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Whats With Camping Becoming The 'default' Way To Play Survival?


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So much hate and butthurt


If u don't like to camp u welcome to say so and move on


But ffs stop trying to force your opinions on others


How is that hate or butthurt? I posted once on the subject and that was that. Show me where i tried forcing my opinions on others instead of simply stating mine. Moron.

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For me it certainly has to do with the time I spend on obtaining an item. 

The first runs on a Surv are just fun and if you don't get what you are looking for, alright, lets hope on better luck next time.

Yet with Nova prime and Volt prime on T3 nearly never dropping while you do get 2x a friggin Bo prime BP is really starting to tear away the fun of the game and makes Survival pretty boring, while because I got most of the frames and weapons already, I don't have much else to do than to dontinue to farm the parts I need. 

That is where camping comes in handy. It allows you just to sit down and do something in the mean time like watching anime, and you can take unranked secondaries and melee with you to rank them up while doing Surv. 

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This thread has restored some hope. Here I was thinking I was the only one left that absolutely hated the camping trend that emerged in recruiting and all these people that for some reason are against having fun. Great to read there are like minded people still left. Personally I'm very much for a straight up rework of vortex. That would probably hit the camp game the hardest. Yes it will trigger a gigantic wave of whine on here but the game will be better for it and people will get over it.

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This thread has restored some hope. Here I was thinking I was the only one left that absolutely hated the camping trend that emerged in recruiting and all these people that for some reason are against having fun. Great to read there are like minded people still left. Personally I'm very much for a straight up rework of vortex. That would probably hit the camp game the hardest. Yes it will trigger a gigantic wave of whine on here but the game will be better for it and people will get over it.

Would take the fun away for people who use Vauban and who do feel like using this method. If you don't like it, just get rid of anyone who wants to camp in your squad and the problem is solved

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I can't see why adding annoyances like having to run around collecting lewt when it's already boring as F*** makes it less boring.  it's going to be boring anyway since surv is all about farming. might as well sit back and chat crap with team mates, hope for the good lewt and let the mag with greedy or vortex eliminate the leg work

Edited by Ghogiel
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Some abilities/frame seems to be designed for camping, players just use them in the most efficient way.

With the new excavation, i wouldn't be surprise if they change survival a bit. 


. Personally I'm very much for a straight up rework of vortex.


Yeah why not, i was thinking of an instant vortex with no duration.

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Edit 2: Play the game however you want, but unless the host says something don't assume they want you to sit shins deep in Corrupted's toilet water for an hour.

Well... actually nekros can sit on the ramp leading into the dead end room and just spam desecrate there... no need to get his beautiful onyx pants dirty :3

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What's with camping becoming the "default" way to play survival


Well maybe because the grindwall in this game just gets worse and worse. It also includes the additional stacked RNG drop tables where the part you are after most likely have a singel digit percentage while Forma BP have 25% drop chance. You know what people actually get tired of that and try to find ways to alleviate the grind. Which is always a big no no in DE's book and will be nerfed.


Either way each to his own I say, but the core of the problem is not the players but the rewards system that make player behave accordingly.

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Once again the community has managed to suck all the fun out of a game and reduce it to mindless farming. Sure play how you want but it's ridiculous that there are some who get mad at others for not playing the way they want and demand people to camp with them and ensure the most tedious and boring and mindless gameplay possible.

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LOL camping is for the weak!!!! 


P.D I blame Draco for the increasingly ammount of lazy bums and their camping style.


P.D * I wish I could block all the players who host and look for Draco camping, but the block / ignore  list has its limits  -.-


P.D**  I wish I could block all the players who post LF XXX mission, like who the f*ck invites them to any mission, seriously?? -.- but then again block / ingore list has its limits -.-

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This past week, I've seen so many camps. I would be HOSTING the match, with MY key, and people would try to turn it into a camp game. To hell with that.


If I wanted to press one button all day, I'd be watching a youtube playlist.


