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The Manic, Is A Stage Towards Anti Progression


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I don't understand, I've been attacked by numerous maniacs and I've never been one shot. I was even leveling a new frame too so I don't see the problem.

Edit: stupid auto correct phone.

Edited by Rhundis
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"The Instant-Kill or Permanent-Stunlock-Until-Death enemy DOES NOT BELONG IN A GAME WITH  SUCH STEEP PROGRESSION.

Currently, a level 1 Manic can kill a 6 Forma'd level 30 Valkyr with Redirection, Vitality, Vigor, Steel Fiber, and allll the other tanky mods put together. THIS IS WRONG. Its ANTI PROGRESSION and it's ANTI WARFRAME"

You are not supposed to facetank chainsaws, even with Valkyr. 

That said, I think he still needs some rebalancing, considering the fact that he is not just hard to hit, and doesn't just have invincibility frames, but also that he can regenerate health. He is fairly easy to avoid if you know how to weave and dodge and jump around, but hitting him can be a wee bit difficult when he is spinning around like a bladed top. 


Dont lie. I have simulcarum unlocked and played against manics of various levels and numbers all night with maxed out Valkyr. He wont start one shoting you until he is atleast level 40 and his attacks are reliably dodgeable if you know what you are doing.

Edited by -skimmer-
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*quietly raises hand* I have been farming Manics on phobos amongst other places for god knows how long for the new stance mod, like I've easily killed over a few dozen at this point. In all that time, I've only been killed twice by them, both from bleed proc (which I admit iiiis a bit silly for people who have high shields and low health) and the tackle-slap has yet to kill me, but then again I have a good amount of shield on most of my frames to get eaten up before it gets to my health.


You honestly just have to keep moving/strafe, shoot at the head if you can (which is possible), melee parry and or use an ability or two to stun him if needed. Not every 4 is going to work on him, but you shouldn't HAVE to rely on a 4 to kill him either (My friend, however, is fond of face tanking him as Valkyr in hysteria). He's supposed to be an enemy that you have to put a ~little~ effort into, and he spawns like once on most missions on higher leveled planets so hopefully you've got the edge to do so. If you don't feel like fighting him and it's not an extermination, just put a tile or two in between you and him and he'll get bored and waddle off (I believe he despawns if you take too long to kill him, but don't quote me on that)


As a bunch of people have said in every similar thread to this that gets brought up, he's not so bad once you adapt to him. But, playing devil's advocate, if he were to get a nerf I'd suggest removing his healing factor. Let him do his little invisible dance and invincible retreating moments, but don't let him heal himself like 3 times in one fight. (I know it's separation of game and lore, but it's kind of funny imagining these deteriorating grineer clones just healing themselves back up haha~)


I highly recommend bringing a frame with stunning or blinding moves if you can't dodge too well yet. I'm fond of using Mesa's 2 which always hits him and leaves him just sort of staggering in place and covering his eyes for a good few seconds. Really look how silly and non-threatening they are when they're blinded haha


Edited by Kadabura
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Refusing to think is the key to die.


Try using it more and you will be amazed.


I've been killed by them, but I also survived long enough even using Nyx.


I sometimes wonder how some players think....if every new enemies can be dealt with the old / tactic-less methods, why would they need to exist in the first place.

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Just keep moving and let your Sentinel/Kubrow deal with it.



When I know one is following us, I like to try and get the high ground at the EZ.

Pretty funny when he shows up and slaps around the other two people waiting or tries to attack them while boarding the Liset.

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Granted he almost killed me the first time I faced him, (barely surviving cause of quick thinking and rage) and the fact that I was a tanky frost prime playing solo at the time, I had no idea what was going on but still I killed him and later on I learnt his movements, and can easily dodge and defeat him easily now. In other words... Adapt or Die, simple as that. In my opinion, we need more enemies like the manic in this game. It adds a challenge, keeps things interesting compared to the rest of the enemies, which are for the most part a cake walk to defeat (Even the Nullifiers, yes I said it) and boring to say the least. I happily welcome the manic with open arms, a loaded gun, and a readied dragon nikana.

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I don't know how you were killed by manic with valkyr........ I used nyx and sayrn and fought manic. I was only caught once with my sayrn because I did not know he would appear, the manic sure took out a lot of health but didn't kill me. After that, I am constantly running and dodging. I don't see how you can get caught, if you're actually running and evading, unless you're doing that and then shooting and attacking while standing still.

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I highly recommend bringing a frame with stunning or blinding moves if you can't dodge too well yet. I'm fond of using Mesa's 2 which always hits him and leaves him just sort of staggering in place and covering his eyes for a good few seconds. Really look how silly and non-threatening they are when they're blinded haha




See, on the two or three occasions I've managed to stun one with that, he's been stunlocked in his invincible phase, and just stayed completely impervious to my attacks as he staggers around clutching at his eyes

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How is grineer manic tanky he literally drops in a few shots as long as you can hit him.

The longest time that we spent killing the manic was 2-3 mins. maybe 5. Cuz we were trying to test if bastille + Pilfering Swarm would work on him. Apparently it didn't.

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I personally love the manic, I think the idea of it, the way he sounds, the way he operates, everything about him is amazing.


Me too but I think he needs some tweaks, the damage cap ( like the nullifier shields ) isn´t the right way nor is his invulnerability. At least 1 of these should be removed.


...But cloakers in Payday 2 aren't hard to kill? Nor is the manic. 


Depends on how you interpret hard. If hard is that you need some time to kill an enemy, then yes, he is hard to kill.

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So what ive got out of this was OP saying "This enemy asks me doing little bit thinking and i dont like to think. Remove it or nerf it so hard that our ancestors can hear it!" especially after seeing all other comments in this thread. But op you are in luck, as DE tends to listen your kind!

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No offense but you're either really really bad, paralyzed in fear from it's creepy laugh, or you encountered a bug.


The laugh is one of the best sounds i've heard in game


On topic:

The manic is pretty balanced to me because there are multiple ways to counter him whether you are using a bow, shotgun, rifle, melee (read what the other posters said to counter him)


Unlike the design of the nullifier, the only way to counter him is having a high RoF weapon which limits your weapon choices when doing long runs against him.

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pressing 4 on the frames i play don't help me whatsoever


still waiting for an actual solution 

The solution, as you seemingly cannot comprehend it, has been given to you time and time over in this thread alone.

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The solution, as you seemingly cannot comprehend it, has been given to you time and time over in this thread alone.

i was asking you directly since you wanted to be a smarta** about it


i wasn't even asking for a solution if you reread my post

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Nervo 2.0


Manic is the most fun enemy currently in the game, dont you dare to nerf him.

I bet you also love level 60 ballistas.



It doesn't matter whether you can counter him or not. An enemy that can kill you in one attack regardless of your HP and armor doesn't belong in any game.

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