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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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I don't think it's too much to ask that players going into T4 (which was endgame until a few days ago) have properly modded level 30 gear.  On the other hand, I do prefer skill check vs gear check, which is why I've suggested a possible nerf of slowing the missiles down and agreeing with your suggestion of making them more visible -- as long as other enemies are buffed.

I've never seen a missile turn tho Wiki says it's a "minor homing ability".  Don't suppose there's a video of this anywhere?

You've never seen the missiles turn? Go into any T4 yourself and try moving to avoid one.

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Completely agreed. I knew Bombards were 'elfin broken before they brought them to the Void and when they did I just knew it was going to be even more of a problem. Maybe if the explosions didn't pass through shield abilities I would be okay with them as is. 


But their rockets don't behave or even look like rockets, they're hard to spot and I've seen a line of at least 5-10 after a couple seconds of a Bombard appearing, and then kneeling to fire. They're slow, yes but you hardly notice them and usually when you do it's too late. Their homing ability is also stupid and broken. They'll follow you around corners for miles.


Just nerf the explosion mechanics, the homing mechanics, the fire rate, and maybe to compensate increase the projectile speed. Also make them more noticeable!

Edited by ViolettaFoxx
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You've never seen the missiles turn? Go into any T4 yourself and try moving to avoid one.


Incidentally, saw one move on Earth today.  Did something like a tight spiral before hitting another Grineer.  Guess Wiki is wrong.

Had only dodged them before up close.


Edited by Fifield
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You know what would be a cool mechanic that required skill ? If you could grab them and throw them back or if you run close to an enemy it switches it targeting to that enemy instead.


But yes they tracking is absolutely nuts and they will go until they hit somethign and 9 times out of ten you will get knocked down or damaged wherever it hits. I've actually (somewhat) avoided it by runing into an elevator but the blast went through the walls and knocked me down and damaged me. If our skills can't go through walls why can the grineers primitive rockets ?

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Personally I have never been able to shoot down their rockets.


I mean I've clearly seen that I've been hitting them yet for the some reason the game just does not detect it happening.

Yes it is not easy to hit. So far I've only succeeded once myself. When you see a rocket flying towards you, the basic instinct is usually dodging...Unless there is a long distance between you and the bombard.

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The Ballista. Instant bloody death at high levels, and you'll never see it coming.

Indeed. Even if you're very mobile, they'll still hit you, more so after the changes to accuracy over distances.


If there was some way to know, it'd be fine. In certain third person games (first to come to mind is Infamous) snipers and such would ruin you, but they have a laser that you can see; it follows you, but you know when to move and where, and it lets you track back to the unit.

Firefall has an alert when a sniper is taking aim at you. Those snipers can and will kill you instantly. But you get a chance.

Even in things like Battlefield you see glare on rifles. It doesn't really help you a lot, but at least you know it's coming.


Those are obstacles that can be overcome with skill, because you get the option to.

Having units that can hit you no matter what you do without you seeing it is not a challenge that requires skill.

Edited by AdunSaveMe
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But there's nothing broken about the Bombard.  It's just a Grineer with a Ogris that homes in on you slightly.

The only possible issue with the Bombard is that it's 3x more dangerous than its fellow enemies (excluding Nullifier, Ballista and Manic).  This sudden increase in difficulty provides a nice little adrenaline rush and means we have to be on our toes from the level they're introduced at.  Is this all a good thing?

I think so.  What if they were only 2x as dangerous?  I think that would work too.  A minor nerf would be to slow the missile and thus make them more avoidable/shootable. There's something to be said for making them more visible too.


What we cannot do is nerf Bombard's damage as that would make T4D go on even longer.  Therefore every other enemy should be buffed.

Players generally want shorter 'endless' missions, not longer ones. T4 enemies need a health/EHP boost.  T2 and particularly T3 enemies need both a health/EHP boost and a much bigger damage boost.

To compensate, remove forma from drop tables.


The Orgris that players are able to use does not have homing abilities.


Ogris http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ogris


AT Ogris http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/AT_Ogris

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  • 4 weeks later...

Y nerf bombards? You just roll out of the rocket projectile (its pretty slow its not like u can actually get hit by it.. unless you're swarmed.) Radiation elemental combo kills them really easily no matter what level they are. I don't think they pose too much a threat in late games. Just annoying pests.

The nullifiers however are easy to kill but tough to handle with because they "nullify" our powers. Which will cause a lot of trouble for warframes in late game. The void is good is as it is.

Plz buff Excalibur.

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They are one of the very few enemies that actually present a challenge.


I think those units need to exist just to actually have something in game that can actually kill people, but the "explosion mechanics" are not what I consider "challenge". When the only reliable comeback we have is "run away really far, because you have no real idea where the explosion will get you", it does not make it interesting to deal with.


I mean, heck, If I was defending my stuff I'd want missiles that are hard to see, had massive explosions and could kill you even if you popped into another dimension, but it is generally more interesting to get killed because you zigged instead of zagged, and not because some random sparkly effect you thought was a Mesa Lasso turned out to be a missile.

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It doesn't help that with atleast Corrupted Bombards, they seem to have an annoying tendency to apparently fire off salvos even when dead. More than once I've killed one while it's back was turned, then a second later while he's face down on the floor, I see three incoming rockets originating from the corpse's position when there's no other Bombards in the room. :-P

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before nullifier and bombard was added to the void, bombard has medium fire rate as they fire 1 and 2 rockets. Now, they fire 3 rockets in one quick succession making us hard to dodge it and yet explosive ridiculously went through volt shield / frost globe and wall oh yeah i forgot to mention about Blast proc too, 1 out of 3 rockets can easily push you down.

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Can DE finally fix explosions and fire in general? Not only do they look bloody terrible... I mean this is not that bad looking game but the explosions and fire look like something out of PS2 game. And on top of that they're broken mechanically as well.


The effect of Napalm's fire pool is very loosely based on its actual AoE. It's the same thing with explosions and of course it all goes through obstacles. And not just bloody pillars, full obstacles closed doors and walls even.


Jesus Christ DE fix this S#&$... it's been like this since early closed beta (and before even I bet, I just wasn't around) and even then I distinctly remember it feeling extremely amateurish.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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