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Not A Fan Of This Pvp 2.0


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dont get me wrong, the new game mode looks awesome but these limited weapons/mods really irritates me..

I think she just take out specific mods and nerf specific weapons

Also removing reflex guard and reflection would help a lot

Single shot weapons should be fair game, since they do require skill. (excluding latron wraith)

Edited by (PS4)Quintanilla_C
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That's what the plan is; they're planning to add all of the weapons to PvP 2.0, however it will take time (so they're going to be releasing additional frames and weapons for PvP 2.0 over time).


The only problem is that because there are so many frames and SO many weapons, it takes considerable time to balance them all.

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I hope you go around saying this on all these "chroma looks ugly" thread

I posted it on as many as I could see on recent.


It may look odd or not cool now, but playing it is totally different. This statement goes for PvP 2.0 and Chroma and Raids and Everything people complain and isnt out yet.

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I'm going to say this since you replied twice.

I hope you go around saying this on all these "chroma looks ugly threads."

I posted it on as many as I could see on recent.


It may look odd or not cool now, but playing it is totally different. This statement goes for PvP 2.0 and Chroma and Raids and Everything people complain and isnt out yet.

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Stop posting complain threads about something that isn`t even out yet.

While I understand how in theory this seems like good advice, oftentimes it's better to try to prevent a mistake from happening rather than try to fix it afterwards. While I don't agree with the OP, I don't think it's fair to tell people to wait if they see a potential problem.

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To the OP:


I wouldn't worry so much. I play the current conclave a whole lot and I share your concern with the limitations. However, the limitations will only last for a short time as they add more weapons to the pool of gear that the PVP development team is balancing. 


If there truly is a team of people specifically meant to balance weapons and warframes in PVP, then the result can only be good.  


In this case, the will to adapt and give constructive feedback will be key to the success of this transition.

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