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Do You Think Warframe's Community Would Be Better If The Game Had To Be Purchased?


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As i'm sure many of you have noticed, lots of people in the Warframe community are pretty lame. A lot of people like to complain about how horrible Warframe is without putting a single dollar into the game, then there are the other people who completely pollute the experience by being really crude. Do you guys think that if the game were like Skyrim online where you had to actually purchase a disk or something that this would be less of a problem?

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No, if anything it'd cause more issues, and more people moaning and complaining because they had to spend money and so don't get what they want. As its free, if people who havn't supported the game start moaning that they don't have something (and I mean moaning not being constructive), then they don't have a leg to stand on and can easily be ignored.

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As i'm sure many of you have noticed, lots of people in the Warframe community are pretty lame. A lot of people like to complain about how horrible Warframe is without putting a single dollar into the game, then there are the other people who completely pollute the experience by being really crude. Do you guys think that if the game were like Skyrim online where you had to actually purchase a disk or something that this would be less of a problem?

Earlier, I was asked to leave a (pub) squad because I "don't know how to camp" when LS drops werent dropping from the mobs we were killing, thus I had to run and activate LSes because it kept dipping bellow 30%. So, the host just aborted mission and, yeah, told me to leave.

Other than that, the only toxic community I've encountered is in the Asia region. I'm pretty toxic too, but if the squad is nice from the start? Why would I be a toxic player? Thats why I play in other regions despite that I lag a fair lot.

I wouldn't mind if its a pay once and play to your heart's content like Guild Wars 2. But so far, Warframe is the only game that's Free to Play that has a significantly less toxic community (excluding Asia, most of the pubs I play with in there are just... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

I'm from Asia though if anyone's gonna ask where I'm from.

Edited by styxonfire
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More people would complain. Paying gives even more sense of entitlement.


"I paid good money for this game and it still has bugs / don't have something specific i whined about on forums for ages to add."

I just hate that there are times I randomly disconnect (50% my ISPs end 50% just randomly disconnect from the host for some, err, random reason/client just crashes for some reason) 10 or 30 minutes/waves from the squad when we're intending to run for 20 or 40 minutes/waves and I can't rejoin because the "objective has been completed" which makes me flip my sh*t.

But yeah, other than that... not exactly that much to complain about.

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No, to be honest, DE does have some problems but they are already better than most other game developers. There will always be toxic players in every game community and Warframe isn't an exception. Just report them and continue with your day.

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Nope because this game is playable only online and there is always have changes sometimes good sometimes bad and always will be peoples whom will complain about stuffs what they doesn't like. This is the feedback process and if peoples not complain of write feedbacks then a lot of bugs stay in game and peoples will complain about bugs.


I am complaining mostly on the mod system, gender swaps idea, fan concepts, performance and grinding. 

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 Probably not. Online games are online games.


 DE can patch in weapons. They can patch in Frames. They can patch glitches and bugs and exploits.


 But they can't patch anybody's attitude. Bad apples are just bad apples. You'll get them in any game that works online.


 Cheer up though. It could be worse. This could be the Destiny community after a weapon rebalance update.


 Here is a cute gif:





 I'm gonna lock this thread so that it can't turn into a flamewar. These threads have a habit of that.

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