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Arcane Enhancements, What Have You Done De?


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Also, I swear if I see another person say, "Herp derp it's free content herp derp it costs you nothing but time blah blah blah". Last tiem I checked time isn't free. In fact the reason why you have to pay for an appointment for anything is because you are taking that person's time, you are literally paying for their time. You pay by time and get paid by time, there is a reason the phrase "Time is money" exists. Don't give me that crap that wasting my time farming for something is free, it's not free I put in my time to do that and time is the most limited and valuable resource there is.


Sorry to break it to you, but "personal time" IS free. If you are told, "here's 8 hours, do whatever you like", you could choose to get another job in those hours, you could watch TV, you can go for a walk.


If you choose to install a video game, and collect resources that are worth ZERO ANYTHINGS in real life, then complain that you deserve more resources per time spent in that game, you really think anyone cares?


Time is money : Money is wasted (in lost wages, missed opportunities, etc) when a person's time is not used productively; time is valuable and should not be wasted.


By the very definition of your own quote, you basically prove that playing a computer game is a gigantic waste of time/money. Yet here you are, trying to use it to justify that DE isn't giving you enough virtual, totally useless ones and zeros, whenever you pipe up in the forums.


For the price it would cost not to buy cigarettes for a week, or not buy extra cups of Gloria Jeans coffee for a few days, people could buy a crapload of in-game items and AT LEAST have some fun NOW. Instead they farm a stupid game for a week, burn themselves out then blame the company they wasted 10 hours doing that, when it boils down to having made 50 cents an hour to get that item.


This is the equivalent of seeing a cool lamp that you want at the mall, and the mall people say "if you work a second job here for a week, we will give you that lamp. Just the lamp", and you say YES, and do it. Congrats, you worked hard for the equivalent of a few cents an hour, not only that, you also complain that it's someone else's fault, and things should change. No, all you had to do is either just buy it, or walk away. YOUR choice, YOUR consequences.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2 hour raid? LOL Wtf? i just did it the second ever time with 8 people, 3 of us were clan mates, the rest were random, mind you all were over Rank 10, but we finished the raid in 29 mins...? without mics.


Course we knew what we were doing.  2 trins, 2 loki, nyx, vauban, frost, and cant remember the other.  luckily got Gurdian, the only one I think has a use.  I think they could all use a higher proc rate of say 10-15 % more chance at max.  maybe a 1 in 3 chance for each effect.  Or make them cost half as much.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Nope, people are angry because the time effort isn't equal to the reward given. Truthfully, I think the complaints are just angry and dissatisfied members of the community who have tried, failed, then in doing so immediately come to the forums for venting purposes. I wouldn't pay it much mind to be quite honest as some of their points are valid, but it's mostly anger fueled and lacking cohesion that many good feedback posts need in order for change to occur.


Did it, suceeded, not angry but sure as hell dissappointed at sheite rewards, and the only noticable benifet was the plat from the silly fool who bought _____ enhancement from me... which actually only in turn help the money grubby DE since the fool gave me 60 plat min (it varies by which one I sell).

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  • 3 weeks later...

No one said they should be insanely powerful, but, they shouldn't be ridiculously useless. 

I don't know if you have commented in the right topic, no one here is asking to be granted godmode, just a reasonable chance percentage.

Still... you have to admit that the resistance to effect are a bit useless. Have you ever used the mods ( X% chance to resist X effect) ?

god mode is one thing, a fair endgame bonus is another, no ones asking for valkyr style invincibility people just want something better for their limited time and money. this reminds me of the kinda stuff you find in the back of a d20 splat book about the specifics of forging magic items via eladrian forges and dragon's fire.

it's so random it cant be beneficial it's like those warframe cards you get for maxing out a syndicate tree.

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There are some enhancements that have such high proc rates they're direct upgrades to frames.

Guardian on valkyr, chroma

Trickery on ash

Strike any frame, great for melee fans

Acceleration great on any frame

Phantasm excal or melee frames

Victory / rather -amazing on aoe weapons and abilities.

