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[Poll] How Much Do You Love Archwing?


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I personally never played AQ before the TA. Mostly becaus of performance issues on my potato PC.

Somewhen before the TA the optimisation was fixed and when i discovered it i started playing it a LOT.

I like it. The only things bothering me now are:

- not too many weapons (give it time)

- not too many mods (time again)

- Y axis locking is mildly annoying

- the minimap could use some rework

- more integrated gameplay (yes, time again)

I'm now trying to farm one last piece of Tellurium for Itzal necause that thing is seriously badass. And then i should find the time to drop Velocitus and Centaur parts. So i could be able to roll with Odonata P-Imperator-Veritux and Itzal-Velocitus-Centaur.


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I love Archwing but it just needs more stuff! New maps and modes should have been a priority over new weapons. It's like doing Void RNG only all of archwing is like that. I was hoping U16 would have some more stuff and was especially hopeful we might see a void map with Odonata Prime but alas.


Hopefully Sharkwings will come soon. I also want to fly around in the atmosphere of a planet, like that corpus cloud city would be amazing with archwing.



- Y axis locking is mildly annoying

 Oh and this ^ Please change that, DE! It makes no sense in space.

Edited by Lirka.
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It's needs a little more focus and NEEDS to get enough items that DE feels they can move the weapons OFF of a parts-that-drop-in-missions frequency and into a "just build it like normal weapons" one. I feel like THAT is the big problem that most people are having with it, it's hard to get into it because you're stuck with starter gear for SO LONG.


More weapons to justify moving the blueprints into a "nanospore, alloy plate, Tellerium" build requirement would be best.


And, of course, there's giving us more missions to play in other than Exterminate, Interception, Sabotage, though again it feels like we need a little more Archwing variety before something like Defense or Excavation will be safe to do. Heck, I think reintroducing the Eyes of Blight event run as an Archwing Assassination would be best, but they're likely waiting on finishing J3 before doing others.


I kinda hope there comes a time where they focus a decent-length string of updates on nothing BUT Archwing.

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It's difficult, I love the idea and it could be great but it still has horrible architectural errors.


1. The mini-map is _useless_ it need to scan on the warframe-facing-plane or just completely reworked, it completely ruins the experience for me.


2. The Corpus placeholder enemies need sorting, the 15ft tall corpus crewmen make your archwing look like "Tinkerbell extreme!" and the drones need a different design if your going to scale them up 3-5 times. I mean the drones still shoot "lift fx" from their engines downwards as if resisting gravity, it's sloppy.


3. The maps are really bland and even more repetitive than the on-foot maps and that is saying something. It's all very well and good having epic set pieces, but those only work when _rare_. The same exploding section of a corpus ship, every single mission gets old _fast_


4. The enemies need better and more unique profiles. possibly done with lights because I generally see a grand total of 15px of them before I need to have killed them. The designs look good on paper but are terrible in practice (Look at TF2 for lessons of unique silhouettes) For example, the [shield] [Hellion] Dargyn look great on paper but all we ever see is a teardrop blob in the distance because 99% of the time they're facing us. People with any kind of problem with colour can barely tell them apart. I mean how hard would it be to have large boxy missile launchers (visible from the front) on the units that fire missiles?


5. Gear dropables and loot need a rework so they're not just huge blobs, give them a larger icon-representation or _something_ but don't just use scaled-up version of the on-foot assets. It just make the Warframe+Archwing look tiny.

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Arch wing is fun, but needs a mod so you can defeat my arch nemesis the wall and oh don't forget the  "one way wall" where you can pass through but are trapped forever on the other side.



I love arch wing, but for a space battle theme it is too limiting. I thought we could farm in missions? that idea get lost?


Also the Formina event or Deathstar event was not as advertised it was the funniest mission that archwing had to offer, but I felt it could have been more multi-tiered and sent us deep exploring inside the giant ship much like the corpus ship (<awesome)  I would have liked to be in battles that show the raw power of each factions ships with so many battles going on and ships exploding eery where during the mission.


In a nut shell the raw action during these levels are flat and make no sense with amount of numbers that overwhelm tenno in such a limited area of combat space. make the missions for combat intense, but don't leave us with such a huge handicap.


One last thought can I get a way to fight while i am down. where is the secondary weapon.

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Personally, I think, the concept is great and I really love the missions in ship interiors. Especially while rushing through tight corridors Millenium Falcon style.

I would ask for a bit more content, especially in regard to mission variety and tilesets. I could very much see the interior of an infested ship, a grineer shipyard or maybe even a forrest on earth.

A bit more polishing and content and I'd be very happy.

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That's because people who dislike something are always much more vocal than those who like it.

Then the poll would reflect that wouldn't it, since the more vocal group would be the sort participating. But who knows, looking at the poll today looks like things are heading in the more popularized direction. 


