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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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Somehow his arms remind me of Ash's. I never got, what Ash's arms are supposed to be.


However, we all know he won't be changed and all that whining will solve nothing.


We should just wait until he is available and have a look at him moving before a final conclusion.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Regardless of all the reasons for the design, dragons are meant to evoke the feelings/imagery of power, pride and in many cases, to appear menacing. 


This design doesn't evoke any of that, it just looks goofy. He looks like an anteater more than a dragon.


Other than mesa and primes, I feel like warframe designs are steadily declining because they're focusing too much on being different and not cliched (even if those other designs are tried, tested and still cool, even if a little over-used).

It feels like recently almost everything is overthemed or so abstract it's lost that cool space ninja feel.

Edited by MrNonApplicable
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I at first thought he was the most horrendus thing I had ever seen. Then I kept looking at him.


And then I remembered this other dragon themed character. Shyvana, from League of Legends:




All of a sudden I could see the ressemblance with a dragon. His arms are supposed to be his "wings" and due to their anatomy he has that weird shape I guess.

Although I'll agree that perhaps the "worst offender" is the helmet, but after a couple minutes reviewing the concept it didn't look that bad to me neither. I hope that he has a nice alt helm though, I always love them and perhaps they can make something closer to what people expected.

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In all literal sense "haters gonna hate"... it's their opinion...

I like everything that came up from TennoLive (New Glaive, new enemies, special dakra, and it's also my opinion

People still say that? Wow.

screw khroma, what's the talk of no copter?

I hope this becomes reality.

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Yes the poll doesn't accurately represent the opinions of every single person playing the game, but then I hope you also realize how unrealistic that is. No large scale polls can ever hope to count for every single individual within a group, or even a fraction of the group, that just takes far too much effort, yet even so many companies practice such tactics even if it isn't so perfectly scaled like you mention. why? because even if it doesn't count for every single person relevant to the polled questions it still provides a generally accurate portrayal of that demographic. so trying to dismiss a 73% disapproval because it doesn't have a vote person by person for everyone in a group does not negate the message it is delivering. So maybe the static isn't 100% on point, but that's unrealistic for any situation, but odds are that this reaction is fairly accurate, and even if you give it some wiggle room that is still a large amount of dissatisfied persons. 


Yeah it may be inaccurate to say the poll is a perfect representation of player opinion towards chroma, but even with inaccuracies in the poll it is still a likely large percentage of players don't respond positively to the frame. As said in my response with jack, one does not need the vote of every single individual in a group to be able to gauge the general opinion of a large group, sample size surveys are done all the time and while sure they do not provide the perfect numbers they are still very reliable and generally accurate. so like i said, even if the poll isn't perfectly on point it still shows a large trend of negative feelings towards this recent frame design. 


edit : people keep using the excuse dissatisfied people are more likely to participate in such polls as some reason to invalidate such a poll, but with that logic you're also saying all large scale statistics are completely unreliable as well since any sort of survey or statistic involving large groups could not possibly hope to have the honest input of every individual falling into that demographic. (this is obviously not the case since many companies still rely on such methods, which wouldn't be the case if the method was so vastly misleading)

To put it simply; numbers don't lie.

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Because numbers in a poll inflated and blown out of proportion by the hateful vocal minority better represent the community's feedback than constructive criticism and proper discussions do.

No, this isn't what community actually thinks of this frame.


You're in denial.

It seems that word is being thrown around a lot lately. Instead of simply saying that, "You're in denial" why don't you actually explain how I am? Now, please, go ahead because I am absolutely fascinated of your accusations.

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Somehow his arms remind me of Ash's. I never got, what Ash's arms are supposed to be.


However, we all know he won't be changed and all that whining will solve nothing.


We should just wait until he is available and have a look at him moving before a final conclusion.

Guessing you have never seen samurai armor... Its basiclly an organic futurisitic variation of samurai armor padding on his arms, and legs. That is the same thing on Chroma.


It is kinda like the Hayabusa armor from Halo. or...


There was also a game awhile back that had a blue ninja wearing samurai armor padding on his arms, and legs as well... Can't really remember it off hand though.