Whats worse, I was the Nekros of a party, with a Vauban, Trinity, and Chroma... The camp spot was "no where to be found". They wanted to leave and redo, with MY key. I said hell no. I can go to 40 mins in T4S with an UNRANKED CHROMA. The sad part?  I got the best stats on everything at the end by 40 minutes.


What is wrong with you people? Why are you all so afraid to run around, kill things, and have fun?


You sit in a corner to get easy stuff, to never use it? Then call the game boring and easy once you cheese it out of everything.


I don't get you people. But I guess that's why I can go into late game with melee only, and other people struggle with their fancy boltor primes.


Eh, I like doing it because I consider it practice for when I find a group willing to go until failure, or at least close to it.  I have all this great gear but very few people have the same, and fewer than that seem to be willing to take the enemies to their absolute limit.  However, I agree with you that invitees should play according to the host's rules, it's your key after all.  You put in the time and effort to farm it, it should played in the way that you will get out what you want.  Key hosting is the only time it's acceptable to, dare I say, impose your play style.  Although you should make it clear what you're doing so people don't join something that they're uninterested in doing.


I usually just host my key and whatever people end up doing is what we end up doing, even though I like to camp. Although for some reason I have the opposite problem you do as I almost always end up with some hallway heroes.  It's too much of a hassle to organize randoms into a coordinated team for me.  It's easy to go 40 min with a team either way though, camping just streamlines it.


Too many people mistakenly believe the boltor prime is the be-all-end-all solution to high level stuff.  It's good don't get me wrong, but it doesn't have the attributes beyond dps that are useful.  That's why they struggle, they haven't explored, they just looked at some numbers and called it a day.


edited for clarity

Edited by Lorthos_Mornin
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I ran a TIII Survival yesterday with a group that camped. One room, clearing enemies from an elevator, and while they were doing tons of damage they weren't helping with the actual survival part at all. At first, it was alright I guess, because we were hardly through any portion of the mission. But life support kept dropping, nobody went out to get it, and more and more enemies were appearing outside of their cone of fire. It became awful when we hit the 30 minute mark, as there were swarms of enemies not dealt with, and tons of life support that nobody else was really getting. Nullifiers and Bombards just made it real hard to navigate, as most of them weren't being dealt with. 


By comparison, another round I held a few days ago kept mobile, and we were doing pretty damn fine and were easily able to hit the 40 minute mark. We just stuck together. Of course, there's a lot of variables here, but we had significantly less to deal with as a mobile team than a camping one. If you're planning to stay long, camping isn't objectively better.

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P.D**  I wish I could block all the players who post LF XXX mission, like who the f*ck invites them to any mission, seriously?? -.- but then again block / ingore list has its limits -.-


Mmm, people who write "LF ____" are more, "asking for someone to hold mission ____ as I don't have the means to" instead of, "invite me to mission _____ please!". Those of use who have keys can supply for this demand. 


WF desperately needs recruiting and trading UIs.

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Hell, I wanted to join in as a Volt Prime on T2S and they wouldn't let me join because they were camping...on a T2S.

This is ridiculous, wtf is with this trend?  I want to have fun, not grind for parts.  If you're just going to camp on a void mission, why play the game at all?

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Hell, I wanted to join in as a Volt Prime on T2S and they wouldn't let me join because they were camping...on a T2S.

This is ridiculous, wtf is with this trend?  I want to have fun, not grind for parts.  If you're just going to camp on a void mission, why play the game at all?

I was a volt Prime on a T1 going to 40 minutes and we ended up camping later on. Volt is actually very useful, I don't know why they wouldn't want you along. 

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but seriously.......40 min survival is plain boring, I'd rather just sit and wait until I get my part rather than actually play hard, run everywhere and reach the 60min mark and all that effort gone for nothing when I don't get my part 


Ik how you feel bro. +1

Edited by .hack.G.U..Haseo
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I prefer to solo survivals. I don't have problems getting to 40 minutes and can play the way I want, without risking running into campers. If looking for volt prime can be tiresome playing "normally", it must be unbearable sitting in a tunnel the entire time.

