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If You Are Using Powers, More Than Once A Mission... You Are Exploiting!


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to figure out if you are exploiting, refer to this cheat-sheet


1.) Are you going to use 1-2-3-4? Yes

2.) Have you used 1-2-3-4in the last five minutes? Yes

3.) Do you frequently use 1-2-3-4?  Yes

Then:  You are exploiting the game and should feel bad.


1.) Are you going to use 1-2-3-4? Yes

2.) Have you used 1-2-3-4in the last five minutes? no

3.) Do you frequently use 1-2-3-4?  no

Then:  You are fine


1.) Are you going to use 1-2-3-4? Never!

2.) Have you used 1-2-3-4in the last five minutes? no

3.) Do you frequently use 1-2-3-4?  no

Then:  You are a true pro and everyone should bow down to you and play your way.



Seriously though, this mentality is annoying.  If i wanted to never use my abilities and just run/gun I'd play a generic FPS.  People either need to play with their close knit friends and let others play how they want or just continue to be unhappy in life.


Let's watch people think that I am against ability use because they don't want to read the full post <3


Edited by Sibarian
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so.... are you trying to make a point to the community, or are you just trying to make anyone who ult-spams feel guilty? im confused because it seems like you're serious but also not at the same time....



Edit: ohhhh... crap, I forgot to read the spoiler, yep Sarcasm.

Edited by McDuffMan
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Nope. The game still broken and a lot of mechanics and systems just halfbreeds. Btw this game have to use abilities if you want and often as you want "can". 


Like the powercreep question if you have a normal stuff and you build to strength then you are op then nerf the gun buff the mob then the mob op and you are the weak.


Only the devs exploiting us with this game.

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I don't get the people who say that we can't use our abilities, especially not in synergy, because it's "exploitation".


Ironically I see a lot of the same people arguing that team play needs to be more prevalent arguing that Warframe power "exploitation" *cough* synergy *cough* is killing the game.


Well, which is it?


Can we use our powers together and beat incredible odds, or would that form of team play be bad?


I don't get people sometimes.

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I don't get the people who say that we can't use our abilities, especially not in synergy, because it's "exploitation".


Ironically I see a lot of the same people arguing that team play needs to be more prevalent arguing that Warframe power "exploitation" *cough* synergy *cough* is killing the game.


Well, which is it?


Can we use our powers together and beat incredible odds, or would that form of team play be bad?


I don't get people sometimes.


Exactly, I've seen more team-work in the escalated tac-alert mission then before.  We chose frames that complemented each other, but still frames that we wanted to use but based on which roles we wanted to fulfill.

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Only the Hard Core do.  Pansy's go and use tools, like wrenches and wimps use power-tools to do it as well.


Good answer. But sometimes, if you look for effieciency, you must use some tools; unless your are really really some hardcore stuff. 

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Only the Hard Core do.  Pansy's go and use tools, like wrenches and wimps use power-tools to do it as well.


Man, if you manage to unscrew a screw with a wrench, I'll be more impressed than if you did it by hand.


On topic: Delicious sarcasm. Thank you. It doesn't seem like the community is going to do anything but hate abilities any time soon, but I still haven't figured out why it is that they hate them so much. 

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Of call the hate envy, like an Oberon spamming 4 vs Ash spamming, or new players who can't really use the abilities worth a damn because they're fairly weak, not enough range, and so on.

Me, any tool at my disposal will find application, even outside its designed intent, a screwdriver is just as useful for home repair as it is for self defense when you jam it into their eye socket and swizzle it around a bit so their braincase makes sounds like a big saucy bowl of Mac n cheese.

In the end, enjoy the game however you want, don't like how it is? get over it and find a different squad.

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Me, any tool at my disposal will find application, even outside its designed intent, a screwdriver is just as useful for home repair as it is for self defense when you jam it into their eye socket and swizzle it around a bit so their braincase makes sounds like a big saucy bowl of Mac n cheese.


Sounds scrumptious. Also your name fits too well.

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