Heck even anime has beaten this concept to death... With Naruto and their war armor. Its thrown around alot in media, art, and even video games. I like to think of Ash, and Chroma's Samurai armor padding as a call back to the old ways in their style.

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To put it simply; numbers don't lie.

They could if you were in a college, and could access every computer... or some place with ALOT of computers. Anything can be modified... Also this is a limited, and restricted vote to a small number of players. NOT ALL OF THEM. Which is like 3/4 of the players NOT in that poll. Who DO NOT come to the forums. DID NOT watch pax live stream. DO NOT chat in general chat...

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i don't get what people are trying to do complaining in every thread. 


say that you don't like it? that's okay

say it in 10 different threads, explaining in detail why you don't like it each time? what are you trying to do, besides clutter the forums


it doesn't matter if you don't like it, because if minky likes it, and some players like it, that's enough for it to never be changed, so the only thing you are doing is wasting time

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Is there any room for a Scenario C where DE makes a non-stereotypcal design that doesn't look like crap?

Nope. That would presume there would be some sort of majority agreement upon a design itself, rather than those varied stereotypical designs people have in their own heads. It wasn't possible with previous frames (this certainly wasn't the first to be called ugly), so no reason it's possible now.



That's actually a really good sample size, statistically-speaking.


It actually is.

It would be if that represented a majority. 1000 people is nowhere near it. That is more in the area of less than 1%.

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Unsatisfied individuals are far more likely to make their opinion known than satisfied ones. It's wise to take polls like these with a grain of salt.


And no, this isn't a knee-jerk denial tactic that I "make any time public opinion isn't in my favor". While polls like this are clearly indicative a larger-than-average group of dissatisfied individuals, it's not entirely accurate in terms of numerical comparison. To put it shortly: to say that twice as many people dislike the design in comparison to those that appreciate it is incorrect.

If people don't defend their views of chroma by voting then why would their opinions matter anyways? If they don't believe enough in their opinion to take 5 seconds to click "vote" then why does anything they say matter?

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did you even read my post? i brought it up to explain to all the people seem to believe that a poll has to be entirely accurate or holds no meaning that such is not really the case. it's unrealistic to ever expect any sort of response gauging tactic for a large community to ever account for every single player, but even without a response from all people in a demographic it still provides a generally accurate depiction of what that majority feels. sure there is a margin of error, but more often than not those numbers still hold pretty true to the large demographic not questioned. 


just dismissing the entire poll because it isn't spot on is just childish and a petty way to deny what is very likely an accurate representation of player opinion. 


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You keep making the mistake of merging the "Meh" and "Ugly" group on the strawpoll. "Meh" is not "dissatisfied". It's neither fully supportive nor fully against the current design, but not as far as "no opinion", as they obviously hold some sort of stance on it.


The strawpoll is influenced by bias, plain and simple. It is, by no means, an overly-accurate representation.


If somebody were to actually create a list of players, pull names from the list in a completely random pattern, and ask these individuals their opinion on this frame's design, THEN it would be a creditable source of information. Additionally, it would be a powerful-enough indicator for DE to rethink design if need be.


Edit: Yes, I'm aware all polls are inaccurate one way or another, but there's a point where it would be foolish to use this as an excuse for a poll to be considered acceptable. This is one of those cases, as there's a clear "hate bandwagon" formed around the design of Chroma. On multiple occasions, I have asked individuals why they dislike the frame. On almost every occasion, they simply said something along the lines of "I don't know; it just seems like a lot of people are doing it". In situations like this, it's best to rely solely on purely randomized survey.

I have a very clear definition of why I hate the design. That makes one person that thinks for themselves.

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If people don't defend their views of chroma by voting then why would their opinions matter anyways? If they don't believe enough in their opinion to take 5 seconds to click "vote" then why does anything they say matter?

A mother is making pizza for her 10 children. 7 of them are currently fine with the pre-determined choice of "pepperoni". The other 3, obviously outraged that they're not getting a sausage pizza, complain; who wants to eat something they dislike?


2 of the pepperoni-lovers zealously defend the original plan, while the other 5 patiently await their pizza. Unfortunately, the group of sausage-lovers possess a greater number of active zealots. The mother is left with a false notion that more kids want a sausage pizza as opposed to a pepperoni pizza.


