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What Happens When You Actually Put Together All The Current Lore In Warframe?


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If the Tenno are the ones with powers, how come Ancients, made up of the same stuff as Warframes, still have powers? Heck, Eximus units have powers too, and they're not even using Warframes.


Also here's an NPC that can use a Warframe that's not a Tenno: Stalker

I'm pretty sure you can fire a rifle, that does not make you a sniper.

And define 'tenno'. 

Here, let me: "We took the twisted few that had returned from that place. We built a frame around them, a conduit of their affliction. Gave them the weapons of the old ways. Gun and blade. A new warrior, a new code was born. These rejects, these Tenno, became our saviors. Warrior-Gods cast in steel and fury striking our enemies in a way they could never comprehend."

It is quite obvious that the frames are built around those who returned from the void, I seriously doubt anyone not in the same situation could just casually wear a warframe like is nothing.

The stalker may not follow the code, may not be even from the same 'batch' but he shares every other trait with the frames we use, so for effective purposes, he IS a tenno.

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There was a quarantine because the ship returned from the Void, the crew dead. There was no Infested presence in the Void nor on the ship, nor was there just one child on the ship. You are assuming that quarantine automatically means infested. You are wrong.




the orokin did send quarantined infested ships into the void. some ships did not make it into the void and hence we have the derelict ships, lephantis being one of the old orokin expirements that failed since they couldnt control him.


when the orokin could not control adults effected with the virus, they started to try children.


kaleen had no knowledge of this, hence she confronts her superious in the ember prime codex entry. she is mad because wants to save them the children, not subject them to more expirement, consdering they had just literally went to hell and back, and were absolutely scarred for life.


using children however, turned out to be successful. in the rhino prime codex entry tells it all.

it explains how davis is leading the narrator to what appears to be cryoroom where they hold the children that were quaratined on the zariman. the fact that he says he has experimented on many like him, refers to how he has done many experiments on the infested, when he says, he has never seen one so free, he refers to how he has never seen an infested child. line where davis says "no one would have believed me" and the fact that he is the one who leads the narrator to the room even while being chased by room, implies that not only did he have expierence working with the infested, that he is more than likely the one who suggested that they use a child as a more suitable host.


the reason rhino looks at his hands at the end instead of killing them at the end, is very likely because he either remembers who he is by seeing his brothers, and or he more than likely is afraid of what he has become himself. davis more than likely infected the children without telling anyone, since kaleen, the lead scientist of the zariman, tries to protect them from the orokin, and is outraged when the orokin wont tell them what they are going to do with the children.

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The Argument is Stalker is not a Tenno.


Stalker had no Warframe before the collapse; he's not a Tenno, he's not one of the twisted few, he's just a Guardian.


A Tenno is someone scarred by the Void; Stalker has never been scarred by the Void.


Stalker hides from the Tenno during the collapse; he was in a position where he was distanced enough from the Tenno to observe them but not to engage them. His codex entry pretty much says this. He was not standing with the Tenno, and he himself refers to himself as a 'Guardian' and them as 'Tenno', which means he himself did not think of himself as a Tenno, and he was likely knowledgeable as to what a Tenno was as he was a 'Guardian', suggesting his position as that of a protector, and a good protector would understand both his allies and his enemies, it's the whole reason he knew the Tenno were going to attack when he realized their posture.


While they slumber, he murders several Tenno in their sleep; the Grineer do it all the time, as mentioned by Vor and the Twin Queens. He steals their Warframes in order to use them, likely fusing several Warframes together (atleast an Excalibur, Nyx, and Ash Warframe) and makes his own modifications in preparation that they may awaken. 


A Warframe has powers without a Tenno, a Tenno only provides a Warframe the god-like capabilities by void energy. Vor hints at this during the introduction quest and several other elements of the game also suggest this is the way it works, especially Rhino Prime's Codex. Even the Ancients have powers, but they're not as strong as Warframe powers because they're not charged with the void energy, which a Tenno provides their Warframes.


Essentially, Stalker is a highly trained, elite warrior who stole several Warframes by murdering their Tenno pilots, fused them, modified the resulting suit, and then uses it to hunt down Tenno. His Warframe powers are no where near the scope of a Tenno's Warframe powers, because he's not a Tenno, because he was never scarred by the void.


Stalker is not a Tenno. His own codex entry practically proves it.