Also not sure if the "it's okay" option should be taken as a positive faction, since saying a new game mode is tolerable isn't exactly what is aimed for with any new content. 

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I like the way they've gone with modding (higher base stats on wings, lower % on mods). I just wish that it was a bit more balanced in terms of enemies and their damage. Needs more mission variety for sure, and also BETTER @(*()&#036; AFFINITY REWARDS.

I went up literally 1/10th of a rank after a long intercept yesterday. Really needs some adjustment.

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...But to point out one of the options, Anne Hathaway was ok.


What made me to refuse watching The Dark Knight was casting Maggie Gyllenhaal.



1) Anne Hathaway was not ok

2) Seeing Maggie Gyllenhaal in Dark Knight made me want to self-harm

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Then the poll would reflect that wouldn't it, since the more vocal group would be the sort participating. But who knows, looking at the poll today looks like things are heading in the more popularized direction. 


Also not sure if the "it's okay" option should be taken as a positive faction, since saying a new game mode is tolerable isn't exactly what is aimed for with any new content. 


When I voted I saw a poll with the following options:







That's a pretty common way to structure a poll. So yes, "It's okay" is positive and it's where my vote went for that reason.

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When I voted I saw a poll with the following options:







That's a pretty common way to structure a poll. So yes, "It's okay" is positive and it's where my vote went for that reason.

how exactly is deeming a game-mode okay a positive response? i mean the aim of any game is the enjoyment of its consumers, so if something is tossed out and people are like oh it's fine, oh i don't hate it but i don't exactly like it, i can stand it, etc, that isn't really a desired reaction. 


saying it isn't bad isn't a good thing. 

Edited by Cubewano
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how exactly is deeming a game-mode okay a positive response? i mean the aim of any game is the enjoyment of its consumers, so if something is tossed out and people are like oh it's fine, oh i don't hate it but i don't exactly like it, i can stand it, etc, that isn't really a desired reaction. 


saying it isn't bad isn't a good thing. 


You're taking it out of context. There are 2 positive and 2 negative options. One of each is unconditional and the other with some reservation. In this case "It's okay" means it's good but could be better. "Okay" doesn't have an inherently negative connotation.

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You're taking it out of context. There are 2 positive and 2 negative options. One of each is unconditional and the other with some reservation. In this case "It's okay" means it's good but could be better. "Okay" doesn't have an inherently negative connotation.

How am i taking it out of context? This is a game isn't it? And i'm not seeing where the reservations are in the options, either you like it a lot, don't care for it, dislike, or dislike it greatly. It's not some iffy beating around the bush unsure how I feel line-up. I'm just not seeing how it's okay is positive, I cannot recall a period in my life I have every been asked about something I like and just rated it "okay" honestly. 


When you say something is okay its basically something you could care less for, it's not problematic for you but you don't feel for it either. That isn't what games aspire for. 

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I'm somewhere between "It's okay" and "Not really". I don't think there's anything entirely wrong with Archwing, except that it has a severe lack of content and the only really fun thing about it so far has been the Eyes of Blight missions (which should become a Grineer Sabotage mission now), and the fact that they STILL have not fixed the bug that can cause using melee on an enemy near a wall to instantly kill you with collision damage.


I think they would have just been better off adding more content to the base game instead of adding an entirely seperate mode and then just sort of abandoning it until they feel like making another alert or event based around it. They could have just used most of the ideas for Archwing abilities and weapons, and put them into the base game. I really want a frame that blinks forward without a target requirement.

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How am i taking it out of context?


Well then, let me explain it to you one last time. It's a poll with 2 positives, 2 negatives and a "no opinion" option, which is a common way to set up a poll.


It wouldn't make sense having a poll with 1 unconditional positive, 3 negative and a "no opinion" option. Or a poll with 1 unconditional positive, a neutral, 2 negative and a "no opinion" option. That's the context; it's just not how polls are set up. Unless of course, the OP is trolling us but I don't think that's the case.


If you don't understand that, then I honestly don't know how to explain it to you.

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Well then, let me explain it to you one last time. It's a poll with 2 positives, 2 negatives and a "no opinion" option, which is a common way to set up a poll.

It wouldn't make sense having a poll with 1 unconditional positive, 3 negative and a "no opinion" option. Or a poll with 1 unconditional positive, a neutral, 2 negative and a "no opinion" option. That's the context; it's just not how polls are set up. Unless of course, the OP is trolling us but I don't think that's the case.

If you don't understand that, then I honestly don't know how to explain it to you.

This. If you can ignore how the profound wording speaks to you on a personal, spiritual level, it's basically a "strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree, no opinion" poll. Standard since psych evaluations made it to the workplace.

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