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De's Word And Its Lack Of Integrity: Another Viewpoint From Another Long-Time Player


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Increasing the tedious grind, that's what.

i am so sick and tired of having to do the same mission over and over and over and over and over  AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER JUST TO GET A LAUGHABLE AMOUNT OF ANYTHING USEFUL. This game would be infinitly many times better if they would just stop with the, sometimes week long, grindwalls. look at how hydroid was on release i think thats where they started to turn (idk if its still this way cause i just ended up saving plat from trading to BUY him which was far faster), you HAD to go into a survival on ceres and you HAD to have a nekros or you werent going to get anywhere.

i sure as heck would not have anywhere near 900 hours played on this game if they would quit with the grind crap.

now a question i have is when are we going to get actual enemy AI? The AI as it stands is somewere along the lines of a blind 5 year old tied to a pole

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i am so sick and tired of having to do the same mission over and over and over and over and over  AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER JUST TO GET A LAUGHABLE AMOUNT OF ANYTHING USEFUL. This game would be infinitly many times better if they would just stop with the, sometimes week long, grindwalls. look at how hydroid was on release i think thats where they started to turn (idk if its still this way cause i just ended up saving plat from trading to BUY him which was far faster), you HAD to go into a survival on ceres and you HAD to have a nekros or you werent going to get anywhere.

i sure as heck would not have anywhere near 900 hours played on this game if they would quit with the grind crap.

now a question i have is when are we going to get actual enemy AI? The AI as it stands is somewere along the lines of a blind 5 year old tied to a pole

We can only hope that the grindwalls get toned down. If we continue down this path, it's just going to push more and more players away and make more veterans sick and not buy things.


People play games to enjoy themselves, not to enjoy the grindwalls and timewalls and RNGwalls.


To the AI part, what about this?



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Yeah i agree, things have become awfully shady to say the least. I think many of the points mentioned could do with a good shaking up. As for all the back and forward BS with excal it just needs to be put to rest DE, give us an ACTUAL reason for all this under the hood changing to his abilites, for me 'it wasnt working as intended' is just a way of not answering the question.


As a player all i want is success for WF and i always try to remain positive and open minded to your changes and decisions DE. I still belive things can be made better and i hope you do stay true to WF and your community. Trust is earned not given and hidden changes to warframes will never strengthen my trust in DE, so why do this ?? im sure someone at DE would have seen this coming given how huge the sh*tstorm was the last time with frame changes around the viver time.

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DE has a wonderful community here on the forums and in game they need to respect the players and work with us to make this game great. I’ve seen time and time again people with fantastic ideas and DE never implementing them, instead DE just nerfs stuff with or without telling us just because they (from my understanding) don’t want to be one upped by others whether the idea is good for them or not. we just want to play DE we just want to have fun, I know some times it does not look like that but we love this game the design, the setting and the characters they all make this game something that I think many other games of this sort of tried to be and failed And the most miraculous thing about it? It all started as a little game about space ninjas. We all know if you just listen to the few of us that know what we are doing and that have the good ideas and the desire to see this game right up there with the likes of WOW and all the rest then I GUARANTEE that you will see that day and all the glory that comes with it

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Businesses make games for profit.  Players play games, and spend money, for fun. 


The grind angle that some players are taking on this issue is a dead end because grind means profit to DE.  Complaining about grind is not guaranteed to make the point clear to DE if whenever they hear grind they automatically think profit and that complaints about grind threaten their profits.  


To make their point, Players should stick to their motive for playing and spending money, in other words, Fun.  If Excal nerf is boring then by all means, express it as boring.  Dragging grind into this just distracts from the player point of view and shifts the topic into a business feud.


But, the topic is really about DE's Word And Its Lack Of Integrity.

Edited by ThePresident777
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There have been a lot of good points, as well as tinfoil-hat-quality accusations made on this thread. I think topics about nerfs and how the grind is affecting you is critical to DE’s quality control. Without these threads, the game cannot grow.


On the flip side of that coin though, threads like this easily lead to toxicity and can degrade into childlike name-calling and abusive behavior. Once this behavior becomes too much of a problem, threads get locked and shut down. I would not like to see this happen here, so let me finish by saying this;


Keep things civil and mature. Do not be abusive to one another and don’t stray into Dev Bashing. Being angry, being critical and having a valid opinion is welcomed by DE as much as you may think otherwise. No one likes calls to boycott or bringing out the village with your torches and pitchforks when you have nothing constructive to add to the conversation.


Civility and constructive feedback above all else, please.


Game on.

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Keep things civil and mature.

Out of everything that was said, I love this part the absolute most.

Doesn't mean I disagree with anything you said, but this was my favorite and cannot stress this enough.


EDIT: Typo

Edited by OutrightMakoto
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In my opinion, I would have been way less upset if they had put the nerfs and other undocumented changes into the patch notes. I hope our voices will be heard and DE will change this.  But my question is, IF, I repeat, IF DE decides to totally ignore us, what will we do? Do we sit there and do nothing? Do we complain more? Honestly, what would we do if they ignored us?