Grace - amazing on squishy frames. Low proc chance because it's really strong. Extremely powerful in Archwing

Grace - much like barrier

Avenger -amazing for crit weapons, specially those close to the red crit zone

Eruption - awesome cc. Put this in nekros or a greedy mag for extra cc

Pulse -nice support feature (yet to test if works while channeling)

The less useful ones are specific proc immunity. They're too situational to warrant use comparing to others. If they blocked the proc and sent out a wave affecting nearby enemies with said proc, now we're talking.

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I dont understand community fixation around arcane guardian.


Not only you first need to get hit to even have a chance to proc it which is counterproductive and will most likely kill you, but then due to diminishing returns on dmg reduction its really minor upgrade.

Chroma with 350 armor got 54% damage reduction, after proc he will get 66% damage reduction, 22% gain in damage reduction, valkyr at base got 67% dmg reduction, with proc 77% dmg reduction, 15% gain in damage reduction.


It gives best benefit at 10 armor giving you 50% more dmg reduction, 3.3% to 5% jump and as it goes higher it gets less effective.


Might aswell go with mesa and 95% dr buff.

Edited by Davoodoo
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If any of you guys/gals eventually manage to finish the raid you will notice that there is a "very" sizable credit reward that goes along with the arcane you aquire.


Also once people actually get into organised groups the raid WILL NOT take you 2-3 hours to complete.[30-40mins]


I feel that the rewards are fair and by saying that you will never be able to afford to place arcanes on your gear is pure rubbish.


Yes getting the same arcane to stack on your gear will be time consuming [RNG]


The benefits you keep saying are useless is complete nonsense once leveled your arcane will be of great benefit to whatever frame you choose to use it on.


I will be raiding for many many many days because i can see the bigger picture, take off your blinders and you may also see that these rewards are truley wonderful things.


The content is going to get much more crazy and harder.That is when all the naysayers will be wanting these so called "useless" rewards because they will find themselves so squishy they will not be able to walk 3 feet without getting owned.



metal gear drops soon


then a bit after that its Fallout Four with far over 400 hours of content


hopefully by early 2016 DE will have either sorted the crappy arcane rewards or i will be playing more ps4 games that are not warframe in 2016

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metal gear drops soon


then a bit after that its Fallout Four with far over 400 hours of content


hopefully by early 2016 DE will have either sorted the crappy arcane rewards or i will be playing more ps4 games that are not warframe in 2016

You forgot xcom 2, somewhere later space hulk deathwing and gothic armada.


But with mods you can expect at least 1k hours of content from xcom alone

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Now, Arcanes... to craft a helmet or syandana it cost you 500k credit, for what? right below is what you get, Situational, Expensive and Negligible,, even if you buff the chance percentage X10, it is going to be useless.

So what is this? some kind of crappy common useless Arcane helmets?


Arcane Awakening: ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.

Arcane Strike: ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.

Arcane Trickster: ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds.

Arcane Warmth: +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect.

Arcane Healing: +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect.

Arcane Ice: +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect.

Arcane Guardian: ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds.

Does this person seriously not understand that Arcanes have ranks? I mean, seriously? You made a thread without even researching how Arcanes work? It's written on the Warframe Wiki for crying out loud!

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Now, Arcanes... to craft a helmet or syandana it cost you 500k credit, for what? right below is what you get, Situational, Expensive and Negligible,, even if you buff the chance percentage X10, it is going to be useless.

So what is this? some kind of crappy common useless Arcane helmets?

Arcane Awakening:


RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.



ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.

Arcane Trickster:

ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds.

Arcane Warmth:

+10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect.

Arcane Healing:

+10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect.

Arcane Ice:

+10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect.

Arcane Guardian:

ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds.

It costs 800k credits and 10 arcanes and they are very valueable in late game

Edited by W4vE
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I had to try with 4 different groups before I got it. It's not impossible, just hard. Fitting for end-game content. On the subject of finding the right set of enhancements, you can usually trade them 1:1 to get what you want.

