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Dear Lord, Why?(Gift Of The Lotus Alert)


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I must have found the nest or something. The mission was 70% Napalm spawns, 20% scorch spawns, and 10% power carrier spawns.


Needless to say, my Frost was not happy(a bit too hot for him down there).


But seriously DE, what on God's green Earth made you think that spamming napalm's, which have this stupidly ridiculous, OP AoE would make an excavation fun?


I tried the alert solo(will finish it in a bit, possibly with other people as I was unprepared for napalms, napalms everywhere) thinking I could bring along two (sorta)newly forma'd weapons because it was on Phobos. NOPE. I was wrong. Too much armor and AoE, I couldn't kill them fast enough. I shudder at the thought of a newer, or much less well equipped player unlike myself would feel trying to get this potato from the alert.


Please DE, rethink things like this, it's not fun, it's frustrating and tedious to have to play these kinds of things. Heavy units are meant to be priority targets, not trash mobs, meaning they should spawn infrequently, as they are harder to kill and usually deal out more damage in a wider range than normal units, not be the main force. The level of artificial difficulty in this alert is just through the roof redonkulous.


You know, a little bit of a warning would have been nice too, this feels more like a Tac alert rather than a Gift from the Lotus alert. I mean, was the reasoning behind this set up because it's a three day Gift of the Lotus, not a 24 hour one?

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I didn't notice anything special about this mission until the forum posts started tbh. I'm a fairly new player, used my Saryn with a half finished Miasma build (not a single rank 10 mod. In fact most are about rank 5-6).


Wasn't too much of an issue at all but then again Moult removes procs.

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Really? I actually found it a ton of fun, and I wasn't even using my standard frame (by which I mean I was far squishier than normal). Those napalms were insanely fragile compared to your bog standard napalm which made it pretty easy to fight through them (though the number of shockwave punches got to be infuriating sometimes), and besides, you only needed to do one extractor and then you could leave at your leisure. So, overall, a fun one-time gimmick alert.


Also, you forgot that sometimes Flameblades spawn. Not much of a difference, but it's there.

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"hurr, durr, 2ez4me, git gut m8"


Anyway, good exp. Napalms were not so damaging like they use to be in other missions, just obstructing the view.

That's right, I don't know you, but my fire painted Frost (Ember's lover <3) was good enough to protect me and my rank 3 allies, while my soma was more tha that to fight them, just aiming at the crowd and shooting the hell out of the magazines.

Also, right, a lot of exp, couldn't rank anything as I wen prepared. but yet, good.

If you go "it's too easy, make it harder" and then "it's too hard, why do you do this to me?" you will end up with DE not giving a f*ck of your opinion...

It was hard for the bright-camera shaking explotions, the high damage, the thought enemies, the plain objective of defend something from AoE, but still rewarding. You now, catalyst and reactors aren't something you can obtain killing 100 lvl 10 enemies in an exterminate mission, I think this one was better. Made me remember that time fighting lvl 90 napalms for a reactor in ceres back when the level on Pluton was 60's.

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Okay, now that I've solo'd the alert, let me clarify.


First of all, I take issue with there being no warning that the spawns were going to be unique. It had the air of a tac alert without actually receiving any foreknowledge of what to expect within the mission.


Second, (and this is my fault) I was under equipped, probably. If the spawns were normal, then maybe my level 9 Latron and level 10 Dex Furis would have sufficed, but with the gimmicky spawns, they were not enough.


Other than that, please take the OP with a grain of salt. I was a bit heated(not really, just frustrated as I usually breeze through all alerts) after attempting 3 excavators and failing them all due to the insane AoE napalms have. It came as a surprise.


And I'm with those who have stated that the alert was fairly simple, easy even. Yes, the napalms were not as tough as they usually are, and yes it was not difficult, I was just caught off guard. But still, I feel the feedback is warranted.

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Okay, now that I've solo'd the alert, let me clarify.


First of all, I take issue with there being no warning that the spawns were going to be unique. It had the air of a tac alert without actually receiving any foreknowledge of what to expect within the mission.


Second, (and this is my fault) I was under equipped, probably. If the spawns were normal, then maybe my level 9 Latron and level 10 Dex Furis would have sufficed, but with the gimmicky spawns, they were not enough.


Other than that, please take the OP with a grain of salt. I was a bit heated(not really, just frustrated as I usually breeze through all alerts) after attempting 3 excavators and failing them all due to the insane AoE napalms have. It came as a surprise.


And I'm with those who have stated that the alert was fairly simple, easy even. Yes, the napalms were not as tough as they usually are, and yes it was not difficult, I was just caught off guard. But still, I feel the feedback is warranted.

Kekeke, fair enough. They could have provided a warning. But on the other hand would that have removed some of the humor? I know I certainly wouldn't have laughed as hard as I did at the "This alert might too difficult for you guys" alert if they had warned us properly and my comrades screams of "WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" were pretty funny all things considered. *shrug* Regardless, your feedback is as legitimate as anyone else's and should be considered. Ah well.

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Please DE, rethink things like this, it's not fun, it's frustrating and tedious to have to play these kinds of things.


No. Please provide more of them DE. That was fantastic.


Make it so people need to take good gear, balanced loadouts, put a decent squad together prior, with these missions. They should not be a mindless run for a free potatoe. They are special missions that should always throw a curve ball at us to catch out those who are poorly prepared.


And if the fail once, fail forever thing evident with this one really was a bug, please keep this bug in the game. There should be a price to pay for failing these.


Maybe not for every one of them (LOL's at the propaganda drones), but please do make it a regular feature.

