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Why Is Everyone Hating On Tenno Live And Chroma ?


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1: Totally not a Dragon Frame, it's a Infested Sea Horse.


2: Please DE kindly Hired People who can really determine the Cool Things from not. a person who can design Cool & Platinum Worth Frames, we don't need Sea Horse, unless that frame will be available on the underwater tile set, now that makes sense.



Not a Hater. just saying my first impression when i see the new warframe. its really ugly. body & head. even you put a different helmet its still a Sea Horse when you check the body of the frame.

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He looks like an Asian inspired dragon; 




Also, if there's one thing I've learned from the community, it's that when you get hundreds of thousands of players, there's no way to please everyone. People will always like some things and dislike others, and getting everyone to like the same thing is very tough, if not impossible.

IMO, he doesn't look like a Chinese dragon. Instead...


(Picture isn't mine)

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Well i do liked Chroma's whole desing, after finding the fase, but it seems as the mesh( ash vauban zephyr seahorse) previously indicated. I reeeally think the Art team should not say they are being original when clearly he looks that much as a combo on other frames.


Basically why not give him scales, no warframe has then, instead ugly lines, its like lazy oberon all over again.

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Although I dont like chromas design Im not gonna bash DE for it. Personally I was expecting more reveals at the event. I mean even if you take it as a normal devstream it lacks a lot of information. A lot more info was revealed at the previous devstream. Why didnt they show the new enemies for raids? Why didnt they show anything of the new tileset and archwing underwater? They talked and teased about those things (showed pics) 2 weeks ago, surely there had to be some progress made.


Lastly I was really hoping for a release date.

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He looks like an Asian inspired dragon; 




Also, if there's one thing I've learned from the community, it's that when you get hundreds of thousands of players, there's no way to please everyone. People will always like some things and dislike others, and getting everyone to like the same thing is very tough, if not impossible.

I cannot see where you are getting that from? He doesn't look anything like that? I was actually expecting him to look like that rather than a western dragon but I really can't see it. I think if you showed this design to a man on the street I would be very surprised if they made a dragon connection.

I'm not saying it's a bad design, nor am I hating on it, I just cannot see anything that says dragon. I'll still look forward to acquiring and trying him out.

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Okay the first time I saw Chroma

- shtty lookin sea horse


-whoa that was a head piece? Hm okay wished it was shorter. Oh cool a helmet eye guard thing.





where is that gif ??? can i see it or get a link ... its not like we get a bandwich overload just because one GIF!!!

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I think if you showed this design to a man on the street I would be very surprised if they made a dragon connection.


To me, that kinda seems like the point. I dunno about the rest of you guys, but I'd find frames to be a bit silly if I can look at them and immediately tell what their theme is from their shape alone. 


Of course, it's all just opinions. But after spending a bit of time lurking through the forums the past few weeks, it seemed to me that a fair number of people felt the same way about overly-obvious aesthetics (looking at Limbo of course). And I wouldn't be surprised if DE took note and decided to make Chroma less blatantly "dragon" because of it.

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He looks like an Asian inspired dragon; 




Also, if there's one thing I've learned from the community, it's that when you get hundreds of thousands of players, there's no way to please everyone. People will always like some things and dislike others, and getting everyone to like the same thing is very tough, if not impossible.

He looks nothing like that! 

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The only thing I don't like about Chroma is the name, sounds like a new razer product.

How about Spectron? Refractor? Prism? Dragoon? Spitfyre? Kelpie?* Flex? Agnaktor?


*Google really wants me to correct that to "Kewpie". I'm scared.

Edited by DarkLizalfos
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Ok, then here you go, leafy sea dragon:



That's not what the community wanted. DE said that they were doing a theme that the community had long requested. The community requested a traditional, mythological dragon theme, whether western or eastern. The community did not want a sea dragon. The community was specific. For DE to do this is either ignorance on their part or willful trolling of the community (chroma barely even looks like that pic you posted). This is just like if the community were to ask for a lion frame, and DE ended up releasing a sea lion frame. A sea lion isn't a lion. It having lion in its name doesn't make it a lion. In the same way, the community wanted a dragon, not a sea dragon. I really shouldn't even have to explain that to you as I expect you're smarter than that.

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Ok, then here you go, leafy sea dragon:


Fricking lame excuse! That is a Seahorse! A SEAHORSE! 


There is no excuse for Chroma to not look like a dragon! None!

That's not what the community wanted. DE said that they were doing a theme that the community had long requested. The community requested a traditional, mythological dragon theme, whether western or eastern. The community did not want a sea dragon. The community was specific. For DE to do this is either ignorance on their part or willful trolling of the community (chroma barely even looks like that pic you posted). This is just like if the community were to ask for a lion frame, and DE ended up releasing a sea lion frame. A sea lion isn't a lion. It having lion in its name doesn't make it a lion. In the same way, the community wanted a dragon, not a sea dragon. I really shouldn't even have to explain that to you as I expect you're smarter than that.


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