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Archwing Dislikers, What Is Your Problem With The Game Mode?


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Well because in the video they show us as teaser in TennoLive it's was somewhat OK , you started a normal mission and you got attacked from external ship so you had to get away with your archwing but what we have ? interception  with archwing , and we know there is 99.99% people who enjoy interception , oh and where do you get the weapon for archwing ? Well interception , with ofc low chance of getting the item ,and don't forget the low XP there is.


So you add up the following : Interception + RNG WEAPON + LOW chance to get "news item"(ps : it's even more hard than getting the news prime) + LOW XP = problem


and there no reason to play archwing no boss ,nothing (even if the boss is coming soon) feel like archwing come out of nowhere

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I personally enjoy Archwing.  One of the main reasons i think people hate on it is due to them mindlessly parroting a certain over-hyped youtuber, who shall remain nameless due to the amount of hate i'd get for stating my opinion about peoples golden calf.


Or maybe Archwing is just bad.  That could be it.

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to be honest i did only quest and i am never play single mission in that mode again......if i wish flight game i will play ace combat......if warfame start going in archwing direction its sure i will uninstal game

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It's only fun when you're fully geared and doing the Pluto Interception mission, and even then, only in small doses; at least that's how I've found it. There's barely any content to do with it, but adding more content would detract development time from core Warframe - the game we actually came here to play. The rewards and such feel too detached from the main game, but again, more crossover would cause grief by "forcing" it onto the playerbase and making have to grind archwing content for regular rewards.


At the end of the day, it's a tiny part of the game, unfinished and has very little replayability with its very limited content. It appeals to some, but definitely not all. No matter what DE do with it, it will upset some people... so we'll just have to wait and see.


P.S. Even though I enjoy a small dose of it here and there, trying to make me play it over the weekend (I work Thursday to Monday, really not a good time for me) doesn't help its image. I'm still annoyed that things such as sorting out dojos and the focus system were pushed aside for archwing. I'd say that after U16, forgotten parts of the game need bringing up to scratch. And maybe week-long tactical alerts? Pretty please? :3

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While you are complaing, im training in archwing.

While you say you dont like it, im training

While you say its boring, im training

While you say you dont play it, im still training



When the time comes i will be ready for anything archwing can throw at me *sharpens his centaur and stares at the universe furiously*

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Everything about it sucks ***. I can't name one single thing I like; you name it, I hate it. Combat sucks because everything is tiny until it's in your face and the weapons are all too similar. No Warframe powers, so everyone is pretty much the same, which makes it feel like a generic space shooter. Movement sucks because maps are ****ing pointlessly massive with very little action, and there is no true 3D movement (no flips). Droprates are terrible. Leveling gear is terribly slow. Mods are extremely underwhelming (Rank 10 rare mod for 30% power efficiency are  you ****ing kidding me). What little content there is are the most boring modes in the game on blatantly copy-pasted maps. Even the HUD is terrible; Archwing has one of the worst reticles I've ever seen in a game, ever.

I guess one nice thing is that drops automatically pull to you, but that wouldn't even be necessary if the maps weren't big empty masses!

Edited by CHunterX
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I think Archwing is the first step into what can become an awesome thing, I remember in the beginning of Warframe all the bad rep some frames got and now look what has happened, so dont throw the baby out with the dirty water yet.

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Archwing is boring thats why! And why is it? Pretty much everything i would say was already mentioned here. I can only add that i feel like arch gun is pretty much useless! Well ok not in exterminates and sabotages but interceptions? I am pretty sure that all of us use it ocasionaly. And the rewards and affinity...OMG...how the hell anyone with a little bit of brain could do something like this? It's stupid, pointless and again BORING!!

The idea it self is cool but results. ..weak to be gentle here

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As for me, I find it really painful to start out fresh without any arbitrary mods. The first few days was a pain but sooner I find it fun as I blaze through Caelus.


I still don't understand how come half of the playerbase hated archwing, please share your thoughts here.

I don't like flying games if i did i would go play one but i hate flying games and to top it off I do not like being forced to play a flying game ..

Now you understand  why 

Edited by SlapClown
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i do personally enjoy archwing here and there, since its different. but my problem is it detaches itself too much from warframe, and wants to be its own thing. the Archwing feels like its made to be an extension of the warframe not its own separate entity. id would really help if could use my regular abilities on top of archwing abilities ( this is what really takes me out of the experience cause i look like a loki, or a valkyr or whatever frame you use but thats all it is, cosmetic your not a warframe anymore, just a pair of wings that happen to have a body of a warframe ). IMHO it should be seamlessly integrated into regular missions but only if you want to use them. i wouldnt mind flying on some of the regular missions just to bypass corridors,vents and big areas, provide air support, maybe launching the warhead right into a horde of ground enemies i mean come on, so much potential for destruction it be great DE pls. just my 2 cents

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Archwing has a lot of "similar content" compared to normal warframe modes, but not much of that content is fun.

It's still a decent improvement over when AW was just released, but it still has a few issues that kill the fun:

-flying speed(except itzal)

-super short pickup range

-underwhelming and mediocre skills

-AW weapons don't really feel satisfying to use

-mods are a bit too weak

-enemies are just...hard to tell one from another, apart from the big guys.

-the RNG for AW weapons/archwing is a pain. Getting an empty mission completion shouldn't be a thing!

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I love archwing but the only issues I have with it are:

The drop tables for archwing parts....more so the RNG with it

Gaining exp is a long process until you get to the int on Uranus

And how small the hardest hitting enemy is(dargyns or however it's spelled)

Other than those things I love it.