Dinner rolls around. Sausage pizza is ready. We are left with 3 satisfied children and 7 unsatisfied ones. What happens? The 7 complain. They want the original plan because it was far better than the alternative, in their eyes. The cycle repeats. In summary, it's a giant headache; why didn't we just get a better idea of who wants what from the start?


There's a reason the American public is encouraged to vote when the time comes; when elections roll around and the person the majority dislike gets elected, it doesn't make it any easier for any of us.


Edit: And on a related side note, who is honestly more likely to locate the poll? Somebody who is on the forums to complain, or somebody who is happy with the results and is currently patiently awaiting the implementation?


I have a very clear definition of why I hate the design. That makes one person that thinks for themselves.

Power to you, then. It would be wonderful if others shared a like-minded sense of finality.

Edited by Nitresco
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A mother is making pizza for her 10 children. 7 of them are currently fine with the pre-determined choice of "pepperoni". The other 3, obviously outraged that they're not getting a sausage pizza, complain; who wants to eat something they dislike?


2 of the pepperoni-lovers zealously defend the original plan, while the other 5 patiently await their pizza. Unfortunately, the group of sausage-lovers possess a greater number of active zealots. The mother is left with a false notion that more kids want a sausage pizza as opposed to a pepperoni pizza.


Dinner rolls around. Sausage pizza is ready. We are left with 3 satisfied children and 7 unsatisfied ones. What happens? The 7 complain. They want the original plan because it was far better than the alternative, in their eyes. The cycle repeats. In summary, it's a giant headache; why didn't we just get a better idea of who wants what from the start?


There's a reason the American public is encouraged to vote when the time comes; when elections roll around and the person the majority dislike gets elected, it doesn't make it any easier for any of us.


Edit: And on a related side note, who is honestly more likely to locate the poll? Somebody who is on the forums to complain, or somebody who is happy with the results and is currently patiently awaiting the implementation?


.....So by your analogy of chroma haters as the three angry children you expect that to be the truth? Are you certain that that is the case here? I don't think that is the case. If all you think of the forums is as a place to complain in then you are using the forums completely wrong. Just like DE made chroma wrong. This is a consequence of DE not interacting with the community during the design process and let me tell you this would have gone MUCH better had DE been a ton more open instead of trying to surprise us all. I exist on these forums to browse popular threads and get a general idea of what the community is feeling. At the moment, that is one hell of allot of disappointment. Also, a mother wouldn't force her children to eat something they didn't want just because a few other children said so, she would make another pizza. I guess we can liken that other pizza to another skin and alt helmet, which DE had better implement if they go through with this base design because there will be hell to pay if they don't and a large cash bonus if they do.

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Chroma's design is a Testosterone trip. ITS A SAMURAI WITH A SHENLONG DRAGON HEAD!!! Its Vauban wearing samurai armor on his arms, and legs. Then the head is a Shenlong dragon head it even has whiskers on the chin, and it has a crest on the head instead of two horns away from each other they come together looking like a crest for a samurai armor instead almost like a Lotus petal if you look at it.


We Just need dual Dragon Nikana on each side of the hips AND HE IS PERFECT!!! He will be so bad to the bone he could be a character in Soul Calibur, and a Cyborg in a Metal Gear Rising 2 (If they ever make a sequel). He is such a bad to the bone samurai... Finally we are getting a warframe with a far more samurai like appearance. Not to mention a head that looks cool for a change compared to the new comers that came before him.

Ah so it's a Chinese/Japanese mix.


But I can't help but to see a Leafy Sea Dragon in there.


They really stuck that image in my head really good and I cannot unsee it. ;(

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I never stated the forums were solely dedicated to housing those who complain. I simply stated that it if somebody desired to speak out against something DE is doing, they would immediately turn towards the forums as a first resort. Please, do not put words into my mouth.


Since you once again deem it necessary to put forth your opinion, I will once again counter with mine. I think the design artists have done a fine job with this frame, as I can clearly see the inspiration behind it. You can constantly call it bad, if you wish, but telling me this over and over will not serve any purpose.


As for your take on the "mass disappointment", I will only repeat what I have said before; the dissatisfied speak much louder than the satiated.

Then I suppose it's simply best if we agree to disagree.

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