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I ran a TIII Survival yesterday with a group that camped. One room, clearing enemies from an elevator, and while they were doing tons of damage they weren't helping with the actual survival part at all. At first, it was alright I guess, because we were hardly through any portion of the mission. But life support kept dropping, nobody went out to get it, and more and more enemies were appearing outside of their cone of fire. It became awful when we hit the 30 minute mark, as there were swarms of enemies not dealt with, and tons of life support that nobody else was really getting. Nullifiers and Bombards just made it real hard to navigate, as most of them weren't being dealt with. 


By comparison, another round I held a few days ago kept mobile, and we were doing pretty damn fine and were easily able to hit the 40 minute mark. We just stuck together. Of course, there's a lot of variables here, but we had significantly less to deal with as a mobile team than a camping one. If you're planning to stay long, camping isn't objectively better.


Perfect example, It's such a shame though that you didn't use a controlled group for this experimental claim.  It's been proven that camping allows you to survive longer.

Now he's my super accurate test, as you just did.


I played a camping group, we went to 55minutes without needing to activate air (1-2 times near the start we had to)


The next day, I played running around in multiple survivals. In 6/8 of them, NOBODY went to get Air and I was forced to rush back and got downed before I could get within X range to activate air.

In those 6 survivals, the shortest time was 27 minutes and the longest was 39 minutes. So while everybody was running around like a lunatic, NOBODY stopped to refill air not even once. And in 2 instances, "Elite God, No need camping, MLG PRO 360XxxXxxxSniperino master's"  actually insisted we not use a Support Capsle despite sitting on 8 (the current max) and with air at 14%. (i used it anyways)


How about you take your 1 bad camping round back home. Always somebody going to complain when a new Strategy comes out.

"Boo hoo, they aren't being hardcore like us and just want to survive and not MLG 100k Damage Spray like me"


Edited by xFrostKnightx
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Camping is for noobs or...for those who want to make it in easy way


Camping is for people with a brain...for those who strive to do things the most efficient way. Grinding for stuff in the Void stopped being "fun" ages ago. If I am going to suffer through it, at the very least I'm going to do it the most efficient way.

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I would only do it if preserving keys is necessary, as it isn't that much fun (although it can be fun occasionally to see how broken things can get. Or if you just play with friends to keep you busy).


Seriously though, just let them play how they want. It's a valid strategy. And unlike Viver or EGate, this cannot really be seen as an exploit. Viver and EGate abused the weird spawns without actually playing the gamemode (or in Vivers case stalling progress as long as possible). Survival though... you are SURVIVING. That is the objective. If you can achieve it this way, it's fine.

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There is a difference between playing and farming.

You can search for certain rewards without to farm. It isn't farming, if you do a mission to get a special reward, it is normal playing. If you try to progress, you do not automatically farm.

Farming is more than that. You try to earn a reward in the fastest and easiest way, if you farm. The playing experience becomes less important than the reward. Often you farm to avoid boring gameplay, but farming himself starts to get boring with the time and destroys the fun, if you start to farm everything. It is not bad by himself, but it is the biggest reason why people burn out.


Wtf are you talking about? Where did I say that I love to sit in a corner and pressing one button all the time?

Also I did not protect the game design, I just stated my opinion that the community has changed since Viver and that I do not like this change. Could you stop to quote me, if you continue to interpret something into my text?

That was addresed to DE not to you personally, but i can clearly see that you didn't understand that. I didn't say anything about denying or supporting your oppinion, and I don't see why you feel targeted.


I simply said that if your game can be played by players simply by setting a macro,camp a corner and spam a single button then your game is lacking something.


When someone use ''You'' in a sentence, even if it's a quote don't directly feel aimed by it. That's just a common way to write/speak in a conversation..

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When someone use ''You'' in a sentence, even if it's a quote don't directly feel aimed by it. That's just a common way to write/speak in a conversation..


You might try not quoting people you (Alphafox) don't mean to be talking to? I don't feel as though Feyangol is wrong in being confused if you're just sporadically quoting people before you (Alphafox) start talking. 

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