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I'm still not sold on the whole "They sent children into the void." theory.  I know they "found" children coming from ships from the void, but i don't think they went in as children (or maybe even went in at all).


I don't think the officer was being sarcastic/evasive when she said "We didn't. That would violate procedure."  I think they really didn't and her statement was more of: "We didn't put kids on those ships, so when you found kids you should have realized things were really #*($%%@ up and you shouldn't have touched them because we don't know where they came from."

Edited by Gelkor
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I'm still not sold on the "They sent children into the void." theory.  I know they "found" children coming from ships from the void, but they didn't go in as children.


I don't think the officer was being sarcastic/evasive when she said "We didn't. That would violate procedure."  I think they didn't and her statement was more of: "We didn't put kids on those ships, so when you found kids you should have realized things were really #*($%%@ up and you shouldn't have touched them because we don't know where they came from."

Compartmentalization could account for this.


As for the Hayden Tenno connection. I am curious about what the Dark Sector wiki talks about. It says that there was a futurist enclave within the CIA, and implies they are behind the events in DS. It suggest that a group new about the virus and the monsters before the events of Lasaria. There are several clues that the virus and some of the monsters may have been older then the Lasarian break out. And Mezner's plan to send a signal out across the globe also suggest, to me, that there might have been more monsters hidden throughout the Earth. This reminds me of Dev comments on the age of the Orokin and the game events, especially Geoff's statements that stressed the deep time, possibly implying a pre-history connection/origin. I am not, exactly, a fan of mixing the direct canon of DS with Warframe, but it is interesting to think about.

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Again, you're assuming a whole lot of things.

You're assuming the stalker wasn't 'scarred' by the void, show me where do you get that from.

Stalker did not hide during the collapse, what the codex entry describes is a ceremony, it even says it there, he's watching with other guardians, not hidden.

Where in the lore says he goes around killing people in cryosleep? so you're saying he's better at tech than a corpus like Alad? that's your explanation of how he gets his powers? really, he just sewn an excalibur arm with some parts of nix and ash, that's it?

Nope, warframes can not function without the void energy, the closest thing we have is the zanuka and that took extensive research and tech to be made only to result in a dog that cant kill a fly.

Edited by Eisen
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Because assuming is all the Lore has allowed us to do to reach conclusions.


In fact, tell me exactly when Stalker got void scarred, because guess what, the Lore doesn't say he ever was. The lore never states Stalker as being a Tenno. You're assuming he's a Tenno because he wears a Warframe, because it can use powers, but guess what, the lore also says that Warframes have powers without the Tenno, confirmed pretty much by Vor, Rhino Prime Codex, and Limbo's quest combined, it's why our enemies can use supernatural powers but not in the same scope as we Tenno.


On that note, tell me specifically in Lore where it says a Warframe cannot function without a Tenno. Hey, guess what? There was a Chroma Warframe that wasn't piloted by a Tenno, what do you call that? Mesa in the Patient Zero quest? Nope, she was being piloted by the Infestation, or Alad V if it turns out Warframes aren't worn but controlled from a distance, and was not piloted by a Tenno, stated by Lotus herself. Lotus could've meant that she had disowned the Tenno pilot because she was Infested? Isn't that assuming?


Also, tell me in the Lore where it says he never went around killing Tenno in cryopods. How could he not, if one, his life goal seems to be hunt down the Tenno, and two, if even the Grineer do this sort of stuff all the time? Tell me, specifically, where anything mentions as to what Stalker did for the hundreds or thousands of years between the collapse and the present day. Oh, and don't tell me he slept too, because then you'd be assuming, and apparently that's no grounds for argument by your standards.


And how can you judge that the Stalker isn't as smart as Alad V? Where in the lore does it state or has demonstrated that Stalker is at all less intelligent than Alad V?


I hate to break it to you, but your basis for him being a Tenno is as much assuming as my conclusion that he is not a Tenno, so I guess you can't really argue your point because you apparently don't accept assumption as argument...

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the fact is that the ember prime codex entry says the only ones found on the zariman were children, and the rhino prime states there was a cryoroom where they kept the subjects from the zariman, meaning the orokin had kept children in there, more than likely to continue experimenting on, rhino's prime codex entry is literally one of these experiments in progress.

Edited by HillsAndTheSea
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the fact is that the ember prime codex entry says the only ones found on the zariman were children, and the rhino prime states there was a cryoroom where they kept the subjects from the zariman, meaning the orokin had kept children in there, more than likely to continue experimenting on, rhino's prime codex entry is literally one of these experiments in progress.


