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Do You Believe E-Gate Was Addressed In A Sensible Manner?


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Just wait.



Also i'm perfectly fine with it, at best it killed AFK farming for good and no frames were nerfed in anyway. It's the best case scenario for DE.

 Mag's Greedy Pull and every single frame with a channeled power was nerfed. Channeling = 'afk'. It also nerfed Energy Siphon, and sniper rifles, and people who play Defense and stand near the pod, since you now have to be MOVING to gain energy from any source.

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 Mag's Greedy Pull and every single frame with a channeled power was nerfed. Channeling = 'afk'. It also nerfed Energy Siphon, and sniper rifles, and people who play Defense and stand near the pod, since you now have to be MOVING to gain energy from any source.



Now exactly hw long do you have to be channeling to be considered afk?

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its either 1 min 30 secs or 2 min



afk timer is at 2 min. where exactly do you have to channel to kill stuff for longer than 2 minutes? the answer is nowhere



Thank you to both of you. If you need to channel for 2 minutes straight to kill something, you're doing it wrong.


This only hurt my AFKing with hydroid puddle in interceptions

Edited by cozzi21
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Thank you to both of you. If you need to channel for 2 minutes straight to kill something, you're doing it wrong.


This only hurt my AFKing with hydroid puddle in interceptions

My only gripe is that certain builds that are purposed towards time lasting and sitting still i.e. Peacemaker, which is by design correct, is contradicting the afk timer when the builds max time is over 2 min by design and triggering afk

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developers want people to stick long into the game by making things longer, and that e-gate farming will make it the warframe's norm of playing

not good for games


what i saw in e-gate was this window spot that spawns alot of enemy, the spawnpoint changes, that should be fixed not overall excavation

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My only gripe is that certain builds that are purposed towards time lasting and sitting still i.e. Peacemaker, which is by design correct, is contradicting the afk timer when the builds max time is over 2 min by design and triggering afk

But Mesa can't get energy while doing peacemakers... And even with Maxed efficiency and maxed primed flow will only last 113 seconds.

Edited by immolator1001
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its either 1 min 30 secs or 2 min



afk timer is at 2 min. where exactly do you have to channel to kill stuff for longer than 2 minutes? the answer is nowhere


2 Minutes is how long you have to be marked afk to receive no rewards, meaning the 'afk' marker starts as soon as you stop moving (significantly) [technically, it's at about 15 seconds].

Edited by Alkira
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I posted earlier, but the more I look at the situation, the more the fix angers me. So, here is some more:


Classic DE.


"[insert Mission Name Here] is giving too much loot? Time to nerf everything we can think of."


God I love those jokers.


Really though, just think about how fast they put out a nerf for this. Then think about how broken login bonuses are, how long DE has claimed they are looking at it, and then remember how they haven't done it yet.


Man, if only that sort of break-neck speed went in to, oh I don't know, working on U16, fixing spawn rates in respective missions, fixing terrible loot drops, making grind walls more bearable, balancing everything that isn't balanced (90% of the game), making some frames more viable, making Archwing more playable, fixing Kubrow UI, making a decent trade system, fixing unreasonable market prices (90p for 30k credits), making a decent afk system, not patronizing the community for avoiding the unreasonable grind, actually playing the game before making gut decisions, hiring someone cuter to ask the community to forgive DE for repeating mistakes over and over (almost like it's not an accident), and then maybe the game will start on the promised "Year of Quality".


P.S. Since when did the year start in April?

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But Mesa can't get energy while doing peacemakers... And even with Maxed efficiency and maxed primed flow will only last 113 seconds.

Fair point when solo but with Limbo's Banish or/and Rage Mod it is doable to make Mesa's Peacemaker last longer. 


Just my 2 cents. 

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No. The energy restriction goes too far.




Anyway I think it was addressed nicely. Now we have to actually DO something to get our rewards in Excavation. I've been abusing the infinite spawning since the mission type became freely available to farm for resources... this is great. Loot caves are just boring. Especially since I would rather be PLAYING THE GAME.

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What guys like you fail to realize is that everyone was playing the gamemode EXACTLY the way it was designed. IF this were an ACTUAL exploit then the patch notes for such things would fall under the "FIXES" section, not the "CHANGES" section.


No exploiting happened in E gate any more than it did at Viver. The game was working exactly as it was supposed to, no glitches, bugs, or any of that sort happened during that mission so quit crying that its an exploit when it is clearly not


Yeah I'm 100% certain that DE intended for players to get up on a ledge where mobs can't touch them and that they don't have to move from all the while spamming powers to instantly kill low level enemies (that instantly respawn) and using yet more powers to gather all the loot up so they don't have to move from their perch and having it being extremely lucrative at the same time all the while totally and completely ignoring the objective of the map and as it turns out all of this can be done while afk for extended periods of time.


Yep, 100% totally intended. No exploiting game mechanics going on there at all and that's why they didn't bother changing it.


Oh. Wait..


P.S. I haven't played for about a year so I have no idea what you're referring to with Viver. I gather that whatever it was got fixed so it's not exploitable anymore. Which means that DE doesn't intend for these kind of "farms" to exist. So that just further proves that it is indeed an exploit in DE's eyes. 


P.S.S. In any event the players who took advantage of E. Gate are the ones we have to thank for these changes. Not DE, they are merely reacting to whats going on. Put the blame where it's due. I would love for some of the people who did it the most to have their accounts rolled back if not outright banned.

Edited by f3llyn
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You know what especially &!$$es me off??




(If an emergency arises, we will deal with it and update this thread)



We are aiming to Hotfix today to resolve a handful of important issues.


Players getting too many rewards too easy, important issue.

Players reporting that they constantly crash on latest archwing tactical alert, not important issue.


