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If You Had One Wish...


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Just one?


For DE to change their management direction to support and encourage a more rewarding game experience and cohesive community without continuing to resort to predatory nickle and dime tactics like Kubrow stasis recovery.


You said one wish, not one thing =)

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one single thing?


more immersive/interactive/engaging game universe


and by that i dont mean having more tenno drinking tea and lounging on couches, i mean thematically appropriate ingame lore functions


additionally this would include a massive overhaul of the enormous amount of plot-holes and inconsistencies in warframe (loot drops from the wrong places, or enemies, or lotus says the wrong things, or the missions make no sense, etc, etc, etc)


ya, that'd be the 1 thing, but damn if it wasnt a really close race for 1st place (energy 2.0, ammo 2.0, weapon base dmg mods rework, etc, etc)


hell i could probably spend a single day at DE and play the game and tell them dozens of simple quick fixes (only requiring a few database changes or a few lines of code or a quick audio file swap, etc, etc)

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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Wow, tough. I guess, I'd wish for the syndicate system to get much more fleshed out. Hopefully to the point where syndicates aren't just a way to get certain mods and items.

In this change I'd like to see a few extra rank, to make it more of a commitment to your syndicate. I'd like to see much more cosmetics, armor sets for each syndicate, alt. syandanas for all of them, color pallets. More syndicate weapons of course. And, since this is a a wish of magical nature (I presume), I'd like to see every syndicate get a custom skin, that they make for every warframe.

Aside from the goodies I'd like to see added to the syndicates, the main thing I want to see is a constant interaction with our syndicate leaders and allies. Perhaps, even in the long run, our syndicates replacing the lotus in out missions. I'd also like higher ranks to have more involvement in the syndicate affairs, though, I'm not sure how that could be done.

All in all, there are probably better thing DE can invest there time in, I know lost of us would like to see focus, and a lot of polish, syndicate are just it for me. The syndicate syandanas where the most exciting addition to the game for me since, like, damage 2.0, I just really like the idea and wish the system lived up to that.

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Excalibro pr-*ninja'd* /silly

Waifu Valkyr Prime /silly


Honestly, there are way to many things that could be worked on that I'd like to see happen.

Fix the daily reward table.  It's ridiculous that I have to take a day off to get a better chance at that 75% I never have gotten.

Fix the market.  Some of the ratios between materials and plat are just highway robbery.

Stamina for one needs to go.  The only thing that it inhibits is running.  So it's possible that we'll see it disappear for Parkour 2.0

A more engaging universe in general.  A this point we can just hyperjump to any map in the universe using our liset, and our market and recruiting is chat-based. 


How about have it so that you are "locked" onto a planet system in that you can access any of the planets like normally, but if you wanted to go to another planet, you would have a delay on your liset as it travels to a different system.  Then implement a bus system on the relays that for X credits, you can hop to another planet instantly, as long as the relay has not been taken down.  This fee can be made by whichever clan owns the system, or  defaulted to a standard if no clan owns the system.  Also implement liset mods / improvements / upgrades / pimp-my-liset that can reduce the time spent waiting for travel time, that will work with a squad, so you can ferry others around. 


Also thrown into the relays could be an Auction house of sorts, where users can put items up for trade with either credits or plat, well as a recruitment board for missions.


With these changes, the relays and clans have much more prominence in the universe.  There would be a reason to defend the relay against whenever Hek decides to try and take one down, as well as having a clan be booted out by players locked into the system through a rebellion event should they decide to raise travel rates to insane prices.


The only downside of this is how much more complex it is to do things.  Chat is very simplistic, but quick compared to what I would be suggesting.

Edited by OneMoreDaySK
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Hybrid Archwing - Warframe missions like we had in the Archwing Quest.

They're coming, why waste your wish on that?

Honestly, there are way to many things that could be worked on that I'd like to see happen.

Pick the one that matters most to you.

Just one?


For DE to change their management direction to support and encourage a more rewarding game experience and cohesive community without continuing to resort to predatory nickle and dime tactics like Kubrow stasis recovery.


You said one wish, not one thing =)

That I did, and that was the point.

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There is no single thing, the game needs many changes in regards to balance and designing for skill, instead of ability spam afk farming-simulator it has become.

Pick whatever is most important for you specifically, even if it's somewhat vague.

HMM .... no exclusive items.

Why must everyone hate on exclusive items? Exclusivity is a good thing in games. As counterintuitive as that may seem.

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Pick whatever is most important for you specifically, even if it's somewhat vague.

Why must everyone hate on exclusive items? Exclusivity is a good thing in games. As counterintuitive as that may seem.

That's my vague answer: rebalance many things, including difficulty scaling and accounting for active player skill, not just numbers 

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