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De's Word And Its Lack Of Integrity: Another Viewpoint From Another Long-Time Player


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Unfortunately have to agree.  This is my favorite game, but just dont understand some of the latest decisions.  Its not working as intended.  More communication is needed by the Devs.  I love this company because they do talk to the community, but its almost turning in a a US versus THEM. 


I don't want that.  I like being able to make suggestions and watch the game evolve.  It just seems all the patches come with good stuff and bad now.  I'm always worried when a patch comes out what they will be taking away more than what new stuff we can use...

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I absolutely agree to this post, we cant even trust DE anymore, why? stealth nerf all the way?
excal got LOS, mag got LOS, nerf kohm, credit reduce in DS and void, annoying chroma parts that you need old parts to make him, Raid with alot of S#&$ty bug with not even worth rewards, after Viver=e gate all the way, if you want our love DE, then listen to the community

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I heard from my Friend whos on the council that they barely even talk to you guys anymore through it. let alone show anything new....this i find said, considering people payied over 100 dollars just to be able to get them to listen to them. (thats if any of this is true)

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What i find most depressing out of all these type threads(this probably fifth thread talking about serious issues in WF and with DE changing business model) Is that they mostly get compelety ignored by DE and even more disturbing, gets downright locked or removed even if there was absoluty nothing to grand said thing. DE acts like spoiled child to be honest, doesnt want to adress serious issues, barely replies threads like these, but if there is thread "OMG DE UR AR AWESUM" right away there is 3 different staff members replying there. That clearly shows they just want to avoid issues, let alone even talk about it. And lies....

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Sorry, but that's bunk. In the "good ol' days" you talk about prior to the Void and such, the Codex was completely unneccesary to find out which mods dropped from which enemies... due to the simple fact that any mod could be dropped by any enemy back then. They weren't tied to specific enemies until Drops 2.0 halfway through U9.

Also, back then the most expensive things (credit-wise) were warframes. Then 100k credit sentinel BPs came out.

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This is constructive criticism and feedback. It has every right to be here under Feedback Categories and the subsection General. I feel as though I should make this disclaimer due to seeing some posts every once in a blue moon being locked/deleted after pointing out the team's state-of-mind with legitimate complaints and no valid reason given for the locking. If you disagree, then all I can say is I'm sorry.


For sheer example, I'm going to use Excalibur's situation as the exhibit (simply because of how incredibly easy it is to do so, considering the past 48 hours). Let's look at what is known as "ViverGate," as well as before and after. 



1) Excalibur's Radial Javelin was a bunch of Skana-like physical...things that jetted out from him as he struck the ground. There was an enemy cap, but it was still a radial attack. This meant as long as enemies and Excalibur were in direct line-of-sight someone was being impaled.


2) DE buffs Radial Javelin by removing the target limit. This meant as long as there was no physical obstruction, EVERYTHING was getting impaled.


2.5) DE states they would lessen the grind (many times, if I remember correctly).


3) DE buffs Excalibur by removing all LoS requirements from Radial Javelin as well as giving it a stun. This made Excalibur more versatile.

     - note -   This was implemented due to the changes made or were to be made to Radial Blind at the time.


4) With no decrease of grind in sight, players learn to use this new gameplay asset as a means to take matters in their own hands and remove much of the grind their own way. Regardless if you view the methods as unruly or not, DE did this to themselves in a plethora of ways. Three of which are listed below.

      a- Lack of testing out new mechanics and game modes before implementation

      b- Lack of following through with their word in decreasing the grind, as per many a statement

      c- Creating another grindwall instead of implementing a different and more rewarding system


5 - ViverGate) DE responds to 4 (I promise that wasn't planned) by going on a massive nerf spree of multiple Warframes. This put into place a very buggy and widely unaccepted line-of-sight requirement upon all of the frames to multiple extents, essentially making each frame a liability in his or her own way(s). 

     [it seems as though LoS has a multitude of settings. First being the most basic: within the sight of the frame.

      Second, the pinpoint accurate: The crosshair has to be on the target before the ability can be used effectively.

      Third, the on-camera: Whatever it is being targeted, it was to be on the screen to be affected. Otherwise, the

      ability either won't be used effectively or cannot be cast (mostly the former). Fourth, the "unintentional" Radial

      Blind nerf: Despite all efforts, the line-of-sight was incredibly inaccurate, unrealistic, and debilitating. The current

      setting we have for Rad Jav is Three, which is a topic I'm soon to get to.]


6 - Post ViverGate) After the unjustified nerfing of multiple frames, the community lashed out with an uproar louder than I've ever heard...metaphorically. This uproar caused DE to rescind their nerfs on each frame after about three days.


7) Over the past 48 hours, Excalibur was singled out via stealth nerf. This change that was intentionally left out of the Update 16 patch notes to avoid the backlash that was mentioned earlier. Furthermore, this was done against the statement mentioned in point 3.




Let's recap:

DE buffs Rad Jav due to changes to another ability

DE takes away due to rep farms taking advantage of an immediately broken system

DE re-buffs Rad Jav due to their knowing it was a mistake

DE takes away because of God-knows-what (some speculate E Gate) and is now worse than the original Rad Jav with the target cap

DE claims it is now working as intended




I'm going to get one thing out of the way before I continue. I don't appreciate being lied to. We know very well just how that last part is untrue. Radial Javelin isn't working as intended. But let's assume for argument's sake that this is the truth. If this is true, then we were lied to about the buff being in place due to Radial Blind's changes. One way or another, DE, you have put yourselves into a tight and uncomfortable corner. The more times you yo-yo your way in and out of situations like these in the unprofessional manner you do, the harder it's going to be to keep your fanbase. Notice how I didn't use the word "happy" to end that previous sentence. That comment is working as intended, as with these back-and-forths you keep doing...you're pushing people away. And lying to your fanbase makes none of this any better.