Its easy

I got through the raid in about an hour got the arcane looked it up on the forms and now im pissed total waste of time i spent an hour of m time doing the hardest mission in the game and for what a piece of S#&$ enchantment that wont help u at all in the long run gg DE you done F***** it up.

Its definetly not the hardest mission

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metal gear drops soon


then a bit after that its Fallout Four with far over 400 hours of content


hopefully by early 2016 DE will have either sorted the crappy arcane rewards or i will be playing more ps4 games that are not warframe in 2016



You forgot xcom 2, somewhere later space hulk deathwing and gothic armada.


But with mods you can expect at least 1k hours of content from xcom alone



These are the kind of thoughts I've been having as the "year of quality" moves on, and the trainwreck that it is gets worse with every update.


I'll miss this game. When prime access is $10 less than fallout 4, you can bet there will be (at least some) noticeable impact on plat purchases. Players are tired of a game that no longer manages their rewards with the effort put forth to earn those rewards. Or at least have the finesse to dress up the grind with some story development or lore that is fanmade faster than you can read it (which would be free, easy, and obviously too good of an idea) to distract us from the Grindframe borefest this is growing into.


I want to make clear, though - I DO NOT want to take another year off from warframe. I like(d) this game, and would appreciate it if DE looked at the direction they're going. While profitable in the short-term, they should be mortified at their drastically dwindling amount of ACTIVE players. Check the steam or playstation numbers online if you don't believe me. The game may have 10 million downloads, but virtually none of those people play the game at all (if but once every few months) anymore.


Who would? It only takes one major update (released about every 3 months or so) to see bad decisions that aren't thought out, aren't reflective of community feedback and opinion, and many issues deemed "minor" get ignored completely. Who wants to stick around for that?

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Does this person seriously not understand that Arcanes have ranks? I mean, seriously? You made a thread without even researching how Arcanes work? It's written on the Warframe Wiki for crying out loud!

I started this thread a couple months ago when 1 arcane cost 500k.

First of all, this is not about doing research, it is about common sense. For an end game reward compare these arcanes to the other ones (helmets), people have gotten Arcane helmets from alerts, the new ones you have to grind over and over for both the money and the enhancements and still nowhere near the other arcanes even if ranked.

If you can't see that they are ridiculous that's your problem, I expected more from an end game rewards to compensate the grind and time.

The only 2 pros about the new Arcanes are :

- You can pick which enhancement you want on

- you can use the same enhancement on different frames.

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These are the kind of thoughts I've been having as the "year of quality" moves on, and the trainwreck that it is gets worse with every update.


I'll miss this game. When prime access is $10 less than fallout 4, you can bet there will be (at least some) noticeable impact on plat purchases. Players are tired of a game that no longer manages their rewards with the effort put forth to earn those rewards. Or at least have the finesse to dress up the grind with some story development or lore that is fanmade faster than you can read it (which would be free, easy, and obviously too good of an idea) to distract us from the Grindframe borefest this is growing into.


I want to make clear, though - I DO NOT want to take another year off from warframe. I like(d) this game, and would appreciate it if DE looked at the direction they're going. While profitable in the short-term, they should be mortified at their drastically dwindling amount of ACTIVE players. Check the steam or playstation numbers online if you don't believe me. The game may have 10 million downloads, but virtually none of those people play the game at all (if but once every few months) anymore.


Who would? It only takes one major update (released about every 3 months or so) to see bad decisions that aren't thought out, aren't reflective of community feedback and opinion, and many issues deemed "minor" get ignored completely. Who wants to stick around for that?

Ill still blame players for that though.


Blizzard recently given their financial report and number of subcribers on wow, they lost nearly half of subscribers during wod so far and theyll probably lose more and blizzard claims they gained bigger profits from that loss anyway, due to microtransactions.


It took 1 mediocre and then 1 outright bad expansion followed by moneygrubbing attempt for half of community to declare wow not worth playing and rest of them staying quiet.

But warframe community still defends trading, content removal, moneygrubs, outrageous prices and every shady practice de is doing.

And if community is happy with that why would de stop??

Edited by Davoodoo
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