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all this added to the fact that DE its charging us for everything. honestly i think i would get more and expend less if you make this game a subscription game. DE is using every single trick a F2P can do to get their players to spend real money and not supporting this with good mechanics or bug/glitch fixes. as you i have been in this game for a long time now and every time they deploy a new Update i feel more frustrated with the lack of attention they pay to the game. they simply add more content to make more money and not play any attention to the already broken game/mechanics.


i remembered a similar event. i don't know how many of you play EVE but they have a similar problem with Incarna expansion. the rage was so great that the community stop playing the game and cancelled several accounts for that matter.


this game has potential but its decreasing with every lie and money focused decision. and i fear DE wont change when they still have the time to do so.


please DE take this thread as a way to see how we as players and beta testers are feeling. DO NOT SCREW THIS UP

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all this added to the fact that DE its charging us for everything. honestly i think i would get more and expend less if you make this game a subscription game. DE is using every single trick a F2P can do to get their players to spend real money and not supporting this with good mechanics or bug/glitch fixes. as you i have been in this game for a long time now and every time they deploy a new Update i feel more frustrated with the lack of attention they pay to the game. they simply add more content to make more money and not play any attention to the already broken game/mechanics.


i remembered a similar event. i don't know how many of you play EVE but they have a similar problem with Incarna expansion. the rage was so great that the community stop playing the game and cancelled several accounts for that matter.


this game has potential but its decreasing with every lie and money focused decision. and i fear DE wont change when they still have the time to do so.


please DE take this thread as a way to see how we as players and beta testers are feeling. DO NOT SCREW THIS UP


It's a delicate balance for DE. Those items that we pay for are where their paychecks come from. I personally don't mind them adding ways to increase their revenue, as long as they don't push the boundaries of that one phone game I believe is called Dungeon Keeper.


My only problem with DE is what appears to be the back and forth with these changes. If something seems "out of place" to them, like a weapon being used too much or an ability being used too much, I still think instead of nerfing they should just make other items comparable. The more options we have BESIDES a boltor p, the more potatoes and forma will be purchased, yes? More purchases, greater diversity, win (or so I'd like to believe). I certainly do not want to invest forma and potatoes in something that might get changed or is non-viable endgame (my Excalibur isn't too happy right now).  

Edited by (XB1)TrickyDANGER
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I suspect that DE is taking Quite Shy's advice to not nerf 3 Warframes in one shot, but to divide and conquer us by nerfing slowly, goring all the Oxes one at a time, little by little, but goring all the Oxes just the same.


It's still a rip off.  It's a slow motion Piranha Games bait and switch.


It would be a mistake to think of the Excal nerf as just an Excal nerf:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a %!&.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Excal nerf is one of many steps, some already taken (Ember) to make Warframe into a boring industry standard game, like Dark Souls, Mass Effect, Gears of War, etc.  This is the Year of Quality, same as the last year, one Trojan Nerf Horse after another.


But, that's not what Warframe was.  It's not what attracted us to Warframe.  It's not why we spent money on Warframe.  It's not what we want.  This is what we were told we were getting and this is what we want, not nerfs and empty apologies:


Warframe: Developer Q&A , Answer to Question 4:

The core is the 4 guys against a massive army.  And, generally speaking, they are devastating. The core is not something like in Gears of War where the one on one is something a bit more balanced.  One Space Ninja against a whole ship of Grineer is the idea.  But, that needs to be balanced by boss battles, and by like desperate scenarios.  But, generally speaking, the whole idea of it, even an old ninja (right?) is that the untrained militia get devastated by a single one.

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In my opinion, I would have been way less upset if they had put the nerfs and other undocumented changes into the patch notes. I hope our voices will be heard and DE will change this.  But my question is, IF, I repeat, IF DE decides to totally ignore us, what will we do? Do we sit there and do nothing? Do we complain more? Honestly, what would we do if they ignored us?


There's only one thing left at that point. Uninstall. It's what I did. I'm not saying it's what everyone should do, of course, since then the hope of it ever getting better dies, but...  at that point, there's just nothing else left to do. All beating your head against a brick wall does is make your head hurt.


Obviously that would be an overreaction to a single change, but... well... not to a four-month long trend.

Edited by Turnoverman
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I dont agree with stealth nerfs but im glad they have tackled the exploiters.

Please...do keep in mind that there's a difference between exploiting the weakness of a game against it and using the game's "working as intended" mechanics against a broken system. There is a plethora of ways DE could have gone about this.

"Okay, what are they?"

Not a clue. S'why I haven't suggested anything. But if they're able to make a game where I can play nearly 2K hours in, surely they're smart enough to do better. That much I still have faith in.

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I love Warframe and want to see it get better...


It's an incredible IP.

An original and unique IP.


It's is not being managed well, however...


So my issue isn't so much with Warframe as it is with DE themselves.


Their behavior, to date, has not been consistent, equitable, fair, or transparent (honest).


Those are the basic expectations one should require in any relationship - personal or professional.

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@ SilverBones

DE created something that could grow to epic proportions However they didn't see that and went down a path that ... well ruined our expectations... this has gone on since the beginning of the PWE incident they still don't listen to us sure they are making more balanced frames like croma but that's all overshadowed by things like the stealth nerfs and ignoring the real exploits like with the viver sector SilverBones all that's left are the pick forks and torches he had fireworks and confetti once but we burned it all up. we are done protending to care for a corporation that does not care for us...sorry but I'm done hopeing

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The best grinds, based on my playstyle preferences when I played WoW, were the eventual ones--the ones where you were always progressing and the end of the tunnel was forever getting closer.

I wouldn't have bothered with the Insane grind if I hadn't seen my stack of Heavy Junkboxes increasing daily.

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We, the tenno, is waken by the lotus. De, it is the time for you to awake.

Do not fail our expectations, we will keep on supporting you. So tell us your difficulties and let us help you to create a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Start communicate before it is too late.

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We, the tenno, is waken by the lotus. De, it is the time for you to awake.

Do not fail our expectations, we will keep on supporting you. So tell us your difficulties and let us help you to create a more enjoyable gaming experience.

Start communicate before it is too late.

this tenno gets it

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