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Why Archwing Missions Are Largely Ignored


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Really, my only issue with Archwing missions is the lack of rewards. Not like I'd want anything extravagent, but you won't make nearly as much money nor earn as much Syndicate standing as you would during a normal mission. Once that's addressed I'll be playing more Archwing for sure, the mechanics are really quite fun to me, and I'd think a lot of quality aspects like that will be addressed when the new J3 is on the horizon.

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Please no.

Thats a step back, that is not evolving, but regressing.


The community hated and demanded regular mods to be removed from AW drop tables, so why is it all of the sudden a good idea to introduce non-AW prizes in AW missions?

Again, lack of consistency.


Currently Keys exist in Archwing Intercept tables (as previously discussed in this thread). 

The discussion that's been going on is perhaps replacing those keys with Fusion Core rewards.


Fusion cores as rewards can be argued to have more or less to do with Archwing than keys - my stance would be they have more to do with it.

All Archwing mods can be fused.

Only some Keys have Archwing Prime Rewards. 


If it's lowest common denominator applicability to Archwing, it's possible that Rare Cores fit this role stronger than the Keys that currently exist in the Drop Rotations for Interception. 

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Currently Keys exist in Archwing Intercept tables (as previously discussed in this thread). 

The discussion that's been going on is perhaps replacing those keys with Fusion Core rewards.


Fusion cores as rewards can be argued to have more or less to do with Archwing than keys - my stance would be they have more to do with it.

All Archwing mods can be fused.

Only some Keys have Archwing Prime Rewards. 


If it's lowest common denominator applicability to Archwing, it's possible that Rare Cores fit this role stronger than the Keys that currently exist in the Drop Rotations for Interception. 

Perhaps keys, cores, and Archwing (being the Archwings themselves, like Elytron) parts could remain as "every fourth wave" rewards, while weapon parts (in the case of Caelus, Fluctus stock and Centuar Blade would be the parts) could be moved to Rotation B?

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Currently Keys exist in Archwing Intercept tables (as previously discussed in this thread). 

The discussion that's been going on is perhaps replacing those keys with Fusion Core rewards.


Fusion cores as rewards can be argued to have more or less to do with Archwing than keys - my stance would be they have more to do with it.

All Archwing mods can be fused.

Only some Keys have Archwing Prime Rewards. 


If it's lowest common denominator applicability to Archwing, it's possible that Rare Cores fit this role stronger than the Keys that currently exist in the Drop Rotations for Interception.

My suggestion would be to move keys to Rotation B (this could honestly go for all Interception missions), make Rotation C a guaranteed part drop location, and then have core packs be consistent end-of-mission rewards for Exterminate and Sabotage.

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I think the low percentage-effect-per-point of Archwing mods was intentional. The idea was to make all mods usable, by not making any so powerful that they become mandatory. The only reason that this hasn't become much of an issue is that there are so few Archwing mods that you can use literally all that are any good without giving up anything even vaguely useful, so a series of 30% buffs is actually reasonable.


But yeah, I haven't forma'ed a single Archwing or Archwing-weapon because of that, and I'm glad because levelling anything is extremely tedious and unrewarding.


There need to be more game types, and better rewards to get people actually playing. Currently it's a wasteland, so if you want to extract the mastery from Archwing gear you either have to solo yawn-inducing exterminates, or go region-hopping to find people running the high level intercept. I've noticed that the intercepts scale with number of players, so they can be soloed', but the instagib-hellion-barrages mean that going without a reviver, when levelling gear, is hazardous.

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Perhaps keys, cores, and Archwing (being the Archwings themselves, like Elytron) parts could remain as "every fourth wave" rewards, while weapon parts (in the case of Caelus, Fluctus stock and Centuar Blade would be the parts) could be moved to Rotation B?

Alternative to this:


Make Archwing Interception rotations go, instead of AABC, go ABCD.


A is still a mod drop.

B is a possible mod drop/possible weapon part drop.

C is a T4 key or a core pack.

D is a weapon part/archwing part.

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Alternative to this:


Make Archwing Interception rotations go, instead of AABC, go ABCD.


A is still a mod drop.

B is a possible mod drop/possible weapon part drop.

C is a T4 key or a core pack.

D is a weapon part/archwing part.

100% this

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Alternative to this:

Make Archwing Interception rotations go, instead of AABC, go ABCD.

A is still a mod drop.

B is a possible mod drop/possible weapon part drop.

C is a T4 key or a core pack.

D is a weapon part/archwing part.

