are needed for players maxing a mods in reasonable time. If you say, you get fusion energy from playing the game, I suppose it means a long time, as you are not able to get enough fusion energy in like a few days, isn't this equivalent to grindy? you have played 2300 hours, you should know the mechanism of boredom I guess.

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so you are 2300 hours player, and say we don't have to farm cores lol, I guess you don't really rank mods right? we didn't create our problem, cores are needed for players maxing a mods in reasonable time. If you say, you get fusion energy from playing the game, I suppose it means a long time, as you are not able to get enough fusion energy in like a few days, isn't this equivalent to grindy? you have played 2300 hours, you should know the mechanism of boredom I guess.


How does that make any sense? I rank up mods by gradually collecting cores by playing stuff I like. Forcing yourself into playing the same mission over and over for hours on end? Because that Primed Mod is missing the last 2 pips? And then what will you do once it's on 10? Use that Mod and grind more to get the others on 10?


You do realize that the purpose of game is to entertain you, and NOT to fill up bars all the way to the top, right? Because if you start to only doing that, you lose the plot, and start spiraling down a very bad road that had nothing to do with playing to be entertained and all to do with having a compulsive disorder that needs professional help.


I play this game because I like shooting things. Everything else, like mod drops, weapon parts, cores, resources, etc etc, happens as a side effect of just PLAYING THE GAME, that is what those people meant when they said that.


My sanity can survive just fine with Serration on 8 points or Primed Flow on 6 points. If the only thing you can think of when you see missing pips on Mods is "OMG that's like 100 hours on Draco I'll be forced to grind" then I really feel sorry for you.

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No, I meant what are you farming or grinding for? Because that's the thing. I'm not playing Warframe lately because there is nothing left to do: After 2k hours there is nothing to grind or to farm for, the only thing left to do is to max out mods; but I'm not going to do that because of how broken the grindwall is after the t4 surv nerf. I want to play Warframe, I want to play with the buffed Rakta and the pilfering swarm Hydroid, but I can't because there isn't any worthwhile reward for playing any mission anymore.



Read the topic.

Sounds like you are burnt out and need a long break.  The whole point of playing Warframe or any video game for that matter, is for entertainment and the enjoyment of playing.  Yeah there are items to get I the game, yeah those are goals to reach, but if you are not having fun then what is the point in playing?  What the guy was telling you is this: Play and have fun, and don't worry about the grind so much.  You will get the things you want anyhow, and it will be less of a headache if you don't focus on grinding because you are having so much fun playing the game.  If you honestly feel like there is nothing left to do, then there is no point in playing the game.  If there is no point in playing the game anymore, then take a break or quit.  Playing this game should feel like a secondary job.


The topic of this thread is an obvious cry for a solution, but if the solutions people grant you are not good enough, or if you can't find a solution, then I guess all hope is lost for you.  What else can you do but quit?

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i recommend playing the game.

you get quite a lot of Fusion Energy when you do that.

the game awards Fusion Energy a lot more often than it used to (i.e. never), to compensate for the fact that we have more Mods that are expensive to Fuse up.

nothing has really changed significantly from earlier months & years of the game where people were throwing random Mods and whatever Fusion Cores they got into those Common Mods, and then Uncommon Mods, and then Rare Mods.


Play the game?

You're kidding right?


I am BONE dry on any actual amount of cores


30 common fusion cores in one run is totally possible, but will not get you anywhere.


T4 survival has also taken quite a hit to drop rates of fusion cores. I don't need orokin cells DE.


The trash mods that pile up in my inventory? Good for pocket credits, nothing else.

They offer almost no fusion energy, but will still burn through a lot of credits.

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Umm... How are you even getting by?


What rank is your serration?

Hornet strike?

Any primed mod?

Vitality, redirection, steel fiber?


This thread was probably nekroed by accident. So he may or may not be playing anymore.

But suffice to say even a 1k+ hour guy like me managed to maxed quite a number of mods.


Primed mods that I used are now in the rank 8/9 range tho.

But I used fodder mods to fuse them, so no prizes guessing that my favourite farm Frames are Hydroid or Nekros.

Edited by fatpig84
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Completely accurate. With the advent of SO MANY new R10 mods into our inventories the rate should have stayed the same. The problem is that DE has yet to farm a single Primed mod to max rank. Even DERebecca who plays arguably the most(I think Drew might be higher MR than her) has not attempted what the majority of Veterans are trying to do. The only thing we have left currently is maxing primed mods and to nerf the rewards rates of cores so heinously is virtually a slap in the face. Moving them did nohing to help us because now we simply have no RELIABLE way to get them. I'll be dmned if I run 2 hrs trying to farm for a single r5 pack or eve 2-3 r5 packs in that time. IGNORANCE.

I concider myself a veteran. MR 19 been playing since u 10, 4284 hours logged on steam(although I tend to leave the game running so that number probably isn't accurate), farmed every frame and weapon I can get my hands on and I have maxed two primed mods without farming a single core with several others being slowly leveled. There is plenty to do in this game without beating your head against a wall trying to max a primed mod as quickly as humanly possible. Just play the game and it will happen on its own.

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My problem with the nerf is not how difficult it is to farm r5s, but how mindlessly boring it is. At least t4 survival was remotely challenging. You want r5s? Take some sedatives and run 10 min survivals on Ceres...

It's ok though because we have a place to farm orokin cells now..

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DE releases Endgame mods which they state are endgame and will make vets cry with how long it takes to max. The vets complain about them being to hard to max. Then when vets use a broken mode to level up these endgame mods in ridiculous low amounts of times. They complain when the DE fixes it. 



Edited by Feallike
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You're kidding right?


6 Common 3 Fusion Cores is 14.19% more Fusion Energy than a single Rare 5.

2 Uncommon 5 Fusion Cores is 22.58% more Fusion Energy than a single Rare 5.


you get a pretty fair number of Common and Uncommon Fusion Cores in the time it takes people to grind for Rare Fusion Cores.

this is why i want the Void Trader to sell Rare 10 Fusion Cores. because people will go all giddy over them, thinking they're so amazing. when two Rare 5's would still be more Fusion Energy than a Rare 10. 10.71% more Fusion Energy.

but people would have the impression of 'omg so amazing'. it's perfect.



best of all, you still get Fusion Energy playing the game and not power farming, and for the majority of users, is more entertaining to do.

or if you must powerfarm, atleast cut Enemies into pieces and Desecrate them for more Fusion Energy - since Desecrate is still a L00t Farming Ability, and doesn't do much of anything useful outside of that.

Edited by taiiat
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Wait are you farming them to max out a mod you plan on keeping or plan on selling? I havnt really had an issue to get them lately just play the game. Now of its about you wanting to sell a maxed mod and horde plat for what ever reason that's another thing.

Edited by (PS4)Mazda_07_
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Yes, that IS the best advice: "Just play the game."


Instead of running the same mission ad nauseam with "Draco *need* Greedy Pull Mag and Mesa" for the safest, most boringly predictable gameplay experience how about you just play the game?  And if what you want drops GREAT! and if it doesn't at least you overcame what was hopefully an enjoyable, worthy challenge.


This "I want what I want *now* and fun/variety/challenge be damned" is why the Star Chart is getting a massive overhaul.

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