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[Poll] How Much Do You Love Archwing?


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I like Archwing to the same extent that I like my cousins.


Only hang out with them every so often, and sometimes we have fun for a little but, but after a while they just get annoying and I'm reminded why I moved to a different state.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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I like the main concept, I enjoyed it for a little while after it came out, but now it's just way too much grind for the purpose of what?  Missions are completely stagnant.  It crashes more than any other game mode for me, too.

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Honestly Archwing just needs more mission types/maps, but I know those will come later. During the OGMA event I finally felt that leveling Archwing gear was tolerable. Otherwise leveling Archwing gear is dreadfully painful even with an affinity booster.

I can see why people don't like it, but I'd rather it be part of the game than not. It's a unique game mode that has a lot of potential and I enjoy it for the most part. (Except painfully slow XP gains for ranking up gear.)

I don't like the idle stance of our characters in Archwing. I wish we could customize those more.

Edited by sushidubya
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I stand firm in my belief that Anne Hathaway being in the film took away from the potential value of the film


Them's fightin' words unless you can offer up a better alternative.


As for Archwing, it's OK, needs some more polish and variety though.

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Your poll seems a little biased toward negative responses.

Very Much - Positive response

It's Okay - Borderline 50%/50% response
Not Really - Negative response
Not At All - Negative response
Chris Nolan Ruined "Dark Knight Rises" by casting Anne Hathaway - Negative response
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Your poll seems a little biased toward negative responses.

Very Much - Positive response

It's Okay - Borderline 50%/50% response
Not Really - Negative response
Not At All - Negative response
Chris Nolan Ruined "Dark Knight Rises" by casting Anne Hathaway - Negative response


The first four selections fit the "Strongly Like, Like, Dislike, Strongly Dislike" format that almost every questionnaire like this has. I even included a "neutral" option giving a universal truth about the terrible acting of Anne Hathaway.

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Archwing is cool, but with the new things coming in U16, the future of archwing seems a bit foggy for now. I really want some new mission types there.


...But to point out one of the options, Anne Hathaway was ok.


What made me to refuse watching The Dark Knight was casting Maggie Gyllenhaal.



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3 / 10


we need an open maps like on this one game called "Airrivals Online"

the archwing is left out, no matter how many weapons and archwings you add it will still be bland


we need more maps, archwing exclusive missions that differs from the ground missions, archwing alerts

and most of all, we need to incorporate ground missions to archwing missions like how the archwing quest went


surprise attacks to normal missions if all parties have archwing capability

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I want epic space fight, not looking for little dots on my screen.

Shooting and chopping drones is no fun.

Let me cut some huge battleships(that have actual structures)to pieces then I would love archwing

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