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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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but we have a certain group of people who are looking to excuse that in whatever way they can. When its more reasonable to just say that DE did something unique.

See, now that's not nice. If you don't see what it was that DE had intended and have your own view that's fine, but don't slander others who you think are just defending DE for what is actually their own views.
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Most of Chroma is dragon-esque with a certain..organic/infested flavor that I can live with.

That helmet is just seahorse/anteater though. That is what is really throwing me off.

The latest argument is that chroma's head is like a Viking dragon because out of the hundreds of viking dragon carvings that don't look like that...

some people found one or two carvings that do kind of look like that. lol Seriously, chroma's head does not do a great job of representing any of the fantasy dragons from mythology.  DE can do what they want of course I just want to be real about it.


Hopefully there will be an alt helmet that works for me. Honestly, if DE is smart they will have a more "obvious" dragio like head shape option to please those who want it. Options are king!

"Options are king!" Agreed! :D

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See, now that's not nice. If you don't see what it was that DE had intended and have your own view that's fine, but don't slander others who you think are just defending DE for what is actually their own views.

let me clarify. Regardless of whatever DE may or may not have intended Chroma's head is not dragon-shaped. Period. 

If anything we should simply acknowledge that and defend DE's right to do whatever unique thing they want to.

I support DE in making their own decisions whether I like what they decide or not.

At the same time I have no need to pretend something is different than what it is.


We can put up pictures of dragons from various cultures next to chroma's head shaping.

We can do artistic critiques over and over. DE took liberties. They went abstract. They didn't follow the lines.

That's their choice of course....but it is what it is.


"Options are king!" Agreed! :D


Edited by Ronyn
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See, now that's not nice. If you don't see what it was that DE had intended and have your own view that's fine, but don't slander others who you think are just defending DE for what is actually their own views.

Thats the thing. They attack us so we attack them and then everyone is unhappy. It's just a mess.

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Thats the thing. They attack us so we attack them and then everyone is unhappy. It's just a mess.

I don't see an us and them cause there are many levels of different opinions.

Nor do intended my posts as attack on any person.

I just want everyone to cut the BS.

The pro-chroma people need to stop acting like he has a dragon head. He doesn't. 

The anti-chroma people need to stop acting like DE has to change their design decisions just cause its unique. They don't.


DE did their own thing. We can like it or dislike it but we should all be able to acknowledge what it is.

Edited by Ronyn
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Logic doesn't apply to the people you are arguing against. Good effort though.

You know, I stopped replying to you several pages ago just because you clearly had a bad habit of putting words into other people's mouth and getting incredibly worked-up about it. Now I see you're relying on personal attack.

And if your only justification for doing so is "but they did it first", then I will simply laugh at such a childish reaction.

Edited by Nitresco
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Thats the thing. They attack us so we attack them and then everyone is unhappy. It's just a mess.

So you say your peace and move on. If people are flaming you report and see what the mods do. If they don't see a problem then just ignore them. People are gonna have disagreements as we have in the past, but thats no reason to go on these attack crusades.

let me clarify. Regardless of whatever DE may or may not have intended Chroma's head is not dragon-shaped. Period. 

But what if I see the the dragon inspired aspects of the helmet? What does that make me to you?

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But what if I see the the dragon inspired aspects of the helmet? What does that make me to you?

If someone says they see a triangle shape in a square what am I supposed to say in response?


I cant argue with what may have "inspired" anything...but from that point I can tell what is more abstract and what is more a direct representation.


Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=abstract+art&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=bNX9VOW5PM-MoQSC3YLICQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_&imgrc=zXcnebdHwOycpM%253A%3B_19t1LIr5ZDEMM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.abstractartistgallery.org%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F02%252FAbstract-Art-Painting-Mirza-Zuplijanin.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.abstractartistgallery.org%252Fmain-gallery%252F%3B1200%3B803

Now what inspired that picture? A city? Ships? Castle towers? Flag Poles?

Hard to argue either way. As an abstract different people will see different things. No one is right or wrong.

However one can objectively state whether the actual shapes drawn are the same as a ship, a building or whatever. 

Edited by Ronyn
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U mean anteater mixed with infested



You see? This is an example of why this thread can't go nowhere.