Well that's what I mean, they found children on the Zariman, and kept the bodies of the children they found in a cooler.  There's no confirmation that they sent  those children into the Void. 


Maybe the adult soldiers regressed into childhood as they were warped by the void.  Maybe time passes way differently in the void and those children descended from the soldiers on those ships, who could have been trapped for decades in their time. 


Idunno, I'm just keeping my eyes open for lots of different possibilities.

Edited by Gelkor
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Well that's what I mean, they found children on the Zariman, and kept the bodies of the children they found in a cooler.  There's no confirmation that they sent  those children into the Void. 


it was more than likely something davis did in secret, since the ship secrectly dissapeared and returned, and davis is shocked when his idea works and says "No one would believe me" at the end of the rhino prime codex entry.


however, the fact remains, that regardless of whether or not it was done on purpose, the orokin still decided to experiment on them. against the will of kaleen, who was in fact the scientist in charge of the experiments (presumably infested) being done on the zariman


we know that the zariman is the only known ship to return from the void, and that the warframes were built around the ones who returned from the void, so we can safely assume that the warframes were built around the children the from the zariman.

Edited by HillsAndTheSea
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it was more than likely something davis did in secret, since the ship secrectly dissapeared and returned, and davis is shocked when his idea works and says "No one would believe me" at the end of the rhino prime codex entry.


however, the fact remains, that regardless of whether or not it was done on purpose, the orokin still decided to experiment on them. against the will of kaleen, who was in fact the scientist in charge of the experiments (presumably infested) being done on the zariman


we know that the zariman is the only known ship to return from the void, and that the warframes were built around the ones who returned from the void, so we can safely assume that the warframes were built around the children the from the zariman.


Oh yeah, I don't disagree that they experimented on the children and they eventually became the Tenno,  but I just have a feeling that it was happenstance, those children were a surprise to everyone. 

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Oh yeah, I don't disagree that they experimented on the children and they eventually became the Tenno,  but I just have a feeling that it was happenstance, those children were a surprise to everyone. 


again, the fact that davis is dropping notes (likely from the ongoing experiement) and is calm even while being chased by proto-rhino, even while the narrator who is also an scientist very well experienced with infested, thinks he is going to die, means that davis probably knows something the narrator doesnt. neither the narrator, nor kaleen, both experienced scientists, did not known of the childrens existense, and the orokin openly denied their knowledge to the scientist in charge, means that th the fact that very few people probably knew of the childrens existence. the fact that he knows where the children were kept, and is even capable of leading one to their, means he is more than likely the one who put them there in first place.


he says, "no one would would have believed me", means that this is more than likely something he predicted that everyone else either thought was crazy or didnt want to do, but regardless means that davis more than likely had knowledge regarding the experiment.


davis, with profit in mind, theorized that children would make better hosts, but kaleen rejected the idea due to moral reasons, so he did it in secret, much to kaleens outrage, and the orokin's indifference.

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the orokin did send quarantined infested ships into the void. some ships did not make it into the void and hence we have the derelict ships, lephantis being one of the old orokin expirements that failed since they couldnt control him.


when the orokin could not control adults effected with the virus, they started to try children.


kaleen had no knowledge of this, hence she confronts her superious in the ember prime codex entry. she is mad because wants to save them the children, not subject them to more expirement, consdering they had just literally went to hell and back, and were absolutely scarred for life.


using children however, turned out to be successful. in the rhino prime codex entry tells it all.

it explains how davis is leading the narrator to what appears to be cryoroom where they hold the children that were quaratined on the zariman. the fact that he says he has experimented on many like him, refers to how he has done many experiments on the infested, when he says, he has never seen one so free, he refers to how he has never seen an infested child. line where davis says "no one would have believed me" and the fact that he is the one who leads the narrator to the room even while being chased by room, implies that not only did he have expierence working with the infested, that he is more than likely the one who suggested that they use a child as a more suitable host.


the reason rhino looks at his hands at the end instead of killing them at the end, is very likely because he either remembers who he is by seeing his brothers, and or he more than likely is afraid of what he has become himself. davis more than likely infected the children without telling anyone, since kaleen, the lead scientist of the zariman, tries to protect them from the orokin, and is outraged when the orokin wont tell them what they are going to do with the children.


I'm sorry, but you pulling this out of your butt.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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