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Lack Of Gore Makes Combat Boring


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Not sure if I would still play the game after that.

Many games base their whole appeal off of such violence.

Is it really all that needed? I think as I've aged I no longer feel attached to such brutality and violence.



this game DOES have an age rating.

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The gore would just increase the pc requirements to run the game, create more lag, and be a gigantic waste of time to have people in the art department actually create. Then like anything that's superfluous that gets added into this game, it creates bugs. Ones annoying enough for people to come here and rage about.

Besides, the game is fun enough to play on it's own, I don't have to fulfill a childish gore quota to enjoy myself. The enemies are chopped in half and ragdolled hilariously already, we really don't need anything else.

The requirements won't go up. All this stuff we want USED TO EXIST IN THE GAME. It's not as if the system requirements have gone down with time, or the bug count has decreased in direct response to removing gore and reliable ragdolling.

And *some* enemies get chopped in half - not consistently on the vast majority of weapons. *Some* enemies get ragdolled - but not enough and not on all the weapons it used to. The only really reliable way to send corpses flying at the moment is a Jat Kittag modded for blast damage and status - which is a very clumsy weapon to use (so it's not enjoyable to swing), impractical (you sacrifice a *lot* of damage this way) and actually excessive (enemies fly too far). The Fragor, Amphis, Bo and Furax, amongst others, all used to send enemies flying on death. Reliably and not excessively. They went a few metres, but it happened every time. It was *fun*.

Right now, we're forced to use certain weapons if we want to even slightly approach the old level of death effects. We're forced to use other weapons if we want to stand a realistic chance of getting the new stuff (see: 60 min. of T3 survival). These other weapons do not have the fun effects. And so the established players won't see what little death effects remain. And we get bored.

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Seriously am I the only one that turned gore off, it was just got old and excessive far to quickly for me to want to keep it on.  


Ummm, yes?


Not to say there's something wrong with your opinion - if you don't want blood showers and flying limbs then the ability to turn it off should still be there, as has been the case with many other games in the past. Just stating that you seem to be in the minority here, is all.


Where there is death and dismemberment, there should be blood and bits and screaming. This game used to have that in spades. At some point they started screwing with it - BEFORE damage 2.0 there were instances where I was ragdolling enemies across the room with my Cronus, dismembered corpses would magically spawn 3 heads attached to a 4 or 5 arms... Disconcerting stuff.


I get the feeling that DE took their maligned "Ooops, this is too hard, screw it" attitude and applied a band aid, simplifying everything related to the issue and making it boring rather than fixing it properly. Same with PhysX particles, same with APEX cloth effect on Syndanas. I hope like hell these are all issues that are going to be re-visited at a later date. Then again, they haven't even been able to figure out a cohesive manner to balance the different damage types so far, so forgive me if I sound a bit hopeless here.

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The gore would just increase the pc requirements to run the game, create more lag, and be a gigantic waste of time to have people in the art department actually create. Then like anything that's superfluous that gets added into this game, it creates bugs. Ones annoying enough for people to come here and rage about.


Besides, the game is fun enough to play on it's own, I don't have to fulfill a childish gore quota to enjoy myself. The enemies are chopped in half and ragdolled hilariously already, we really don't need anything else.

That's why we would have toggles/adjustable levels.


I'm sorry but I'm getting sick of features being effectively nullified and reduced - without giving players who want the maximum the ability to toggle/adjust - just to compensate and cater for people who can't handle everything. People on the opposite side of the spectrum (with capable PC's) are continuously not addressed or accounted for these days. It isn't a waste of time and nor should such things be ignored because it has the possibility of creating bugs. Anything can create bugs. Adding new weapons with each update can add bugs. It's not a big and serious deal.

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I agree it should be optional, and should have performance considerations. I would not however have DE waste time taking it to Killing Floor levels of gore. Just, back to what they had would be sufficient. That strikes the right balance in my opinion, without distracting from the core themes of the game, to which gore is only an element, not a feature.


Waste time? Oh yeah, sure, I would much rather have them using that time designing and deploying yet another set of completely superfluous weapons that are boring as F*** to use. Why are they boring as F***? Because no matter what type of damage they do and however they do it, enemies always die the same boring @(*()$ way. 


Are more weapons really what we need from the design team :\  At this rate we are going to have more goddamned guns than Borderlands does coupled with ZERO reason to change your loadout apart from MOAR NUMBERS. Numbers are not the friggin' reason I am playing a shiny, anime inspired, fast paced Third Person Action Shooter where 90% of the time inflicting all manner of violence upon the enemy IS the game. People like myself, and apparently many others, need fluff to distract from just how @(*()$ mundane and reptitive this game has become, as there is no deeper message to ponder here, there is no philosophy to be challenged or discussed. In WarFrame, even more so than WarHammer, this line rings true: 


"There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods."


Give this to us, DE. We thirst for blood and you thirst for money. We can make a deal...

Edited by psyanide
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Waste time? Oh yeah, sure, I would much rather have them using that time designing and deploying yet another set of completely superfluous weapons that are boring as F*** to use. Why are they boring as F***? Because no matter what type of damage they do and however they do it, enemies always die the same boring @(*()$ way.

Are more weapons really what we need from the design team :\ At this r

ate we are going to have more goddamned guns than Borderlands does coupled with ZERO reason to change your loadout apart from MOAR NUMBERS. Numbers are not the friggin' reason I am playing an anime inspired Third Person Action Shooter. We need fluff to distract from just how @(*()$ mundane this game has become.

Lol. Ok, then why don't you start a crowd fund and collect $20k, so DE can skip a weapon release and instead focus on gore. Regardless of how you feel about it, enough people buy new content, on release, to be a revenue driver.

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