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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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The 270* tracking cone of the AT Ogris should either be removed or severely reduced, The blast AoE and the RoF reduced.


Some have mentioned shooting down the rockets, i have tried this with corrupted bombards but it does not seem to work. 


That should be fixed then.

Why reduce RoF when it will make T4 endless missions go on even longer?

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Remove homing of the rockets and shrink the radius of blast but to compensate give them faster fire rate.


Just give them the standard Ogris that we use, since it doesn't have the homing abilities, but apparently has a higher ROF.


That should be fixed then.

Why reduce RoF when it will make T4 endless missions go on even longer?


To hell with T4, they appear on other missions as well including mercury survival after 10mins.

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Bombards are scary but its not like they don't go down fast to a radiation weapon. Just bring a radiation sidearm/melee.


As for the explosions going thru walls, yeah that is a bit annoying. I just try to stand way behind the cover when I'm killing the Bombards.

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To hell with T4, they appear on other missions as well including mercury survival after 10mins.


Yeah but they hit for like 50 damage.


T4 is endgame which means it's what roughly half the players do most of the time.

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Whether its broken or not like someone else said they are the only enemies who provide a challenge.


And although I have had my fair share of rockets do 180 degree turns to hit me there are strategies that can work most of the time.


The realykey is having either a frame with abilities that help or using one shot weapons. I use my Dread more often than not in T4 because of that very reason.


Most frames have abilities that help.

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the problem is there explosions


the range is way to big and you cant even see anything that says its there

explosions go through walls

explosions go round objects or through them even thought they shouldn't

the void ones have a bug where they do shoot so fast


if they have a nerf it should be the range of the explosions with a visual range and stop it going through walls or objects

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This not need nerf, it's ok (U rly want to do t4 survival over 200min?), One hit with excal = bombard eximus is dead (BTW, i love excalibur's augment), love that, when peoples cry "nerf this", maybe upgrade your WarFrame and take better weapon? Or use Cold+Corrosive on Void?(Cold and corrosive is best option for Void), take CP?

Edited by ElitarnyDuch
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The rockets and the tracking is balanced. The explosions need to be balanced. And they need a sound effect.

They could benefit from a 100m max range. That way you have a higher chance of avoiding them.

Tenno turns tail and runs from small a@@ flying little gold cylinder.

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Specific change ideas


-Decrease fire rate to 1 rocket per 2 seconds

-Add a reload after 2 or 3 rockets fried (that would last somewhere between 2 and 3 seconds)

-Make tracking less snappy and Increase speed

 (so if you dodge when they are close they fly past and can't correct their path before they hit a wall, but if you move slowly they can still hit. Also increased speed will distance them enough so there isn't so much projectile clutter)

-Make cover and walls between the explosion and player negate damage and knockdown

 (though i'm sure those are linked due to the rockets dealing blast damage)

-Make explosion affect match AOE (perhaps the knockdown could have a longer range accompanied by a shockwave like affect)

-Decrease circumference of the smoke affect

-Add a distinctive firing sound

Edited by Vougue
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seems im not the only one whos pissed at the missiles, but i agree the tracking this things have its just ridiculous stupid, i have seen them do 90 and 180° turns just to blast you on your tenno &#!, its almsot imposible to dodge them so the best you can do its try to lead them againts a wall or something and get away in a straight line so they blast on said object, also agree on the part to nerf the blast radious and ignoring defensive abilities, i lost count the amount of times im in the middle of a snow glove and i sudendly become a tennis ball inside of it just because two bombards keep launching missiles likes theres no tomorrow from two diferent sides...thats not challenge its just plain cheap and anoying...make them faster if you want but missiles seirously need to become way more "dumb"

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i agree that 100% becouse if you do a T4 surv mission 40+ min is it realy hard to kill the bombards becouse it is ever the same happen a Nullifier stay in front from the bombards and block any attack. you have first to kill the Nullifier who suck all energy from you and then stay you in front from a bombard who shot the rockets like he have a Bolltor Rocket launcher Prime and that is then not more a challenge it is just not fair.

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This thread turns out like every other thread about any nerf. There are those who just think it's straight up op & those that argue with "the game is to easy otherwise".

I don't see why the game would be to easy if the bombards get some tweeks, cause as it is right now, it's simply straight unfair in certain situations. You should never forget that it's usually not just a single bombard you're facing, but multiple of them + other enemies. 

If you get knocked down by a rocket that tracks you, wich you can barely see anyway because of the ton of effects coming from weapons & warframe abilities, you're straight up screwed in 90% the cases.


For those who keep pretending that you can dodge them so easily, pls play some T4 missions, record it and show me how to dodge the rockets easily.

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Just as we have 2 main variants of lancers (Lancer and Elite Lancer), why not do the same with bombards


- Normal bombards use the normal orgris that players use, which does not have the tracking ability but a slightly higher ROF


- Elite Bombards use the AT Ogris, which has the tracking ability, but slower ROF


Normal bombards T1/T2 or grineer survival 10+mins

Elite bombards/corrupted Elite bombards T3/T4 or grineer survival 30+mins


that way everyone's happy, the new and casual players get the weaker version and the hardcore/elitists get the harder variant to satisfy their needs for a near dark souls difficulty.

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I think if there was a reason for the rockets to have such innate lock-on, it'd be fine, but as it is it just looks stupidly silly for the rocket to curve and home towards you for no reason


No reason?  Trying to kill you would be the reason I think!

I think it looks awesome and has plenty of precedent in sci-fi.  Before Elysium there was:

Just make it slower so it's an actual minigame to either shoot it down or get it to crash into cover.

Edited by Fifield
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-Explosions go through shields and are not blocked by objects. Not warframe shields, but volt and frost shields. Shields that are meant to block incoming fire do not do so. The rocket is stopped, but the explosion continues unhindered, hitting any behind it, and somewhat defeating the purpose of having a shield in the first place. This also applies to solid objects, like walls and closed doors.


Still waiting for a fix for that

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