Actually if you change C to be "C is a Forma or Forma blueprint" and substitute archwing for Warframe this could work in the Void as well.

Edited by (PS4)WiiConquered
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My problem with archwwing isn't the lack of mods, its the mods themselves. A rank 10 mod with 27.5% effets? A 60% damage mod? A sprint mod that's the largest mod in the game? No thanks.


Also, those tight corners  and small tunnels on exterminates are annoying. Also, the nav markers seem to be high.

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My problem with archwwing isn't the lack of mods, its the mods themselves. A rank 10 mod with 27.5% effets? A 60% damage mod? A sprint mod that's the largest mod in the game? No thanks.


Also, those tight corners  and small tunnels on exterminates are annoying. Also, the nav markers seem to be high.


I like the numbers on the mods. They make modding feel more like choices than for the stuff elsewhere. The only problem is that some are rank 10 where they should really be uncommon or rare 5 mods and the extra ranks are just unnecessary padding.

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It seems a lot of people are trying to argue a way to get the parts they need easier but missing the point that that wont make Archwing more attractive to more players in the long term.  I have all the Archwing weapons and Elytron.  There is currently no reason for me to go to round 4 on Erpo as all the rotation C rewards amount to a 2500 credit cache.  If keys are taken from Caelus I'll be in the same situation there.  I've even played public Caelus runs in which half the team left at the end of round 3 presumably because they don't need parts so were just there for 3 rounds of mods.  Replacing keys with cores would be okay but there would still be the issue of balancing the probabilities.  If cores are too common, people wont be happy about not getting parts they need, if cores are too rare the people who have parts wont bother with round 4.  The best suggestion I've seen is to give people a choice of reward (something I've suggested for non-endless Void missions before).  Add a button to the current UI that when clicked converts the reward into a consolation prize of cores.  This could even apply to all waves so duplicate mod rewards that you don't need and will just be fusion fodder could be converted to better fusion fodder of equal rarity while parts could be guaranteed to be rare cores.

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My problem with archwwing isn't the lack of mods, its the mods themselves. A rank 10 mod with 27.5% effets? A 60% damage mod? A sprint mod that's the largest mod in the game? No thanks.



Sytem Reroute down to R5.

Morphic Transformer buffed by 30%min please. Increase to R5. 

Hyperion Thrusters down to R5.



Damage is fine for weapons.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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It seems a lot of people are trying to argue a way to get the parts they need easier but missing the point that that wont make Archwing more attractive to more players in the long term.  I have all the Archwing weapons and Elytron.  There is currently no reason for me to go to round 4 on Erpo as all the rotation C rewards amount to a 2500 credit cache.  If keys are taken from Caelus I'll be in the same situation there.  I've even played public Caelus runs in which half the team left at the end of round 3 presumably because they don't need parts so were just there for 3 rounds of mods.  Replacing keys with cores would be okay but there would still be the issue of balancing the probabilities.  If cores are too common, people wont be happy about not getting parts they need, if cores are too rare the people who have parts wont bother with round 4.  The best suggestion I've seen is to give people a choice of reward (something I've suggested for non-endless Void missions before).  Add a button to the current UI that when clicked converts the reward into a consolation prize of cores.  This could even apply to all waves so duplicate mod rewards that you don't need and will just be fusion fodder could be converted to better fusion fodder of equal rarity while parts could be guaranteed to be rare cores.


Whats = to what though?

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What, like in every MMO out there? Where every class has to unlock the map again? Collect new gear again? Be unable to use gear shared because of SoulBound or level locking?


Are you sure you play computer games?


Why does practically everyone forget that Warfarme "updates" are not a DLC? The game expands gradually, and nothing is written in stone. Archwings and normal missions will eventually crossover.


Just because something does not feel complete in it's current state does not mean "this is what we are stuck with". in Another year Archwing might have more mission types then the normal game. Just because you people can't wait for a free game to just hand you stuff it's not DE's fault.


Go play something else and come back in a year.

But this isn't a new class/character, it is just another piece of equipment. The actual logic for archwing within your presented scenario would be more like having to unlock a map again, collect new gear, and be unable to use prior gear, because you put on a new accessory. Now tell me how many games you have played that require you to do that. 


And honestly I don't see any level of growth on archwing helping that situation, DE have made archwing in a way it is basically a standalone game (which is entirely illogical since it's meant to be an extension of their current game) with it's own items, "characters", skills, and equipment. The issue (at least for the OP and people like him) is the entire way the game mode is built, not just a lack of content. Archwing isn't presented nor built as just a new node or game extension, it is genuinely its own game just jammed into this one which is very problematic for the players who came to play warframe and have no interest in playing a secondary game as well just to do so. Especially in a game already so taxing by itself.


