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[Straw Poll] Will You Be Buying Prime Access This Time


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I will be definitely buying this one, just for Volt Prime, never bought a Prime Access because I specifically waited for this one. I'm waiting for him since I started playing Warframe in whatever the Update was that introduced Oberon. Although I am a bit disappointed that there isn't a single weapon in this prime access, since I equip every frame with 3 different weapons and don't use a single weapon with 2 frames.


So, at this point I'm having an incredibly hard time finding weapons for new prime frames, for primary weapons I now have to choose either between the Boltor Prime (which I don't want to use, because of it's incredibly easy spammy gameplay) or the Braton Prime, because I already have every other prime primary for another frame equipped.


I actually hoped, that this prime access would come with a Vectis Prime as it would have fitted perfectly, it would have been the first prime sniper, it would fit to Volt's Tactician role as a frame and even the normal Vectis is incredibly fun to use, but well, nothing like that. Still happy that we finally have Volt Prime and that he looks so awesome... :)

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This was the first Prime Access I was going to buy.

First would be only the second time I've ever spent money on this game, since founders packs.

Volt was my first choice frame of the original 3.

I was so stoked, and prime version teaser looked good.


But Archwing?

Not a single weapon. I-... I don't get it.

Does DE not realize and very decent portion of it's player base veritably despises Archwing?

WOW. De-press-ing.

Coulda gone Nyx or Nova prime because I love both of those frame.
Nah, I said. I'll hold out for the main man.

>S#&$tythingthatwasjustrecentlyimplemented Prime.


>stare at Prime Access screen in disbelief


At least that new sugatra looks cool.

Not that I'll ever have it.

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I am considering it but I dont find it an easy descision to make.


I currently dont play very much at all but I know there will be some point in the future when I will.


I love Volt and I like Archwing but think it is underdeveloped, levelling things in Archwing is probably the most boring thing to do in this game due to lack of content.


One day in the far future when Archwing is finished enough to be a enjoyable game mode capable of entertaining me for many hours I am sure I will be happy to have the Odonata prime wing, but untill then.....idk


Another thing to consider is that I have a feeling next prime access will be Ash prime, that is a frame I think can go and f%¤& itself so I wont buy that one for sure, missing 2 PAs in a row will mean I run out of plat....



voted for the pluto option though

Edited by VikingoX
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No because they havent added a Prime access pack where i get Platinum and syandana/armor instead of boosters. Im a freaking soon to be MR19 what am i suppose to do with boosters? I have my syndicate or whatever all maxed. I get bored and wasting all my syndicate points to voidkeys and even have enough when i want a thing from a trade or whatever.


So no. Althought im interested in Armor, its not worth it. Espicially since they are giving that weapon attachments. I dont even find them interesting.

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Not even if I had the money.  There's no way I can justify spending money on this game at this juncture.


Consequently, Antarctica shouldn't be a continent.

As I have no idea why people are saying this, why can't Antarctica be a continent? It's a massive landmass that spawns from a continental plate, not a volcanic eruption. The landmass is covered in ice, yes, but remove that and the continent is still massive.

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I will not. I'm representative of a large part of the PA target audience - a newer player looking to get a jump into some great gear without the grind...

Sooo, where's the prime weapon? An archwing? I don't even know when I'll get that content or even if I want to play it. I was hoping for a shiny new weapon to go along with the shiny new war frame but nope.

To the DEs - there are plenty of games out there equally worthy of my $ who aren't making such worthless offerings as you folks are.

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Im a major Ash fan, but even I would never buy prime access, even if it was Ash's prime access.


I just don't have that kind of money, as much as I want sexy avatars, sexy armours, sexy everything. Nope, never getting them.







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I do not think I will be buying it.


I love volt, I don't hate archwing, and I do want to support the game; but, I have to hesitate about giving up money after the last PS update and what I have read of U16. I am not sure I will continue to play the game in the same hardcore way I have been if changes continue in the direction they look to be heading to me. And doesn't help that there aren't any prime weapons. (Also I farmed Mr. volt last night). xD 


That being said, the packages will be around for 90 days and I may feel differently as the game progresses. I might get the accessories pack if I feel like the game will still be something I want to play daily. I don't know yet. Still hoping some of the good parts of these updates can turn how I'm feeling around - volt is helping so far. 

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not gonna buy it cause i just want the volt prime, and the archwing modes are not fun to me. i rather just buy the blueprints for volt prime then pay 80 bucks for a pack that feels like i wasted 40 of it on nothing. i really wish they made the two 50 dollar packs for the times when only the prime warframe is worth getting.

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I want to, but from what I've heard, Volt Prime is dead easy to farm for compared to other primes and the Odonata Prime just doesn't interest me. The only reason I would get prime access is for the cosmetics, but even then they are dead expensive.


I'm gonna wait till my birthday, then decide.

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I was gana buy the biggest pack but after it came out and I saw it only came with a prime archwing I was like nah ill pass.


Maybe next time DE when you give me something I can use in more than a few empty missions.

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