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Braton Prime > Synoid Gammacor


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So against lv 80+ enemies the braton prime deals higher DPs than the synoid gammacor.

Why you ask? Well enemy stats are theoretically limitless as you play endless missions and such foes will get to a certain point where debuffing them will allow you to deal more DMG.

Due to braton primes ability to stack corrosive procs or viral if using 4 CP, along with its ridiculous slash procs, this gun will reverse scale and end up dealing more DMG than even the syngam thanks to debuffing the OP armor of warframe enemies.

Also the SynGam procs per second which is IMO why the gun really falls off against lv 100+ enemies much more than guns that proc per bullet rather than second.

Seriously all you little kids that check out paper DPs have no idea that braton prime is arguably the best gun in the game in terms of endless play.

Edited by (PS4)JiggaJazz
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So against lv 80+ enemies the braton prime deals higher DPs than the synoid gammacor.

Seriously all you little kids that check out paper DPs have no idea that braton prime is arguably the best gun in the game in terms of endless play.

May you please present data that confirms your extravagant claim?

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Oh, okay.

I don't play with Braton Prime a lot. ( I am more a Bow-type :3)

Could you please provide a Braton Prime build/video ?^^


And personally, I have no problem with my Synoid Gammacor in high lvl missions.

Sure, maybe it is not that efficient and good... but I like this weapon :3

... it is fun to use, I guess that's the main reason for me to use it^^ 



Now that I think about it..... why does everyone compare things with the Synoid Gammacor? Isn't that.....just...well...unnecessary?

Edited by Fabpsi
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Lol yeah it does..

You do realize that the constant corrosive procs strip lv 80 and up enemies so that their ridiculous armor isn't a problem?

If you want I can post videos of how you can either sit their with a gammacor against a lv 125 heavy gunner for 45 seconds or you can pull out the braton prime and strip them of armor and slash proc them to hell.

Seriously all you people that are saying I'm wrong, do you even t4s for an hour?

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Braton prime has reverse scaling thanks to it being a proc gun.

If enough people want I can show the difference against a lv 100 and up enemy with syn GAM and braton prime but I'm just surprised people are unaware of this.

You've been claiming that the weapon is powerful without providing evidence.

So yes, I want proof.

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I can't tell if you're trying to troll or not, but Braton Prime and Synoid Gammacor have the same base status chance of 20%. Primaries get a max of +90% multishot, whereas secondaries get a max of +180% multishot, meaning Synoid Gammacor will be getting off an equally massive amount of procs. Also, it actually has base damage. Also also, Corrosive Projection?

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You've been claiming that the weapon is powerful without providing evidence.

So yes, I want proof.

Alright I'll get a video next time im 50 mins into a t4s.

I didn't know people didn't understand how good corrosive procs are against high level armor.

Armor has in theory an infinite scaling so when it reaches a certain point your guns will deal more DMG if you can continuously debuff their armor rather than buffing your own DMG.

If you don't realize how OP armor is in this game then that's probably why you don't realize a braton prime built with 80+ status chance is much better than syngam BECAUSE IT STRIPS THEM OF THEIR LIMITLESS ARMOR

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but the gammacor can get up to 99% status....and with fire rate mods that's more DPS and corrosive procs that braton p

as much as I love the braton prime (7 forma....before the buff) I can't say that it's better than the synoid gammacor.....but I do think it;s more fun it's slashing guts imao :D

EDIT: I can understand your passion, but it doesn't make sense, synoid gammacor kills too fast that it doesn't have time to do procs, but in late game it does.....also I think we all understand that corrosive is the best dmg against corrupted 

Edited by Kenshin98
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If you're modding for status chance the Braton P.'s ability to proc slash together with something like viral is indeed very effective against high lvl enemies even without 4x CP, as these procs ignore armor (atleast AFAIK). I could imagine that the Gammacor's magnetic damage is more or less useless in long T4 runs. Regarding the amount of procs: Braton procs per shot, Syn. Gammacor (being a continous weapon) per second. Correct me if I'm wrong though.

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I can't tell if you're trying to troll or not, but Braton Prime and Synoid Gammacor have the same base status chance of 20%. Primaries get a max of +90% multishot, whereas secondaries get a max of +180% multishot, meaning Synoid Gammacor will be getting off an equally massive amount of procs. Also, it actually has base damage. Also also, Corrosive Projection?

You can't tell if I'm trolling yet you're comparing syngam procs to braton prime

Syngam can only proc ONCE PER SECOND, MAX

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but the gammacor can get up to 99% status....and with fire rate mods that's more DPS and corrosive procs that braton p

as much as I love the braton prime (7 forma....before the buff) I can't say that it's better than the synoid gammacor.....but I do think it;s more fun it's slashing guts imao :D

Sorry but you're very wrong as syngam procs per second so even with 99 proc chance the braton prime will proc like 20 times more than syngam in a small amount of time.

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I can't tell if you're trying to troll or not, but Braton Prime and Synoid Gammacor have the same base status chance of 20%. Primaries get a max of +90% multishot, whereas secondaries get a max of +180% multishot, meaning Synoid Gammacor will be getting off an equally massive amount of procs. Also, it actually has base damage. Also also, Corrosive Projection?

You also do realize that the Braton is a projectile hit scan weapon while the (S) Gammacor is a continuous beam weapon which works "slightly" different in its mechancis?

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