You are a company. You are an entity that advertises a product. You should now be acting professional. This isn't professional. It's old.

You're making claims you can't/won't uphold. (Remember when we were told before U14 that we would have fantastic controller support "...out of the box"? I do. It's U16 and that's still not a thing.)

You make hasty decisions with absolutely no planning and even less foresight as to the effects these decisions. (Having any less than 0 is never a good thing.)

The game performs worse and worse with each update released. (Has anyone seen the end of the memory leak? This is a genuine question, as I've not heard whether or not that's been fixed.)

And the problem is, if I were to make all notable examples of each of the situations given, this post simply would not end within a reasonable amount of time. The only promise I recall you upholding to date was the Founder's situation and how Excalibur Prime will never return. At this point, the only reason I know this won't happen is because of legal reasons.


For some, this is just a tiny change. Who cares, right?

For many, this is the straw that broke the camel's back.

For all, this should be a concern.


Digital Extremes, I beg of-- No, I implore you, please take a moment to look at yourselves, take a look your actions, and think about how each word you type on the forums and each claim you speak on the camera will come back to haunt you. It isn't too late to do so, and it won't be too late for a while. But your game, your masterpiece -- YOUR BABY for Pete's sake. It's hurting. Furthermore, and I'm sorry to say this, but in reference to the title...this is also damaging the integrity of your word. I and MANY upon MANY others have caught you giving claims to which you cannot hold true. It's becoming increasingly difficult to trust you, and I am not the only one who feels the same way. And, honestly? I can't be bought back with the same shtick like last time, because for me, this was the straw to the camel whose back is broken. Despite this, I'll still be keeping up with the game's development in hopes that things do change course.


Note: I will edit if something else comes to mind. It's likely what is here is not my final word on the subject, but my stance is firm and unwavering. 


TL;DR - In light of recent and not-so-recent events, it's become even more increasingly difficult to trust in Digital Extremes. I genuinely beg of you to retract some of your actions and hold true to your word, because this nonsense is getting out of hand and will eventually be the end of Warframe if this continues. Though, I hope someone actually reads the entirety of this because I've never been good with TL;DRs and it's hard to summarize this wall of text.




EDIT 1: Punctuation, grammar


Because for some reason I need to clarify... NO. This isn't because of the changes that were made. I repeat, this post is not a thing for the express reason that Excalibur's 4 requires on-screen LoS. I'll reiterate once more -- This, is, not, because, I, now, find, Excalibur, to, be, fairly, useless. One (I suppose technically two, but that's beside the point) of the many reasons this was posted how these changes were made and that the changes were made in a shady manner and against their previous statements. The circumstances of these changes do not justify the means and as already stated...it's entirely unprofessional. If all you're going to do is say "QQ more lmao," then I'll civilly and respectfully ask you right now to please withhold your comment and wait until you have valid contribution. 

don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"

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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"

Yeah, i bet that they didnt make enough money already, being one of the most successful f2p games out there. Its their own fckn greed.

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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"

No. They really didn't. Perfect World Entertainment has _NOTHING_ to do with Warframe. Perfect World, the parent company, in CHINA, bought those shares. There is a difference beside name.

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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"


"Something bad happen! It's obviously PWE."


Isn't there an entire explanation that PW and DE relationship is that DE can market Warframe to Chinese consumers? Because that would be the only way to get into that market.



People are just pointing fingers to whoever is the closest target, is not one actually going to blame DE or seeing as DE fixed a few of the "stealth" nerfs it can be a mistake? Before PW and DE did business who did we blame for stuff? Oh right, the Developers.

Edited by cozzi21
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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"



Yeah, i bet that they didnt make enough money already, being one of the most successful f2p games out there. Its their own fckn greed.


PWE and DE had to partner to get into the Chinese market.

There is no other way to crack that market without some sort of local partnership (although this deal was struck before China unbanned consoles in their country).

It was just good business. We all benefit from DE doing good business.

They run their own ship.

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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

Stop saying that. They do not have the majority of DE's shares.

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don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"


No its not PWE fault. Its DE fault. Its time to wake up to real world, DE have changed things from their own choice. There is noone else to blame than them. Open your eyes and also PWE did not buy over 50% of warframe.

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Yeah, i bet that they didnt make enough money already, being one of the most successful f2p games out there. Its their own fckn greed.


No. They really didn't. Perfect World Entertainment has _NOTHING_ to do with Warframe. Perfect World, the parent company, in CHINA, bought those shares. There is a difference beside name.


"Something bad happen! It's obviously PWE."


Isn't there an entire explanation that PW and DE relationship is that DE can market Warframe to Chinese consumers? Because that would be the only way to get into that market.



People are just pointing fingers to whoever is the closest target, is not one actually going to blame DE or seeing as DE fixed a few of the "stealth" nerfs it can be a mistake? Before PW and DE did business who did we blame for stuff? Oh right, the Developers.


PWE and DE had to partner to get into the Chinese market.

There is no other way to crack that market without some sort of local partnership (although this deal was struck before China unbanned consoles in their country).

It was just good business. We all benefit from DE doing good business.

They run their own ship.


Stop saying that. They do not have the majority of DE's shares.


No its not PWE fault. Its DE fault. Its time to wake up to real world, DE have changed things from their own choice. There is noone else to blame than them. Open your eyes and also PWE did not buy over 50% of warframe.

All of that^.


Also, a big reason that contributes to the opinion that DE is doing this crap on purpose, is that all of the stealth changes have been nerfs and nothing that benefits the players. Megan even made a thread stating that Excal's ulti change was changed to work as intended after being buffed, nerfed, and buffed again.

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