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De Should No Longer Discuss Warframe Design Until They Are Completed.


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Tell me, when you think of "dragon" what feelings does that evoke? 


To me they are something to be feared and respected as they are in many cultures around the world. 


What does Chroma inspire? To me it just inspires a bad case of what the hell am I looking at syndrome.


A dragon theme should not be something that needs to be deciphered to see. It should be something obvious and powerful. Not something that causes people to think harmless seahorse.

This has nothing at all to do with what I was saying, but I tend to think of more Asian dragons when I hear dragon, ones that are powerful, but generally good, and kind, should you be on their side.

The rest is your opinion, and I am not going to challenge it because it is impossible to be right or wrong.

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What?  Where?   It looks like no Dragon concept.  It looks like an original piece made by  Mynki...........


Khmer Dragon





Naga Dragon for extra



Europe's Basilisk "Dragon"



Yea! Representing my own culture. But no really Chorma looks like a leafy sea dragon. 

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Are you guys blind?  That is its SNOUT.



aaaand I am already sick of that design.  Meet Rhino, in Dergan 'wanna-be' totally OVER-done and totally boring.  Stick a dergan helmet on something and now its a dergan..


Yeah? Well how many Rihno type Warframe we got in game?(I'm talking about Big, Hulk Smash, Physic) We got ONE. Now how many normal ones we got? Everyone except Hydroid (Fat), Limbo (Slim).


So Yeah, a Dragon theme, heavy weight Hulk was something that a lot of ppl wished for when they heard Dragon Frame is coming. 

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So a leafy seahorse-like animal has more resemblance to a dragon than a hunched, armored, fire-roaring monster...?


You're not serious, are you?

No I am completely serious. Chroma looks more like an infested ancient than a dragon.

Yea! Representing my own culture. But no really Chorma looks like a leafy sea dragon. 

And that is not what the community asked for when they wanted a dragon themed frame. 

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You people miss the point. Chroma was a frame that was asked for by the community. Does this mean DE should say nothing about the design to us!? Hell no! They should tell us as much as possible! If you leave the community out of a community frame then what the hell is the point of the community?

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Players want more transparent developers who will listen to the community and share information on developement

DE does exactly this

Players complain DE is being too transparent and shouldn't discuss content until they're "finished", even though this game is still in active beta



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Players want more transparent developers who will listen to the community and share information on developement

DE does exactly this

Players complain DE is being too transparent and shouldn't discuss content until they're "finished", even though this game is still in active beta



I am certainly not one of those players!

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It is most definitly a Dragon Warframe. Look closely...

Its Vauban wearing samurai armor with a Japanese dragon head(it even has whiskers on the chin) The Horns on the head are inverted as a lotus petal crest on the head similar to how a Samurai would have a crest on his Helmet. Its basically a Samurai Dragon. Now all we need is dual wield Dragon Nikana to be on either side of his hips so he looks fulled decked out as an epic samurai. This kills two birds with a single stone for me. We get a dragon, AND a samurai. BAM... Now we can move on to the next cool thing. Maybe something more round, and organic next?




 Not a seahorse! 


Seahorse is a dragon though... and I can see somewhat resemblence if it wasnt for the crest on head like dragon horns, and the whiskers like the Japanese dragon.

Edited by Arlayn
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You people miss the point. Chroma was a frame that was asked for by the community. Does this mean DE should say nothing about the design to us!? Hell no! They should tell us as much as possible! If you leave the community out of a community frame then what the hell is the point of the community?

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Seahorse is a dragon though... and I can see somewhat resemblence if it wasnt for the crest on head like dragon horns, and the whiskers like the Japanese dragon.

Where does a sea horse spit fire and fly in the skies? just because it has dragon in its name does not mean its a dragon 

Do you not see what is going on here

You're all stereotyping dragons

I like the look. That lephantis head tho.

For an infected themed frame yes nice head for a dragon themed frame F*** no

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It is most definitly a Dragon Warframe. Look closely...

Its Vauban wearing samurai armor with a Japanese dragon head(it even has whiskers on the chin) The Horns on the head are inverted as a lotus petal crest on the head similar to how a Samurai would have a crest on his Helmet. Its basically a Samurai Dragon. Now all we need is dual wield Dragon Nikana to be on either side of his hips so he looks fulled decked out as an epic samurai. This kills two birds with a single stone for me. We get a dragon, AND a samurai. BAM... Now we can move on to the next cool thing. Maybe something more round, and organic next?





Seahorse is a dragon though... and I can see somewhat resemblence if it wasnt for the crest on head like dragon horns, and the whiskers like the Japanese dragon.

A seahorse is not a dragon.

Yes I a well aware of the existence of a seahorse called "the sea dragon" but that is like calling a lionfish a lion. 

Seriously, who the hell would use a seahorse as an example for an intimidating dragon frame. That is a terrible idea. When you think dragon do you immediately think non-threatening seahorse? No! You don't! You think anger, threat, or intimidation. Chroma does not do that. 

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I'm very disapointed in the comunity. 



Dragon frame doesn't look like a dragon/dragon knight. 



Sigh...  Such unadaptable thought. If it did look like a dragon, it'd either be rhino or nekros with a different helmet and maybe wings. It wouldn't be interesting whatsoever. A knight-like figure wouldn't fit at all. 

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I honestly think DE should be more transparent when it comes to frame designs. Probably the same with weapons. The thing about surprises is you never know whether or not the recipient is going to like it. If they don't want to tell the entire community at least post stuff in the design council. 

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I'm very disapointed in the comunity. 



Dragon frame doesn't look like a dragon/dragon knight. 



Sigh...  Such unadaptable thought. If it did look like a dragon, it'd either be rhino or nekros with a different helmet and maybe wings. It wouldn't be interesting whatsoever. A knight-like figure wouldn't fit at all. 

If you think what we wanted was a rhino reskin or a nekros reskin then I am dissapointed in YOUR lack of thought. 


"Knight like figure wouldn't fit at all". And here people like you also tell us that "WE DON'T DECIDE WHAT FITS IN WARFRAME. THE ALL POWERFUL DE DOES OUR THINKING FOR US ON THAT MATTER!"


Hypocritical toxic thinking. THAT is what will ruin this game, not bad frames. People like you that think DE knows best in all things.

Edited by Invalid_Infinity
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I was hyped up about the dragon frame, and now I see how it looks like I'm a bit disappointed. I guess the "DRAGON FRAME" is misleading, they should name it Anteater frame. If they call it anteater frame, I would find it adorable and would have no issue with it. Just rename the frame instead of changing the look.

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