Yes getting rid of exploits is important, but putting that before players being unable to play the game?? Priorities...

Edited by Davoodoo
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I used this exploit 4 times. I would have used it alot more if they hadn't fixed it. I'm glad they did.

We can go back to normal gaming now.

To the people who don't think this was an exploit. This was a golden exploit. Primed mods would decrease in value rapidly, if this would have continued.

Lvl weapons and frames from 0 to 30 in less then an hour.

Come on.

The energy afk change, feels like a punishment though.

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Callback, on 12 Mar 2015 - 06:03 AM, said:snapback.png


E-Gate was a symptom, not a problem.  The problem lies in your game and its unrealistic grindwalls.


My suggestion:  Change how core drops work.  Cores now occupy 1 slot on the drop tables, about where C3s do right now.  Instead of being fixed rarity, however, the rarity and rank is now based on the level of the enemy dropping it.  E Gate with level 9 and under would be giving only C0s.  Alternatively, T4S in the void may end up giving R3-R5s as the enemies scale.  Not nearly as many of them as E Gate, but each one is rewarding enough to make it still worth the player's time.  It also gives more life to normal high level tiles; A reason to run them again.


I know E-Gate was not the intended pacing behavior of the game, and I can somewhat respect you fixing it, but not without you realizing that the reason so many people flocked to it was because the "intended" pacing is bullsh*t.


The lat part is true DE. The intended pacing is too damn slow, and players that have to support themselves dont have tht much time to play.

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The thing is with this, is. DE Does not want that for their game, they've made it clear every devstream when they address things like this. They designed the game so that you'll gradually progress slowly across the board as you do things. You'll have enough for something or whatever as you play the game. Slowly, though.


Basically I think letting things like this stay in the game goes against the game's core, of well, Grinding. Warframe is a Grinding/farming game. (Something I like about it, though I know many don't.)


I know people will always want a Viver, or what have you. But I think people need to accept that, that's not something DE will let stay in their game.


That's my two cents anywho.


(P.S. 'Eyyyyyy Runehawk. -Bow-)


I quite enjoy the grind that is Warframe. I have a fairly extensive background in MMORPG games, and the cycle of looting and collecting and farming and etc is something that keeps me occupied, and allows me to set personal goals for myself. But when you do all that long enough -- and you are presented with grind that may be just a tad overwhelming -- you start to look for perhaps an easier alternative. You start to prioritize efficiency. Players will encounter grind-walls, and find "exploits" to maximize efficiency. DE will move in to neutralize the method. Players will find another way. DE will drop by again. How can we destroy -- or at least mitigate -- this cycle? Offer the players incentivized alternatives that balance investment v.s. reward. I know that's easier said than done, but it's time to stop beating around the bush. Band-aids cover the wound, but they do not heal it. 

Anyways, I kinda went off on a different tangent, but I thought I'd use your reply as leverage to flesh out the issue at bit more. 

(P.S. At ease, my friend. Good to see you're still hanging' around. Make sure you're available when U16 drops; we need to team up again.)



General Discussion isn't the place for feedback threads, please read and understand:
Moved to the proper section.





Sorry about that, Tulzscha. I genuinely thought this belonged in General Discussion with the way I phrased the whole thing. Will try to be more careful next time around. 


I posted earlier, but the more I look at the situation, the more the fix angers me. So, here is some more:


Classic DE.


"[insert Mission Name Here] is giving too much loot? Time to nerf everything we can think of."


God I love those jokers.


Really though, just think about how fast they put out a nerf for this. Then think about how broken login bonuses are, how long DE has claimed they are looking at it, and then remember how they haven't done it yet.


Man, if only that sort of break-neck speed went in to, oh I don't know, working on U16, fixing spawn rates in respective missions, fixing terrible loot drops, making grind walls more bearable, balancing everything that isn't balanced (90% of the game), making some frames more viable, making Archwing more playable, fixing Kubrow UI, making a decent trade system, fixing unreasonable market prices (90p for 30k credits), making a decent afk system, not patronizing the community for avoiding the unreasonable grind, actually playing the game before making gut decisions, hiring someone cuter to ask the community to forgive DE for repeating mistakes over and over (almost like it's not an accident), and then maybe the game will start on the promised "Year of Quality".


P.S. Since when did the year start in April?


Quoting because -- while brusque and direct -- this highlights notable points that I personally can't help but agree with. 

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I think DE fell short of the mark. 


1)  The enemy should eventually disappear if the Tenno are not running excavators instead of them disappearing immediately.  Also, prevent enemy from clumping up far away from the action or straggling.  I offered what I perceive as a solution here:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/416071-the-problem-with-the-egate-spawn-nerf/#entry4602902


2)  Greedy Pull is what is enabling Tenno to stand in one place playing via macro.  If DE wants to keep Greedy Pull but sabotage standing in one place playing via macro then they'll have to keep the players moving.  Armies have artillery and aerial bombardments for a reason.

Edited by ThePresident777
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I think DE fell short of the mark. 


1)  The enemy should eventually disappear if the Tenno are not running excavators instead of them disappearing immediately.  Also, prevent enemy from clumping up far away from the action or straggling.  I offered what I perceive as a solution here:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/416071-the-problem-with-the-egate-spawn-nerf/#entry4602902


2)  Greedy Pull is what is enabling Tenno to stand in one place playing via macro.  If DE wants to keep Greedy Pull but sabotage standing in one place playing via macro then they'll have to keep the players moving.  Armies have artillery and aerial bombardments for a reason.

It'd be quite the Nerf, but if they made Greedy Pull only pull the loot for Mag. Similar to how Iztal does in Archwing. That may be a bit severe though.

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