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The majority of the hate stems from......well.....best explained like this, I love Hamburgers, single greatest food produced on planet earth, a new restaurant begins hyping the greatest burgers of all time & it just so happens to be owned by a company you know and LOVE for their Chili cheese dogs, so you wait for the place to open, with dreams of burger types you never knew existed, Emu, Buffalo, KRAKEN! whatever floats yer boat.

The thing finally opens! THE DAY HAS COME!......oops sorry the little man behind the counter says, all we have are a bunch of Burger Patties McDonald's gave us, some Tacos from Jack in the box, but all the Chili dogs from the Parent companies Chain.

but your promised over time all the joyous possibilities espoused prior to the grand opening "are on the way" months go by, and the only additions, they added grilled onions & bacon to the menu, and that's it.

So, do you never bother again with them till they get they're act together? write them off totally? stick it out and wait for it to get better and just enjoy the regular Hot dog oriented menus?

Myself, I see great potential for Archwing, but I didn't fall in love with Warframe for it, the regular game does well enough, anything else, as Tucker from RvB said "Chicks are like Voltron, the more you hook up, the better it gets" applies to this game and its modes for me at least.

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My problems have already been stated above. Archwing doesn't normal Warframe so it wouldn't matter to play it. Worse is that DE is REALLY trying to push it into our throats, especially with the upcoming underwater Archwing. Worse still is that the starter gear is really underpowered, especially the Imperator. I could spit at someone and do more damage. And then if I wanted the "good stuff", I have to go to Interception, which is not bad, but on Uranus, which I might as well be shooting nerf darts and have the health of a wad of wet tissue paper. And then if I wanted to level it, it takes so much time, moreso than normal Warframe.


I feel it'll matter if there was integration with normal Warframe, causing me to actually care if the level happens to switch. Also, affinity needs to adjusted for the scale and slower pace of Archwing.


Off topic- Calling it now, underwater Archwing is just Archwing Survival. 

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Slow movement speed on a huge &#! area, unbalanced enemies ( You got this Dreg/normal Dargyns/Ogmas that deals pitiful damage to you and then a Hellion shows up and one shots you. Yay. ), lack of exp ( Seriously it takes forever to max Archwing stuff to 30... I seriously don't get how people has 3 - 4 forma on an entire Archwing set... ) and well... I guess lack of content? Overall it's really unpolished and need a lot of work to be able to attract people to actually play the gamemode.

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Compared to a Normal mission doing a Archwing mission is really only going to get your Archwing exp, There will be bugger all money, resouces or loot at the end (somewhat comparable to speed running a Normal mission but firm in the knowledge that's what you going to get for running a mission fast)


Run an Archwing at any speed and you come out with less ~ Hens Teeth are more common than Archwing mods, come out of a mission with 1 card and most of the time it'll be a bronze core.

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I don't dislike Archwing, but it feels like it doesn't connect with the main game. You do these minigames that are strictly in space, with no interactions onboard a ship. That first mission, after you've built the Archwing is what I would have liked most, if not all, of the missions to be like. Starting in space and invading your way into a ship, or exfiltrating via Archwing.

It also feels very primitive in movement. It's like you're a helicopter. If you've played something like Shattered Horizon, you'd understand how much more immersing it is to navigate a space with six degrees of freedom. Allow a helicopter mode for people who get disoriented easily, but give us full control over roll, pitch, and yaw so we can to fly upside-down if we want to.


For that matter, I would mind being able to walk on ceilings in normal Warframe.

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I think it needs to be kept in mind that these are 2 different types of games really.


One is a 3rd person shooter mmorpg, the other is a space combat shooter mmorpg.  No matter how good they make it, there will be some people that simply don't like that kind of play.  Just as you can make the best racing game ever made but if someone doesn't like racing sims they won't like it.


However it does need a lot of work to it.

Better radar.

Auto-pickup loot, really kills the immersion and fun to go pick stuff up.

Alarms when an emeny is close/lock on etc.

Better reward for doing it that affects the whole game, maybe lots of credits or something or alternatives for every quest in archwing for syndicate quests.


The foundation of Archwing is awesome, it just needs more work.  They should play wing commander or some other space sim to see the types of things that would be good to be added.

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I have a couple of problems.


It's kinda boring. It's like a whole level set underwater. I like the goofy physics of the normal game. You can just wall jump for a second and get instant crazy momentum. I remember liking that aspect when I first started playing the normal missions. It was kinda cool the first time I realized you could just wall run jump back and forth straight through the middle of that one grineer room. There is also no concept of stealth. I feel like the acrobatics and brief stealth moments/hacking help to break up the combat of the main game. AW is just combat all the time unless you are kinda doing nothing.


On top of that there is not much mission variety.


There are only weapons with awkward crafting conditions (Argons + 4th round drops). Less easy to just try out a new type of weapon when you want some variety. All of those just add up to make it boring every quick.


It sucks trying to pick out drops in 3D space. It doesn't help that sometimes certain elements of the debris effect can look like cores form a distance.


It still gives you bonus affinity missions for pistols and hacking etc. Not a big deal its just not very endearing for the mode.


This is down to luck I know, but it really turned me off AW. It took an unreasonable amount of time for me to find a damage+ weapon mod. So as I went through missions my gun just felt useless. Made things even more boring like I was just soaking enemies with a hose.


In the recent alert I have had the game freeze for the only times since I have started playing. In combination with host migration failing because of so many others leaving, it led to a frustrating experience. Wasting time trying to pick out all those mods floating in space, only to be booted back to the mission select with no reward. Oh and Hellion Dargyns seem way more likely to down players than those Ogmas. Probably could use a balance pass.


I have no problem with space combat type gameplay and nothing about the current flight mechanics irritate me, i'd just rather play normal missions right now.

Edited by Robin_Gr
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