No amount of new content for Archwing is going to negate that situation, and crossovers would only worsen the situation since it even further forces players to interact with a secondary game they do not want involvement in. What archwing needs is a pretty hefty rework of its core mechanics, what mod pool it relies on, what weapon pool, even abilities, are used for it, or if not then the game needs to be kept as separate from the core content as possible so people like I and the OP don't have to deal with something so sparsely tied to the rest of the game.

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Hi. My opinion: No, archwing exclusive mods are fine imo. They are extremly easy to come by, at least they were for me. I have several copies of them just from farming the Velocitus, Fluctus and Rathbone. BUT I would like to see the credits rewards boosted to at least 15k for the first wave of Uranus Archwing interception up to 30k for the 4th round. That way credit farming could move to Archwing and maybe make rare enemies (the big ships) drop rare resources (cells, neurodes, sensors). That way common farming could be done with Archwing too. 

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But this isn't a new class/character, it is just another piece of equipment. The actual logic for archwing within your presented scenario would be more like having to unlock a map again, collect new gear, and be unable to use prior gear, because you put on a new accessory. Now tell me how many games you have played that require you to do that. 


And honestly I don't see any level of growth on archwing helping that situation, DE have made archwing in a way it is basically a standalone game (which is entirely illogical since it's meant to be an extension of their current game) with it's own items, "characters", skills, and equipment. The issue (at least for the OP and people like him) is the entire way the game mode is built, not just a lack of content. Archwing isn't presented nor built as just a new node or game extension, it is genuinely its own game just jammed into this one which is very problematic for the players who came to play warframe and have no interest in playing a secondary game as well just to do so. Especially in a game already so taxing by itself.


No amount of new content for Archwing is going to negate that situation, and crossovers would only worsen the situation since it even further forces players to interact with a secondary game they do not want involvement in. What archwing needs is a pretty hefty rework of its core mechanics, what mod pool it relies on, what weapon pool, even abilities, are used for it, or if not then the game needs to be kept as separate from the core content as possible so people like I and the OP don't have to deal with something so sparsely tied to the rest of the game.

First paragragh..... have you tried Neverwinter?

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Whats = to what though?


That would be up to DE to decide as I'm sure they want to consider carefully the balance of how many cores people should be able to get for their efforts and how many they want to offer to make it attractive.  My thoughts would be that discarding a mod reward would give a core of same rarity but possibly random or low rank.  If a Bleeding Edge comes up I'm still better off with a Common 1 core even though Bleeding Edge is something I haven't maxed.  Rare mods might be less of a no brainer since there might still be a Pt sale value to them, I don't track that sort of thing, but the option to swap for a rare core, even a low level one would be nice.  Parts would probably need to be swapped for multiple rare 5 cores to make it worth while to do round 4 and not skip out on 3 as people currently do.  Quantity could be based on how rare the part is much like how rarer prime parts give more Ducats.


Ask DE lol



Should of multiquoted..... oops lol


Yeah you should!  ;P


Hi. My opinion: No, archwing exclusive mods are fine imo. They are extremly easy to come by, at least they were for me. I have several copies of them just from farming the Velocitus, Fluctus and Rathbone. BUT I would like to see the credits rewards boosted to at least 15k for the first wave of Uranus Archwing interception up to 30k for the 4th round. That way credit farming could move to Archwing and maybe make rare enemies (the big ships) drop rare resources (cells, neurodes, sensors). That way common farming could be done with Archwing too. 


Credit rewards really do need buffed in Archwing missions considering that you don't get any from kills or lockers.  In a regular mission I can get more credits from what I pick up than I do from the completion bonus.  In Archwing there is only the completion bonus (and the small amount I get for selling parts).

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Definitely, this becomes more apparent every day. A lot of good ideas floating around about how to fix that, hoping to see it happen soon!


Isn't that an indication of AW's lack of success?  Did Warframe become successful because it handed out rewards for another game?  No.  Warframe became successful on it's own merits.  Why can't AW do the same?


DE has been using rewards to artificially make content popular for a long time now, turning the game into a bunch of vending machines, often breaking popular content then luring players onto something much less popular via the reward mechanism.  It's kinda like cheating.  And it's no fun for players.

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First paragragh..... have you tried Neverwinter?

I have not myself, but from videos I've seen there has been no impression that it operates as such? does it really reset your character when you put on a new piece of equipment? 

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