"I see how he's  a dragon frame"

"No he isn't he's X frame"

"Well if you look at P, Q , R it does show how C is similar"

"But if you look at E,F,G it shows how is anything anything like a dragon"



Can people just let people have their opinions?

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If someone says they see a triangle shape in a square what am I supposed to say in response?


I cant argue with what may have "inspired" anything...but from that point I can tell what is more abstract and what is more a direct representation.


Example: https://www.google.com/search?q=abstract+art&safe=off&rlz=1C1CHWA_enUS628US628&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=bNX9VOW5PM-MoQSC3YLICQ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1920&bih=1075#imgdii=_&imgrc=zXcnebdHwOycpM%3A%3B_19t1LIr5ZDEMM%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.abstractartistgallery.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2013%2F02%2FAbstract-Art-Painting-Mirza-Zuplijanin.jpg%3Bhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.abstractartistgallery.org%2Fmain-gallery%2F%3B1200%3B803

Now what inspired that picture? A city? Ships? Castle towers? Flag Poles?

Hard to argue either way. As an abstract different people will see different things. No one is right or wrong.

However one can objectively state whether the actual shapes drawn are the same as a ship, a building or whatever.

Except here's the thing. Chroma's head is based on a Sea dragon, which are very common inspirations for eastern dragon designs, he has a dragon designed helmet. Wether you want to accept you're wrong here or not doesn't matter.

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I was somewhat hyped for this "Dragon frame", after the teaser, just yuck. It looks like a melted claymation figure sculpted by someone that wanted to do some weird  version of art. 


The fact of whether or not it looks like a dragon is irreverent to me, it's too ugly for that to matter.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Except here's the thing. Chroma's head is based on a Sea dragon, which are very common inspirations for eastern dragon designs, he has a dragon designed helmet. Wether you want to accept you're wrong here or not doesn't matter.

You don't realize I've covered that before. So Let me be clear.

If you mean the real life creature, the leafy sea dragon, you would be correct.

As I have said elsewhere, using the real life creature that inspired the mythological creature is not going to yield ideal results.

The real life creature called a Narwhal is likely the inspiration behind a the unicorn myth in some cultures. 

But when folsk say uinicorn they expect a hooves and a hairy mane..giving them something with whale body and fins wouldn't go well.

The inspiration for the greek Cyclops is likely from people finding elphant or the like bones in some areas.

The nose hole was mistaken for an eye socket. Now if people ask for a cyclops and you give them an elephant it is not going to go well.


In short: Seahorses and leafy sea dragons may have inspired the dragon myth.

But seahorses and leafy sea dragons are not the mythological dragon nor do they entirely share the same shaping.

So NO-chromas head is not shaped like a mythological dragon. It is shaped like seahorse/leafy sea dragon.

regardless of the latter inspiring the former, one cannot suggest that if it one then it is automatically the other.

Edited by Ronyn
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obvious Western playerbase bias towards their own designs when the game has heavy Eastern influences... DE just gave us the Wild West shooter, time for another part of the world to get their due eh?


fear not, I have come to offer a solution. For an alt helmet, DE can give it a blue headband so that it can appear like one of the icons of the West



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obvious Western playerbase bias towards their own designs when the game has heavy Eastern influences... DE just gave us the Wild West shooter, time for another part of the world to get their due eh?


fear not, I have come to offer a solution. For an alt helmet, DE can give it a blue headband so that it can appear like one of the icons of the West



Same thing happened with new Tekken character, anime girl. Western based playerbase raged about it.



Problem with Antmuncher frame is that he isnt giving any dragon vibe. Not easter or western dragon, he is reminding people of something else in most of situations. Just show him to someone who isnt known of Warframe and see what they will say.

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Look at this:




This is beautiful and obviously inspired by the eastern dragons. Now, DE showed us that they are capable of such design with this. So why a sea horse? What reason is there? Is this particular depiction too on the nose? Ok, combine it with some western elements... but I still don't see where the seahorse comes in. 


Edited by LocoWithGun
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Problem with Antmuncher frame is that he isnt giving any dragon vibe. Not easter or western dragon, he is reminding people of something else in most of situations. Just show him to someone who isnt known of Warframe and see what they will say.

True dat

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