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No. Please provide more of them DE. That was fantastic.


Make it so people need to take good gear, balanced loadouts, put a decent squad together prior, with these missions. They should not be a mindless run for a free potatoe. They are special missions that should always throw a curve ball at us to catch out those who are poorly prepared.


And if the fail once, fail forever thing evident with this one really was a bug, please keep this bug in the game. There should be a price to pay for failing these.


Maybe not for every one of them (LOL's at the propaganda drones), but please do make it a regular feature.

First of all, I said in a later post here to take the OP with a grain of salt, because I wrote it right after aborting the mission. Meaning that when I wrote it, I wasn't thinking entirely clearly and was not giving completely constructive feedback, as I was caught off guard by the alert.


Never the less, the feedback about how DE uses artificial difficulty like that is valid, and shouldn't be diminished by what is around it. I mean it was totally convenient for you to leave that bit out of your quote right? I mean it was quite literally two sentences after the one you quoted. They were in the same paragraph, thus they were related and relevant to each other.

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Never the less, the feedback about how DE uses artificial difficulty like that is valid, and shouldn't be diminished by what is around it. I mean it was totally convenient for you to leave that bit out of your quote right? I mean it was quite literally two sentences after the one you quoted. They were in the same paragraph, thus they were related and relevant to each other.


There was no artificial difficulty, although it would have made a good tactical alert with conclave limits. But then again, that would just bring out masses of Loki. Despite being heavy units, they were low enough a level that they were still trash mobs that died easily if you took good gear.


I see too many people take low level gear or poorly matched gear into some of these without a pre-formed squad.


And this is a feedback thread. There's no point in me starting another one just because my opinions differ to others.

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There was no artificial difficulty, although it would have made a good tactical alert with conclave limits. But then again, that would just bring out masses of Loki. Despite being heavy units, they were low enough a level that they were still trash mobs that died easily if you took good gear.


I see too many people take low level gear or poorly matched gear into some of these without a pre-formed squad.


And this is a feedback thread. There's no point in me starting another one just because my opinions differ to others.

No, it's all well and fine if you disagree. But as I said in the second post, the lack of foreknowledge of what to expect in the mission was just bad, and it was really the cause of me being unable to complete it the in the first attempt.


That's bad execution, as it appeared as a normal alert that just happened to be up for 3 days because of Tenno Live. No where was it stated that I'd be fighting mostly heavies(napalms specifically) while trying to defend the excavators. That's where I mainly take issue with how I was caught off guard. I would have taken my Guilded truth Burston Prime in the first time I tried the alert if I had known the spawns were going to be unique. But since I didn't, I strolled in with gear that I had forma'd and was re-leveling, and that turned out to be less than sufficient to complete the objective.


To be honest, the only 'curve balls' I'm okay with were the one's during the suspicious shipments mini-event. The ramped up damage, and much, much higher spawn counts in exterminate were fun, in my opinion. It was unexpected, and surprised me at first, but I never completely failed any of those. Whereas here, I tried 3 different extractors and could not get them more than half way done before the napalm's ludicrous AoE killed the thing, the first time I tried the alert. As you can see, I was playing as Frost, so the only damage the excavator could have been taking was AoE damage.

Edited by GhostSwordsman
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Because DE decided that they got enough flames from us. So they gave us the Lotus alert. IN FLAMES!.



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OP it's rather easy despite the obscure amount of Napalms.


Believe us who went through hard sh*ts like that Mobile Defense with Rollers, Napalms, and Arsons. That Astral Twilight TA where Nullies are 95% along with Anti-MOAs.

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OP it's rather easy despite the obscure amount of Napalms.


Believe us who went through hard sh*ts like that Mobile Defense with Rollers, Napalms, and Arsons. That Astral Twilight TA where Nullies are 95% along with Anti-MOAs.

Oh I know it's easy.


In fact I solo'd it, after I equipped my Gilded Truth Burston Prime. I said in a later post that it was my fault(mostly) that I was under equipped for the mission. Napalms weren't as tough as usual, but they were still too much for (somewhat)newly forma'd weapons, and a build that was not made specifically to counter their AoE.

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Imho the alert was fun, but it should've been clearer from the start.

The spawn variation and fire theme were cool. Thing is that there was no indication that the alert would've been so different from a regular mission.

I'm 100% fine with the Gift of the Lotus alerts being weird or themed. It adds a lot to the fun of it, infact after the first disastrous try i came back in a group with 3 Frosts and a 4th i don't remember and we did 12 extractors just for the lulz.

But it's capital that this kind of variation be extremely clear from the start. So you can have actual fun doing it instead of it being extremely frustrating.

TL;DR: fun thing, but make it clear before entering battle.

Edited by Autongnosis
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(gotta love the reference your name btw)


Yes there is but it is so situational that it doesn't deserve a place on any warframe.

it's an alert with Lv11~15 enemies, I'm pretty sure someone can replace something.

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Imho the alert was fun, but it should've been clearer from the start.

The spawn variation and fire theme were cool. Thing is that there was no indication that the alert would've been so different from a regular mission.

I'm 100% fine with the Gift of the Lotus alerts being weird or themed. It adds a lot to the fun of it, infact after the first disastrous try i came back in a group with 3 Frosts and a 4th i don't remember and we did 12 extractors just for the lulz.

But it's capital that this kind of variation be extremely clear from the start. So you can have actual fun doing it instead of it being extremely frustrating.

TL;DR: fun thing, but make it clear before entering battle.

That's actually one of the main things I'm trying to get at with the thread.


I'm fine with quirky spawns and themed missions, just tell me before hand so I can go in prepared.

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